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Mad McCann

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Everything posted by Mad McCann

  1. Four whole days of modelling couldn't-be-@rsed-ness. This weather needs to change. And fast if I'm ever goingbto feel like doing any again!

  2. Just a quick heads up. Spoke to Elspeth last week. If you're waiting for paint, there are some supplier delays holding things up but the matter is in hand. Hopefully we'll see this resolved before too long. Dave.
  3. Well you're going to have to; they're not made yet!
  4. Pull out the instigator, because there's something in the air...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. davefrk


      Nah, I prefer Genesis...

    3. Horsetan


      ...and you know it's right

    4. 45568


      CALL out the ...etc... leave your instigator in your trousers!

  5. Wonder if they will cover the Scottish Trader variants with cupboard doors? Pretty much signature equipment on pre-1930 Scottish metals.
  6. I'm not sure this range will be as uncoordinated as this first tranche of releases might suggest. I suspect interesting developments are afoot that we are as yet unaware of where Oxford are concerned
  7. Wait until you have a depraved trip around it... Dave.
  8. So nice to have had decent weather these past couple of days. What a moodlifter! ??

    1. DavidLong


      It snowed here. I hate snow. I do not expect snow in Manchester. Harrumph!

    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I love the stuff. Better than the two unbroken months of gloom rain and mud we suffered before. Continental Blocking till April please!

  9. Decent winter weather on the border for s change! ??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. davefrk


      About 7cm of snow here this morning, lovely, might try out the winter tyres later, we do need milk anyway....

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      So there's some wintery weather up by Launceston, is there?

    4. Horsetan


      Half-hearted snow here...

  10. Today, my world became a wee bit less colourful... :-(

    1. vitalspark


      I hope this has got not nothing to do with Abi?

    2. davefrk


      More likely David Bowie, I seem to remember Mad was into Bowie

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Aye. Abi is here safe and well, I'm happy to report.


  11. Got a '54 Duke though by the time Larbert's ready it'll probably be a different gauge anyway! ;-) D4
  12. The whole issue of "authenticity" is fraught with peril when virtually every loco and every living thing (as perceptively noted earlier) has been constantly renewed through its life, much in the fashion of Trigger's Broom. Whilst it WILL look more authentic in BR dark green with the Kylchap and Witte deflectors, it really does pale into insignificance when placed on the scale of real world events one should be angered or concerned about today so let's just enjoy the fact we have a rejuvenated A3 back on the job without getting our collective Alans in a twist about it, ladies and gents. What say you? Dave.
  13. Snow? If only; the raindrops currently battering off my conservatory roof appear to be wearing diving boots.. Nice buffer stops mind.
  14. Looks like 6851 got her blue paint most likely during 1970.
  15. Damn you, combi tap; this is a job for Plumbing Repair Man..!

    1. vitalspark


      John the joiners a dab hand wi taps.

    2. skipepsi
    3. Horsetan


      Count yourself lucky it's not a job for Dyno-Rod.

  16. I was a hit man for Mary Whitehouse...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rembrow


      Glad I wasn't Lord Longfield, a particular target of Mary's

    3. DavidLong


      Longford . . . as in County.

    4. Claude_Dreyfus


      Hit man and her...


      I was the sit man for Barbara Woodhouse.

  17. I was a hit man for Mary Whitehouse...

  18. The first Jan 6th that trains will run along the Gala Valley in 47 years. :-)

    1. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      So they stopped running on my 10th birthday. Yay!

  19. The first Jan 6th that trains will run along the Gala Valley in 47 years. :-)

  20. 4S42...

    1. davefrk


      Is that the answer to the ultimate question at Train Enquiries?

    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      It's the ultimate something. ;-)

  21. Hamesick.

    1. vitalspark


      Easy sorted..theres a sofa at the clubrooms.

    2. davefrk


      Actually there's two sofas and a sofa bed if the truth be known...

  22. Oh, he's not the only deviant in the group... ;-)
  23. Are there future plans beyond the Furness/Lanky prototypes? Not rushing you naturally with these just being launched but there are a fair few 'niche' companies deserving of attention. :-) Dave.
  24. Likewise, I'll be in the Market for one of those pretty Furness K2s. A venture with this level of vision requires encouragement! :-) Dave.
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