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Mallard60022 last won the day on June 12 2015

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    A small island.
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    Not working.

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  1. Went into work to find very turse note from manager complaining that staff had said the place was cold. I found that some tw*t had turned off all the rads. Someone had also been climbing the walls in the bogs to switch off the hand dryer switches. I really do give up as these are supposed to be professional adults.

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    2. Mallard60022


      Horses are more intelligent and better behaved. They also know that you can turn rads back on if you are cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    3. beast66606


      You wouldn't have enjoyed working with me in my Nuclear days then - those are tame !

    4. Mallard60022


      Don't get me wrong beastie, I have worked around a bit. What I can't get is that the plonker of a man**er didn't realise that the sodding radiators had been tuned off. Thick or what? It is earning a bundle of the public's money whilst I scrimp to provide for my modelling addiction. If I could get treatment for that addiction I'd tell them to stuff there radiators up their boiler (which is now mended by the way - see previous posting from weeks back).

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