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Everything posted by srihaggis

  1. Deleted. Just found the Locomotion thread for this model. has answered 'most' of my questions: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/119099-class-66-evening-star/
  2. Just cataloging my collection for insurance purposes & totting up amout spent... yikes!

    1. srihaggis


      Joys of being single brings advantages!

  3. I think you'll find the ratio of families / enthusiasts is pretty much the same anywhere in the country. I used to do some pres on-train work, and in my oppinion i'd say 1 in every 100 would be an enthusiast, the rest being families and members. This of course changes for gala specific events when everyone crawls out the wood work! Going back to Blaenau, ok this would be an age away, but if an arrangement 'similar' to Whitby NYMR could be reached where they run into the existing station to avoid having to buy land and build a new station 'out of sight' from the current Blaenau. I say similar because Whitby is a Terminus and not what Blaenau would essentially become... a though station, but i'm sure with todays tech something could be sorted. The run-round facility is in place anyway.
  4. Apologies if this has been covered, the email dated 24th Dec says deposits will be banked during the first week of January. My deposit hasn't yet gone out of my account from what I can make out. Could you confirm if you have taken all the deposits, or have already taken payments incase i've missed it somewhere? I preordered mine online on the Saturday of Warley. Thanks
  5. You shouldn't need to ask... it is the best this year (well last) in my opinion.
  6. Can't comment about the daylight between loco body, but the model comes supplied with a cartzi truck set up to swivel, but the model also comes with a replacement truck in the box, which if fitted is of a fixed position.
  7. As far as I remember it's just 4 screws and the body pops off. I have a class 220, I believe the motor is the same as the 221 & I always thought the model runs very slow indeed, but not having another to compare with I have left it as it is. Let us know how you get on performance wise in the future.
  8. Well what can I say, I saw a few reviews on YouTube for this model, for saying I keep telling my self, no more steam (I'm a mostly modern image modeller), I took a drive over to Dapol on Thursday to pick one of these fine machines up. From what I can see, it is a very good example and as a former die-cast collector of road vehicles, it is a very pleasing change to see a locomotive in diecast. Instantly noticible is the omission of the mould line that you would get on injection moulding along the top of the boiler that most manufacturers try to hide with paint, very nicely done indeed. Had mine running earlier on a 3ft test track, once you get to grips with how to drive the loco off with the relevent sound functions, it is a great machine, just missing the steam at the bottom by the smaller front wheels (not sure what their called). If they could tool that into their next project it'd be the bees knees! The sounds on it are pretty good too. Factory delivery of the sound level is just about right for me, not too loud (apart from the safety valves obviousally), and the running is very smooth. The Coupling Sound is a bit hit and miss though (F13 i think), sometimes works most of the time doesn't, however i'm not fussed. The only thing the manual doesn't seem to cover, is how do we know when the loco has ran out of smoke-oil? I know the obvious answer would be when it stops producing smoke, however the manual does say do not allow the smoke generator to run dry, but do not over fill it. This is a bit of a catch 22 scenario. Any tips on how to overcome this would be appreciated.
  9. Talking from a DCC point of view... probably not possible to do all of this but seeing as it's a wish list so to speak... 1. Head/Tail lights. Both ends independantly capable of being turned off, eg when running 2 units together. 2. Interior lighting in saloons and toilets, again capable of being turned on and off (for those ECS moves )and not just live at all times which is a backwards move imo. 3. Cab lighting independant control, eg if turned on only one cab light comes on and not both at once. 4. Separate lighting control for destination blinds (preferably in an enclosure to prevent light leakage) 5. CDL lights. 6. EMT have a weird blue light on the underframe... Went out specially this evening to grab this photo. I think it's some sort of diagnostics recording thing but probably too noval to fit this to a model
  10. i'm pretty sure they used to run leading pan first once upon a time? Then around 2008/2009 time I observed them running rear pan as norm?
  11. An extract from the email I got as follows: Thank you for your order. Your card was authenticated successfully but NO money has been debited from your account. Your card will ONLYbe debited when your order is fulfilled. I can only assume it means when models are ready to ship, or at least I hope lol
  12. Look forward to seeing the factory painted samples. Only got the 1 on order for now but so very tempted to go for a second
  13. I'm not a kettle person but it does look a nice piece and excellent value with the presentation box etc. If I didn't have as much as I currently have on order; I might have bought one just like I did with KGV - only becasue it looked good! Green locos in gloss seem to look well in my oppinion, hence I bought the class 20 off you yesterday even though it isn't technically accurate for the 'as preserved' image... it just looked good and hope it has added some more coffers to the Shildon Locomotion pot for restorations. Coming from a preservation background this is why i'd sooner buy an exclusive model from you, rather than some other retail outlet, becuase I know the profit is going to a good cause, and I think this is what a lot of people are forgetting!!
  14. According to the leaflet being handed out it's a 2018/2019 job. Also, didn't notice till mentioned earlier, the windows (both cab and saloon) do indeed seem to stand a bit 'proud' compared to the prototype which is something I couldn't put my finger on when looking at the sample in person. Is this sample very much a proving sample & will this be rectified before production? Looking at a photo of the real 156408 (clicky), there is a gutter that is above the door - it appears to run down the sides of the door on the model too. Some clarity on this would be appreciated. These parts aside it looks a very neat model.
  15. Only took the one photo. Ordered just the 1 scotrail for now, will order this EMT one when released for sure.
  16. Surprised nobody has made mention of these yet. Dropped by to see the tank samples at warley earlier today; they look superb. Part of me is saying change to N after seeing the N versions rocking around that test loop! They [00] are a lot heavier than I expected. Look forward to recieving them next year.
  17. The Hornby pendo & Bachmann 'Super' voyagers are more or less the same, on the underframe of the chassis are 2 ramps and on the bogie is a 'pin' so as bogie turns it makes the vehicle lean. The super voyager is best for tilting in model form (in 00) as the way the motor is seated, it allows for the coach to tilt properley, where as the pendolino, the motor (attached to the bogie - I think) doesn't tilt so all the tilting on the motorised end is done off the leading bogie only. Dummy car is both bogies iirc. I sold my pendolino packs about 5 years ago so vague memory - all I do remember for sure is I kept having to resolder the wire to the pickups!
  18. Well if thats the N version the 00 Version will be fantastic. Any idea when you'll be requesting the next batch of monies?
  19. Right thats it, no rmweb for me until Sunday evening... normally do Warley Saturday for the announcements but still want to be a big kid at xmas so to speak, so no internet for tomorrow then off to the show Sunday :)

  20. Just ordered some more of these wagons after reading rapidos latest news letter. had to be done otherwise I would have only gone and spent the funds on something else at Warley this weekend!
  21. Just come back from a walk where it dawned on me the bogies are more or less the same on 153,155 & 156. More than happy to wait till the weekend to find out anyway
  22. Almost looks like a 156 bogie... the damper should be more to the right imho, but if it is, i'm in anyway!
  23. Will said mystery model be available for order at the show?
  24. Just a quick snap from Ruddington SB yesterday... https://youtu.be/MyDxUEWPxwo
  25. Speaking to some of the founding people at the north about 3-4 years ago, when they started running past East Leake station, or was about to when the residents started to kick off due to the solicitor problem, somewhere along the lines a noise survey had to be undertaken by an independent organisation (funded by the railway) and they found the noise of a plane passing their house was louder than the train passing by. I notice at the south end of East Leake somebody is doing some sort of development, not sure if housing or other purpose? Its a shame potential housing development plots nearby heritage lines can't be protected from such development, there won't be much of a view for the paying passengers in say 20-30 years time at the current rate of property development, which would probably put me off visiting such a railway for a general day out (except galas for example), however if you listen to anything the people promoting the bridge project I guess this is the idea of an inter-city heritage railway isn't it? Take a train from any city to any city and its very developed. I suppose we're quite fortunate that the current amount of properties along the whole GCR/GCRN formation is very few in comparison, at the moment anyway.
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