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Everything posted by sp1

  1. Or go out wearing a kilt/ skirt etc
  2. Has anyone thought of mentioning this to Rapido - I feel sure they could do it justice and given the recent success of the Hornby Pecketts and other recent industrial locos it would seem a sure fire winner- I would even buy one and my interest is GWR!
  3. I did pretty much the same. I found I could join turnouts together how I want them but when I started adding flexitrack it was difficult to judge the length and near impossible (that might just be me!) to get any kind of curves correct, so I printed off them turnouts and simply used pieces of flexitrack to establish lengths and curves and simply drew around these. I did this on the back of leftover wallpaper. Edit to add: I then traced this onto greaseproof paper (big roll for about £1 from supermarket) and after sticking down foam underlay simply used the tracing to transfer the plan to the underlay by simply poking a pencil through the plan leaving a series of dots which I then joined up.
  4. Thank you for the reminder about those jigs - I must get one (have been meaning to for ages!)
  5. But the difference is that the UK government does not ask foreign powers to collect VAT for them?
  6. I really had to take a second look at these as I wondered at first why you were posting prototype photos on this thread.......superb!
  7. That’s easy - the black wire goes on the outer track unless it changes to the inner track, in which case it goes on the inner track until it becomes the outer track. Simples. You only need two wires....
  8. Yes, the oil tank looks superb
  9. I think I was lucky in getting a good runner. The body on these is superb but seems to have been let down in many cases by a poorly designed chassis. As much as I would welcome any new models with bodywork as good as these BUT (and it is a big but!) if you have to build (or acquire by other means) a new chassis to make them run well then I really hope that DJM don’t produce any more GWR locos because no other manufacturer is likely to touch them for decades (and no, I won’t mention th Oxford Rail Dean Goods.....)
  10. If that’s DCC you’ve done it wrong- you only need two wires: I would rip it all out and replace it with just a black one and a red one.....
  11. sp1

    Teaky's attic

    That bridge needs weathering- if you ask your local chimney sweep for some soot you could rub some above the arch
  12. I have never heard of using chalkboard paint like this - what are the advantages?
  13. Repaint all of them if you want them to match?
  14. Repaint all of them if you want them to match?
  15. For those that were transported it was probably better than the alternative, which entailed having your neck stretched....
  16. I have in the past used emulsion paint (from ‘tester’ pots) for mortar: paint basic brick colour (in enamel), pick out random bricks in darker and lighter colour, then brush the emulsion on and quickly wipe off (you may need to use a damp cloth) - this mortar layer has the effect of toning down the brickwork and blending in the differently coloured bricks. The tester pot I used was a ‘mushroom ‘ colour- you could adjust the colour by adding eg black before painting it on if you wanted darker coloured mortar on parts of a wall. Sorry I can’t add photos as I’m using phone.
  17. That is a beautiful loco - and I’m modelling the GWR!!!
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