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Everything posted by brianusa

  1. Over here, there is no MOT or its test, although there are some cars that probably need it! On the other hand, my 1995 will not be required to have a smog test in two years time so saving the $15 for nothing, I've had to pay every year since new! Brian.
  2. Sadly most of the reasons stated above are the reasons that there will be very little new pre grouping locos and rolling stock anytime soon. Most modellers today grew up with diesels and BR bland Blue so the colourful liveries of earlier times mean little to them, nor do the trains themselves. Others of a certain age who are fortunate to remember the last years before BR, are lucky to recall the groupings. Even the noble British Railways with its cycling lion crest succumbed to Britrail and a couple of meaningless (to most) arrows. Brian.
  3. Also in an early episode where he was confined due upstairs to a leg injury, there were numerous Hornby O gauge locos and accessories. I think this might have also been the episode where Lady Felicia appeared in a state of dishabille after an encounter with one of the locals. Perhaps that might jog your memory! Brian.
  4. It would seem Carillion had its fingers in too many corporate pies. Brian.
  5. All these tales makes one wonder if its really necessary! All this electronic gadgetry will eventually go wrong well outside the warranty period and you are stuck for a computer here and a computer there. Our Jaguar suffered terribly from this malady and that was ten years ago! Another present day problem; airbags. Our dealer had them in stock but others are still waiting after months and months. Brian
  6. If your cars are in a locked garage, it shouldn't really matter. Brian.
  7. Wait a couple of months. Windsor may know a crowd when it see's one but it will seem like a tsunami of people blew through along with 'the' wedding. Any extra trains? No pathing will probably be the response! Brian.
  8. Presumably they would travel through Queen Street(love that name; Central sounds so up country) to StDs in order to achieve Southern metals. Is a Castle a bit too heavy for Meldon viaduct? 4300s were the engine of choice although bigger locos have been known on the line. Brian.
  9. I've used an OO backscene on an O layout and it looks OK in the right places. Brian.
  10. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/be/Dagwood_Comics.jpg/250px-Dagwood_Comics.jpg Brian
  11. While its fun to spot the mistakes, these films were made for Joe Public, many of whom are not well up on the intricacies of railway working or even railways these days. So you are left with those who want to make a movie as cheaply as possible using any old train; to these guys a train is a train, no matter if it puffs or not! OTOH, some directors care about their pictures and in 'The Train', John Frankenheimer made it as realistic as possible. Brian.
  12. Don't forget the Hornby Mustard van that only survived one year, 1923. Its a favourite of revivalists in many scales. Brian.
  13. More interesting stuff, Dave. Any idea of the length of the siding by the bridge? Perhaps one wagon or two wagons. Brian.
  14. I was spared the last days of steam in the UK having left in 1963. Steam engines were not a pretty sight having got progressively worse over the years, in dire mechanical condition with a lot of steam leaking from unnatural places and mostly filthy; but nobody cared then. I prefer to remember them when I first was interested, at least there was some TLC in those days. Brian.
  15. As an aside, what's the car TVs Dr Blake of Mystery fame drive now that he's got rid of the Standard? Looks like an Australian hybrid. Brian.
  16. Mine was updated last night and as yet have had no problems with letting them get on with it! Brian.
  17. This is another problem I have living miles away from any likely UK outlet. One book that might be of any value for an example is the OPC Russell's Great Western Engines bought ages OK but immaculate. Books are heavy and to send this one or anything similar back home, would be prohibitive with todays high postage rates. Nobody over here is interested; even if they were USPS rates are equally exorbitant so its fate is just about sealed along with the rest! Brian.
  18. I have already started disposing some of my less read books to the dump, having tried all the respectable means of getting rid of them. SH shops weren't interested, there are no heritage lines around and train shows bring the same ones as those I'm trying to get rid of! I do have a couple of potentially valuable tomes but not enough to rely on as investments! So all the others will no doubt end up in dumpsville also; sad but a reality. Brian.
  19. Not sure what 'gobbing' means; can only guess! On the whole thanks more to computers than acting, Titanic was a thoroughly watchable movie although 'A Night to Remember' is more memorable in spite of its age. Similarly 'Pearl Harbor' was watchable for the same reasons, 'gobbing' and all! 'ToraX3' seems to be the favourite on this subject though! Brian.
  20. Any body throw some light on this company? I have received an O Hornby truck which was wrapped in bubblewrap in an envelope - no box!! Cost 14 Pounds (incidentally the same price as the truck) although the Royal Mail stamp is for 3:40 Pounds. I realise the seller may have to have mailing material but this seems a bit much as I have another similar package from another seller costing only 9 Pounds. The envelope is marked Pitney Bowes and I would have thought they would have had more substantial packaging and not put bubblewrap next to the model surface. You can guess I'm not thrilled with them although the truck arrived safely, if a day late. Brian.
  21. As a follow up, its back to the scenic route until PTC is operational, later this year. They were given $800K to implement PTC but spent the money elsewhere, to obviate landslip South of Everett, which happens every year and to refurb Seattle's King Street station, both of which were sorely needed but now the money for PTC has to come from somewhere else. The sharp curve has been established as being the problem but why it was going so fast has not been released yet and unlikely to be any time soon. Brian.
  22. This is quite common on American films also. Convertibles, particularly in sun drenched scenes with a blonde driving, emphasised the 'good life' even if it was a crime movie. Brian.
  23. When boxes come with any s/h purchase they're nice to have but not necessary and not worth any extra, except perhaps to box collectors. I am now old enough to remember toy train shops in the late thirties and early forties stacked with red Hornby boxes, obviously before all this disappeared for the duration. Being only of tender years then, I have no idea what they contained but the association of red boxes and Hornby trains has remained and the reason I returned to tinplate trains and occasionally I do happily 'gloat' at those that I have. Brian.
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