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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I think that's the least of the concerns... It'd be too expensive given away "free" for the cost of the postage!
  2. But there's so many reasons to use it here, like for the camel one above...
  3. Hroth

    New Hornby Rocket

    Only if you can find an "L" parts prefix....
  4. Friends of my mother used to live on Woolton Road, the bit between Mather Avenue and Longcroft Avenue, and my grandmother lived on the other end of Queens Drive near Rice Lane. Apart from that, we never got to go anywhere near the railways...
  5. Hroth

    Lockdown #2

    Or is it an oncoming Logger?
  6. Thats a slippery slope!!! Which the brakes of a Coal Tank won't prevent you from descending at greater speed... A rake of Hattons Generic 6 wheeler coaches in LNWR livery would go rather nicely with it! https://www.hattons.co.uk/newsdetail.aspx?id=879 They'd go nicely with the Precedent too... Look at suggestions 5 and 6 in the formations sheet. https://www.hattons.co.uk/newsdetail.aspx?id=867 or even
  7. Hroth

    New Hornby Rocket

    The TT Merchant Navy used something similar to the XT.60 but I've not seen one in the flesh. Photos look a lot more clunky than the XT.60 in my old Caly single. The 0-6-0 TT chassis used a motor similar to the X.500 but again more clunky, or at least an earlier stage of development.
  8. Hroth

    New Hornby Rocket

    I've not heard of that before, but if so it would be the ancestor of the X.04, which Rovex bought in to power the original M&S Princess. Rovex liked the motor so much, they bought the company! I believe that the XT.60 was designed specifically for "Lord of the Isles" (and also used in the Caledonian 123), and the X.500 for Rocket. Thinking on, my father had a "huge" 12v motor that was ex-RAF with bags of torque and too big to be used in an O gauge loco, this would have been a better choice to drive film spools, though I don't know who made it. Something of the X.04 motors size might have been better for driving a high speed shutter.
  9. Hroth

    EBay madness

    The giveaways are the clunky N gauge couplers and the even clunkier wheels which, if scaled up to OO/HO even Lima wouldn't touch with a bargepole! Looking at the offering again, perhaps the "Purspex" refers to the box the van is supplied in?
  10. The only thing I remember about "Ironside" was there always used to be a jug of coffee on the stove. Visitors would pour a mug, take a sip and then leave it. Unless they got to his place early enough it must have been stewed. Unless he tipped the mug back into the jug...
  11. How about a series about trains from the late 50s/early 60s? Railway Roundabout. Good for era-specific atmospheric background DVDs are available...
  12. A bit more counterbalancing on the derrier?
  13. Hroth

    EBay madness

    There's no problem with that, the GWR did briefly own a couple of Terriers, when they took over the WC&P...
  14. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I prefer the warm orange of the sodium lights, so cozy. Better than the glaring LED lights of today, which seem to be a step back to the mercury vapour streetlighting...
  15. Hroth

    Lockdown #2

    Well, there's all those unused cruise liners bobbing about offshore, though I'm sure that the Mail/Express would get hold of the wrong end of the stick (as usual).
  16. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Its when the bats appear....
  17. Looks like a Fake Santa to me... We need to be telling the children "Santa will not be able to visit this year, he's got to self-isolate".
  18. Elevating it to "ironic comment"...
  19. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Its a painfully inept attempt to make a model of either Boxhill or Beulah as converted to run "Motor Trains" in the early years of the 20th Century. Boxhill was lucky enough to be converted back to 0-6-0 format in 1913 and survived to become part of the National Collection. It looks like the leading driver has been removed and replaced by a bogie wheel* in the original bearing, which probably won't make contact with the track. Its probably worth about 12 quid, and that would be INCLUDING postage! * Even the number of spokes looks wrong...
  20. Hroth

    New Hornby Rocket

    "Captain Tom Moore" cannibalised slots for other Class 66 liveries. Hornby seems to have taken up the mantle of Lima in producing small (ie the smallest sensible production quantity), examples of recent/current Class 66 liveries which could be switched step by step to CTM. It would explain the tendancy of the "preorders" to ratchet up in approx 500 unit quantities. The eventual number of CTM models was bounded by a lack of repurposable manufacturing slots. As for the Rocket 2nd class coaches, I had preordered from Derails and got their email on the 10th. I hope they get what they expected, and that I get what I preordered. If not, its no problem, not the end of the world. Another problem might arise with ports being clogged by Christmas/Brexit space hogging... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-54908129
  21. I think that whats called "thinking outside the box"...
  22. Hroth

    EBay madness

    When I was looking for a Peco N gauge starter pack late last year, I looked in all the usual places (and some unusual ones too) and got one for about 47 quid all in. However even then there were many that pushed well past the Peco suggested price and I seem to remember that particular pricing at the outer edge of sanity too! Having said that, s/h prices, no matter where you look, are rather silly at the moment.
  23. If we're doing dreadful pub/bar scenes... Star Wars... Rango... Despicable Me 2...
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