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Everything posted by Mallard60022

  1. Hello Lippy. I might be able to get over to Cleethorpes in May (if it's not shut - local joke; no offence meant) on the Saturdays only from 36E. This layout is worth going to see folks (I was lucky to get a quick view at Railex 2011) How's the 56 conversion going mate? P @ 36E
  2. That's a very nice set of pics (yet again). Something about that blue livery that fits the PN playground. I also think it is really great that 'visiting' loco's can stretch their legs in such a friendly way. The burble warp scenic item has given me an idea for actually using bubble wrap for certain scenic areas such as large areas of grass. It could be used as a cover 'layering' over the card or polystyrene methods we all know and love, (bubble side down)? If I tried this I would then paste over it a thin layer of suitable fabric that SWMBO has discarded as too flimsy for protecting fruit bushes at the farm allotment. Alternatively I could just lay my recently acquired Faux Fox Fur (so called Teddy Bear Fur) over as it has quite a thick 'skin'? I shall experiment in a darkened room on return from my travels; (no one wants to witness animal cruelty). Anyone got some hair clippers I could borrow? ATB for now. P @ 36E
  3. Mr Bedford's Dreadnaught plans/samples look very good.....

  4. Our Housemartins have given up and gone......don't blame them really.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eastwestdivide


      Still plenty of swallows out feeding this week

    3. Mallard60022
    4. bcnPete


      Flag Day - Fab song...

  5. Taz, this being your first attempt you should now take a good round of applause. A truly excellent start and you will now be addicted having sniffed the solder fumes. I really like the hinges and 'bumpers'; as GW Rob says they are a faff but well worth the effort. I'm sure Geoff won't mind me mentioning that he does neat little springing units for bogies (they give a smoother 'ride'); worth trying. There are also some nice 'additional' GWR bits in the Dart castings/MJH/ Frogmore range. I have used some neat sprung GWR buffers; a bit expensive but a nice touch. I believe Pendon use Masokits gangway sets if you decided you needed to 'go detailed' on a future kit. The only thing I do differently from yourself it would seem is that during the build I solder the ends to the sides before I add the steps as I find it easier to get things square. This is a good little coach and I am sure it will be the first of many. Welcome to the club. P @36E
  6. Soldered flesh, yummy. Well done Gilbert, what a great start. You will find that polishing up the white metal body with a softish wire brush will be very theraputic as is spending far too much time cleaning up brass bits with a burnishing pen. Good thing about this little beauty is that it is going to be black and then dirty. Easy peasy and great fun. P
  7. Thanks Tim. If I actually got my self into forward gear with 30% cut off I could actually get my pile of kits finished and then that would justify the purchase of a PDK product. Little hope of that though as I'm soooooooooooooooooo slow. P
  8. "Sorry if I have gone OT but feel that Gilberts efforts and meticulous attention to detail have sparked a new wave of enthusiasm amongst us ECML modellers!" I think this thread thrives on OTs. Can an O2 be cobbled from an O1 and bits or is it a job too far and one has to go PDK? I know nothing about the Classes you see - sorry. P @ 36E
  9. Teddy bear fur....uuuummmm, so smooth and comforting before becoming scenery.

    1. gwrrob


      Will it be a picnic ?

    2. Mallard60022


      That's a good idea as it will be a big field......... (ssshhh, don't let the teddy hear me say that).

  10. Spotter's doom has got me again! I couldn't make the Station today as I was at a birthday party - pah! Ooooohh I just love that little pilot and the F Goods full frontal - yummy. P @ 36E
  11. Good grief that was a big wet one........

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      To much detail


    3. richbrummitt


      Thanks for sharing!

    4. Mallard60022


      Any more rain like that and we will be playing at being Noah.

  12. Gilbert, you will make a great job of your kit. Compared to golf and the legal profession it really is a doddle and you don't have to smash the thing with a bendy stick every couple of minutes or smash the client with a bigger non-bendy stick every couple of minutes. Go for a juicy little 0.6.0. (but not a Gibson J15 - you can finish off mine). If you haven't seen TW doing his thing on the Right Track DVDs (loco building) I can recommend you do that before embarking on the real thing. One, it is a good laugh and two, you get into the groove as these modern chicks say don't you know. It will be very reassuring to some if you do identify those little mistakes that will inevitably occur, before you are shown how to rectify them by Mr. W. Getting the chimney vertical or chassis to run for example and if you really have to because you are not allowed an 0.6.0., getting the so***ng wallcharts stuff to look neat and rotate elegantly without falling to bits on first outing. I think there is a whole new series of threads coming up here - "Loco's for Peterborough North", followed by " Rolling Stock for Peterborough North" and the inevitable " Populating Peterborough North" ;(could I volunteer to help with this as I think we can create some real 'characters',especially those with duffle bags and Hales Individual Fruit Pies ?). Don't panic, I'll make the pies. You will, of course, have to fit those in between your posts on "Scenics for Peterborough North", but hey, it's winter coming up and the courses will be flooded, wind-swept and dark and this scenic lark is your forte. I can see the sparks from the static grass applicator lighting up those gloomy winter evenings. I do hope Tony might return to 25% cut-off and get back to doing his 'workshops' at Hobby Holidays; they were great fun and such a help to duffers like myself when it comes to loco kits. Landscapes could then get to do his own stuff rather than waiting nearly a year (even if the result from Cornwall is a magnificent beast). Actually Hobby Hols do a painting and weathering workshop, usually with Mr Rathbone and Mr Shackleton (not at the same time I hasten to add). I've done both as you can tell from my abundance of unfinished, unpainted, unweatherd items. However, normal mortals come away from these inspired and skilled beyond belief. I can recommend them (the workshops, not the attendees). I know other courses are available but I have no experience of those, but others have said just how good they are too. Well worth the pennies I'm told. Now, where is that other spotter's pen.... I had it just now? P @ 36E P.S. As someone already has a small layout depicting Retford, but not including the 36E Thrumpton (GC) Shed, I am just hatching a cunning layout plan being inspired by that York thing by someone called Tom.........
  13. Socks. Well he was wearing his Leeds United pair as all good Firemen should from that part of the world The signals are really making the place look 'busy'. Excellent stuff. My spotter's pen has just expired...... Mr Simon - hello. You will be building the Newark section of the ECML then? Nice prototype. P @ 36E
  14. Quick heads up for Branchlines. Phoned yesterday p.m. for a set of Baccy 108 EM replacements and a chat about wheels for the Dapol 22. Informative and very helpfulchat and the wheel-sets arrived this a.m. What excellent service. P @ 36E.
  15. Ah ha. You lucky bloke. Prepare to become a member (in the best possible taste) of the 'Mr Blobby' school of TW soldering (you will find out what that means, so wait and see). First loco's then coaches matey......... Congratulations. Oh yes, if I can solder a few bits of stuff together and make it work, anybody can. However, I take years to do things so don't follow any of my tips. ATB P @ 36E GN
  16. "Mallard herself on this duty today, and "klearly" bulled up by Top shed for this duty". Think I look quite good with a bit of polish applied.......however the gender change has been uncomfortable Lovely stuff G, especially the 3/4 tender and Pullman shot. P @ 36E
  17. Tornado is defo a diesel...........

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      electric more like

    2. MarkC


      Why, Mallard22?

    3. Mallard60022


      Just a haze from the chimney with a 'purring' exhaust and a gentle hum from the gear. Sounds like a 67 not working very hard. Doesn't smell like one though thank goodness.

  18. My layout has now got a Russian Punk Band item without the Riot bit.......

  19. Storm approaching at high speed by the look of the breeze.........

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mallard60022


      There are no Virgins on the West Coast...........

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Oh dear, should I really ask you how you know *that*? oO ;-)

    4. Mallard60022


      Sorry old bean, I do not quite get your drift (nose grows very long at this point - yes I said nose.....)

  20. I just love ballasting.........so theraputic.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. trisonic


      Put me down as well.

    3. trisonic


      Put me down as well.

    4. Mallard60022


      OK Tri you have been put down so you can walk away now...........

  21. I have just modelled a 4mm, finescale cheque book. I used the correct paper having spent many hours researching at Threadneedle Street. It represents an example used by a local bank circa 1960. I'm now about to do the printing on the cover. I don't have to model an appropriate fountain pen as I already did that last week whilst watching the beach volleyball. Gilbert, tell Jeff P that I have modelled a 4mm pair of specs so he can read his Ian Allen book. He can collect them next week SAC Martin - spotting only allowed if it includes Hales Individual Fruit Pies......OK I'm going now.......... Re. the extra loco's Gilbert. Shall I finish off some DJH Pacifics I've had half completed for about .......years? I can easily convert them back to Finescale OO Alternatively I do have a spare Retford based 'bongo' (61212) if you want to borrow that on long term loan? Comet Chassis, Markits Wheels under a Dapol body so it is not truly accurate however I made it, it's weathered and I think it looks OK. I'll PM you a pic. It could just be sitting in a siding having failed as it's not DCC (yet).......? P @36 E (P.S. I think L.G's photoshop of the A3 is brilliant and I do like AY's B & Ws too. Also, I'm really looking forward to the 'special working').
  22. Sorry I also couldn't resist this. .............Gold Medal standard performance by Peter. He has raised the roof .........(and lowered it again )............ a remarkable performance. An A3 in that setting just looks so good (well I know they look[ed] good almost anywhere). P @ 36E
  23. Now that is something to behold.......makes my building work look like Airfix Kits There are a couple of 'through 'shots looking under the canopy that look just like the real place (so your phots are getting really good Gilbert). I shall go outside and think of how I can improve my scenic skills; I may be sometime. P @ 36E
  24. Olympic BMX .... that's bonkers that is..........

  25. The Oly**ics (there, I've breached the copyright) is a huge Circus and some performances are quite enjoyable...........

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Quite. But we've already been informed on here that The Greatest Show on Earth is at Cheltenham this Saturday! ;-))

    2. Horsetan


      It's only the Greatest Show if it's the National Hunt Festival.

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