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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. Added the SG rail for the cassette socket. I also managed to stick down the camping mat underlay. And yesterday I managed to do yet more cosmetic chairs, so I now have just 1/2 a turnout left to do. The next jobs are: 1. Add electrical droppers from 1/0.6 wire. These will be routed above the baseboard to the main bus behind the back scene. 2. Add cosmetic fishplates. 3. Paint rails. 4. Fit the electro magnet bolts (the bolt heads are inset into the underlay and the electro magnet hangs off them, allowing a defective magnet to be replaced if needed). 5. And then I can install the track panel! Regards DrDuncan
  2. So today, with the help of no1 son (aged 5), I have been making the mixed gauge cassette connector for the layout baseboard. Here it is with a BG cassettes mated to it on the work bench. And here it is with a SG cassette. I still need to add the SG rail to it- much grinding needed to get a bit of aluminium strip to the correct max width and allow the BG flange way. I also need to add a brass wire spring to help provide a positive location for the SG cassette. I intend the bit of bent brass rod to emerge from under one of the locating screws and it will bear on the outside of the SG cassette, but it will need to be clear if the BG rail when the SG cassette is not used... careful adjusting will be needed I think! Oh and I’ve also added lots more cosmetic chairs. Just one point and a few sleepers in plain track left to do on the first board. DrDuncan
  3. I seek to recall the John Brewer used much modified Peco OO streamline heavily disguised to about 2.5mm to the foot. I remember seeing his layout (and it looked v good and ran perfectly) at the Leamington show. It must have been in the early 1990s. I’m sure there was a RM article about it. DrDuncan
  4. Hi Mikkel, I had a look at the test piece this afternoon and there was no sign of distortion or damage. The bond between the pvc foam board and the camping mat was good too! Duncan
  5. Me too, but couldn’t be sure of suitability or reliability in too many cases on eBay. D
  6. Hi Charlie, I ordered one of these, having despaired of winning a good condition unimat at a reasonable price: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F201985425093 When it arrives I’ll let you know what it’s like in the flesh... Duncan
  7. So over the last few days: I’ve added wooden baulk as across the baseboard ends where the track bed will go. Done a test piece of camping mat and foam board using unibond impact glue to make sure the adhesive doesn’t melt/destroy either part. Drilled the pilot holes for the electro magnets in the left hand board and track base. Ordered above board servo mounts for operating the points Persuaded a fellow South Hants member to wind 8 electro magnet coils for me Persuaded the same chap to get me some bits and pieces for stock conversions (more anon if it works as an idea and in practice). installed an bench top grinder (to sharpen lathe tools etc) Ordered a mini lathe (using the club lathe means a ten min job is at least an hour round trip which is difficult with 4 children under 5 to entertain). First job will be making BG axles... Chopped up a load of aluminium angle (thanks to Kipford and his v impressive bandsaw and milling machine) to make cassettes. (Kipford also turned some of the off cuts into BG block gauges to make making the BG cassettes easier.) Made a load of cassettes, BG and SG. Worked out how to persuade BG and SG cassettes to use the same connection to the layout (which will involve the bench grinder so handy I have one now). Any added a few more cosmetic chairs to the track section on the work bench/kitchen table. And that’s it. DrDuncan
  8. Inspirational and highly educative! If only there were enough hours of free time to do cad as well as everything else! Duncan
  9. Inspirational and highly educative! If only there were enough hours of free time to do cad as well as everything else! Duncan
  10. As long as there aren’t any ads for Railex or we’ll be having a long wait! D
  11. So today (I’m on annual holidays and everyone else is at school, nursery or out) I’ve been adding cosmetic chairs to the diamond crossing. I’ve also added the final part to the first of two k crossings on the mixed gauge point work. hopefully ill I’ll get more chairs done this evening. DrDuncan
  12. I found that Bill Bedford does them - available via Eileen’s Emporium. drduncan
  13. Any sightings of MRJ 270 yet? DrDuncan
  14. Guy, With date of 1909 you could remove the infill planks on the lower side in the outer ‘x’ and have pre 04 livery (G.W.R) as repaint stock the new livery would have taken time. drduncan
  15. If only the Hammond coach sides were still available. Sigh.... Duncan
  16. Tell us more about the squareomiser please! Duncan
  17. Hi Chris, I was reading a thread on the BGS members forum which suggested that the Slaters C10 and E37 could be used to make a C3b and E25 is you could live with the wrong clerestory profile. It struck me that you could draw and cut new ends on the silhouette and make a more accurate model but without the faff of drawing up sides- assuming you can get hold of the slaters sides as spares from coopercraft - which is a minefield I admit... Duncan
  18. Do you have access to the Russel GW coaches book because I’m sure there is a drawing in it. D
  19. And 247 developments list a standard gauge 6’4” GWR bogie with integral stepboards too... DrDuncan
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