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Everything posted by brianusa

  1. Should never have been closed back then. Trouble is though, the airlines have to be profitable and its no good saying that a city the size of Plymouth should have an airport if the citizenry don"t use it. Roborough to London City; there's a thought! Brian.
  2. Turned on the computer this morning to find the little round dot thingy spinning once more. This lasted for what seemed an eternity so I unplugged the whole thing and then it worked. Had to do this once before so W7 is beginning to look good and if this keeps up I shall return. Never should have left! Brian.
  3. Its obvious that repainted GW locos in any colour other than green is either loathed or loved. I don't loathe any engine but I do like my GW locos in green. BR black is bad enough but when painted in a foreign livery (although it may apply to the Pannier) or worse still when a 45xx with no precedent is so treated, then acrimony does spring to mind! But they're someone's toys who paid for them and their upkeep so is entitled to do what he likes with them and for better or worse, I'm glad they're still around. They can always be painted back! Brian.
  4. I always hope for some kind of revitalization of this branch but so far............................ Brian
  5. A lot of recent pictures of GW locos seem to be inconsistent with the shade of green associated with these locos. This is IMHO what GW green is like. Brian
  6. Hopefully it will soon revert to its proper self. Like the Pannier, red does not suit a GW loco! Don't worry, age is only a number, I'm a year older than you. Brian.
  7. Millbay Docks and Station - both gloomy places but the first of my railway memories. Not many but just enough to be interesting, mailbags from the liners, big cars and obvious Americans but they wouldn't let you in presumably because of customs, etc. So we had to stay outside the gate. The only recollection of Millbay station were the trains was a Nestles chocolate machine on the platform. Why we were there or who we met is lost forever but when you're a kid, the strangest things stick with you all the rest of ones days. Brian.
  8. Soon you won't have to worry about Scotland. Just move England and Wales closer to Ireland! Brian.
  9. All they have to do now is fix it up and get rid of that shed. Don't know what the commuter base is in the area but no doubt they would appreciate a better station. It can only grow along with the growth in the area. Brian.
  10. Hey, don't knock it. I had one of those lasted twenty years with about 120K. Traded it on my present car in 1995 for $1000 - only paid $3000 brand new! Brian.
  11. It would appear that comments on this thread are subject to the wishes of the writers. Are any of us experts - probably not, most of us are amateurs who are interested in railways and trains; otherwise why else would we be interested in this site. Also there is also the wish factor; those who would like to see Tavistock and Okehampton connected again, others who worry about the line and the consequences further West as well as the locals in the South Hams. None of our ideas will ever come to fruition unless whoever is in charge make a decision and it will take so long to happen, none of us need care. Brian.
  12. Had I known the hassles associated with W10, I would have stayed with W7. Ever since the install, problems have cropped up and rarely a day goes by when everything runs as it should. Really bad is the problems with pictures; My Pictures had no problems but every now and again I encounter a pop up that requires my MS account number. I never knew I even had a MS account number! The latest ongoing is downloading from the camera! I cannot get any pictures into My Pictures or Picasa or anywhere else. There used to be a panel asking where they should go and now, nothing. Very frustrating! As most of my work is on a PC, I need very little of what W10 has to offer and its virtually impossible to return to W7. Brian.
  13. It is most odd that there should even be talk of a more seaward route than currently exists. What's beneath the surface? Unless there's a lot of rock, dumping tons upon tons of spoil will hardly deter an angry sea that all too frequently shows up in the area. Also what about the locals of the future; whey may get a more extensive beach but will be faced with an embankment just off shore which may not please everybody. While an Okehampton resurgence may do 'sod all' for Torbay, it would do a lot for Plymouth, Cornwall and the rest of Devon (which has a greater population than Torquay, Paignton and Brixham), who suffered the most financially during the shut down. But none of this will do anything for the immediate or even near future; in fact do nothing may even be an option unless another such storm appears and then where will they be; Cap'n Kernow has retired! Brian.
  14. Possibly the main reason for these numbers is the variety of the site. Certainly a lot of SB to justify the title, but a lot of other interesting items ( I was going to write tit bits but thought better of it!) that won't be found on those irritating sites that don't allow wandering off subject. Brian.
  15. AFAIK, there has been no resolution about the Okehampton route which is almost all there. So why bring another talkathon into the mix at this stage before finding out which only adds to the delay and will be extensive anyway Brian.
  16. When we purchased our Acura TL a couple of years back, the salesman took us on a demo ride. He obviously wanted to impress us the sporty side of the car and we went haring up and down all the hilly, curvy roads he could find at revs that I would never dream of. No doubt about it, the car did everything as it should but we don't generally drive that way! We did get one in the end but one right of the lot with just a coupe of miles on the clock. Brian.
  17. Phil, it could be one of those rare times when a 'foreign' engine shows up to the delight of trainspotters. Brian.
  18. Sorry to dump on your parade, but while its an incredible piece of work, as a layout it lacks a bit - the ability to see more trains! A lot of time they are buried beneath multiple levels of track and while it is nice to see them briefly steaming through a station or between tunnels, they are lost for quite a bit. Obviously the owner must be proud of his handiwork and the effort expended, and no doubt about it, it is monumental so deserves a lot of credit for having been so designed. I couldn't have done it! Brian.
  19. I'll swap you , one colonoscopy for your dentist visit! Go tomorrow for a five year check up and can't eat anything till its over! Brian
  20. Does anybody still 'run in'? Although there is usually an advisory in the instruction book, very few seem to take any notice these days. Brian.
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