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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. Beautiful work. I wish my 4mm Buffalo rivet detail looks as good! Duncan
  2. I think the new trees improve the hedgerow. I also like the Warren in the bank. Duncan
  3. Hi Mikkel, Some are, but I think Trevor did more 40ft versions than IKB/BGS. And although very good kits the BGS ones are rather pricey Duncan
  4. Dear Tim, I quite agree about scratchbuilding. For me the cameo competition was an opportunity to scratch an itch, do that broad gauge one off that I’d never get round to if I just slowly worked in my GW 1900-1914 projects, not about finishing a layout in a certain timescale. That said I’m delight that we have the option to continue with the competition into 2020. I might even get close to nearly being finished by then! Drduncan
  5. Ok, so I’ve finally made a start on the job I’ve been dreading the ships.... So tonight, following some rescaling of rather ropey scans I have a basic drawing of a schooner hull (one will be 2 masted, the other 3 masted). The 12 inch steel ruler gives as idea of the size - 18 or so inches. And then it was time to start cutting out two sets of frames. I managed 3 for each hull before deciding enough was enough for one night. Still it’s a start and hopefully I’ll get the waterline base for both done tomorrow - if I have enough 40thou plasticard. If not it will be more frames. And yes, these are waterline models not full hulls. Drduncan
  6. The Buffalo is looking very good and I’m sorry the motor fitting has been vexing. I like the peg idea for mating cab to boiler - much better than tapped tube and bolts I’m using for the SG Buffalo. D
  7. Gareth, That cupola/bellfry is abolsutely amazing! The 3d printed brickwork is very impressive too. what else have you got on the 3d workbench? Wagons? Loco bits? Carriages? Do tell! Best Duncan
  8. A better view showing how the legs fold to get the chest high viewing level legs under a 1m long base board...
  9. Worked on the legs. You can see the split hinges that are used to allow the legs to fold twice and thus fit under the baseboard.
  10. As well as working on the kayout legs (which now seem to work, fingers crossed), I picked up a pick of exactoscale slide chairs and have been fitted to the loop trap and the loop to diamond point.
  11. Using the GWR Earl class tooling as the main components of a Duke and a Bulldog would be welcome news. D
  12. Mixed progress over the last week. On Thursday evening while up at the South Hants club rooms I laboriously added teeny tiny plasticard rivets to various BG wagons under construction. Fortunately I only did about 90 mins worth (which seemed painfully few rivets anyway) as I was loosing the will to live. There has to be a quicker and better way to do rivets than cubes of plastic. At the weekend, with the first module of track nearing completion, I decided I really needed to get the baseboard legs sorted. Installed one set, checked the folding braces worked perfectly and then found that I had put the braces in the wrong place and they’d foul the legs at the other end of the board when installed. Managed to take everything apart agin before the Resin W set like concrete. So 2nd attempt to get it right, time permitting, this weekend. Duncan
  13. How about a 3031 class Dean single to modern standards. Duncan
  14. Of course realism is highly subjective. A model of a real location might be compressed in size, yet we accept that (or don’t) but would revolt at the thought of waiting a couple of hours for a train to appear ( or perhaps some don’t). We accept without question 24hr daylight. Compromise is everything and will make or break our enjoyment of a model. And I say this as someone who enjoys building stuff and operating stuff, but finds watching others do it less than enthralling. D
  15. I agree but - and it’s a big but - if people are paying to see a layout then we are beholden to meet their expectations, at least to a point. How we run our layouts in private is just that - private. Duncan
  16. Actually, I’m rather broad minded in my modelling. 7ft 1/4” to be precise. With some narrow gauge thrown in to be fair. So does that make me narrow minded? Probably just mixed up!
  17. I always thought the finescale police were a secretive cell in the Scalefour Society! Duncan
  18. Hi, On pressing the new content button it seems to be only loading content I follow not all content. Duncan
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