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Everything posted by sb67

  1. Really love Horsely Bank and I've just came across some photos on here that I haven't seen before. I was wondering does anybody know what's happened to it now, is it still on the circuit? I'd love to see some new pics or see it in the flesh sometime. Steve.
  2. Really liking the pictures of the weathered locos Steve
  3. Does anyone know if there are any Pecketts left anywhere or if and when Hornby will be sending out more. I'f contacted a couple of traders and they couldn't help? Steve
  4. Watched it this eve and got to say I quite enjoyed it :-)
  5. I think Narrow Planet do custom Peckett works plates although I might have been looking at the wrong ones. They do an early or late style, I would like to get some as well but not sure what I would need to get.steve.
  6. Did you remove the printed nameplate, if so how? I'd like to rename mine and get an etched works plate as well. Thanks. Steve
  7. Just got my Peckett. Stunning little loco! One question, might seem daft to some but when they were being used how would they have kept a supply of coal for the days work? Steve.
  8. Fantastic weathering Martin. I'd like to try some of the fading techniques you use. Have you ever done any British outline stock? Steve.
  9. Love the photos of Brew St and I'm inclined to agree with the posts about losing the effect by running larger locos. I've got a Hornby Peckett on order and own a Hornby Sentinel so the could have answered my question. I really like the plan and might try and build something a bit more urban. I like the look of Sheep Lane as well so I'll look at that. Steve.
  10. I'm really inspired by this micro layout in Decembers Model Rail. I'm thinking of doing something similar and was trying to think of a way it could be tweaked in order to run a main line loco on it but I'm a bit stumped. I've posted a pic of the plan, love to know peoples ideas. Steve.
  11. Got my books Strathwood always comes up with the goods, they are fantastic, loads of pics I havent seen before and the quality is superb. Highly reccomended! Steve.
  12. I'm looking forward to getting my 'looking back at 31,33 and type 5' books any day now Any news on the Seventies Diesel and electric days remembered book I've seen advertised? Steve.
  13. Really like this layout! I love the simplicity of the plan which I think looks very prototypical. I was wondering how you operate it, is there a timtable or card system and how interesting is it to operate. Hope I get to see it in the flesh sometime. Steve.
  14. Just looked through the thread and got to say the work and layout is stunning! Can I ask what glue do you use to stick plastic to card or to stick down the brick papers you use? Think I've said this about some of your weathering but James you should write a book! Hope I get a chance to see Loftus road in the flesh. Steve
  15. Maybe a silly question but is this the 'countess of warwick class' 0-6-0? Hope so, had a little drive of one at the North Norfolk Railway the other week and like to get a model. Steve.
  16. Norwich 30-09-2016. Working Norwich to Lowestoft trains I think.
  17. sb67

    Recomended Reading?

    Thanks for the reply's. I've definitely got some to look for now! My preference would be the GER/ER of British Rail and it would be good to read about some Diesel era memories as well. If I find anything I'll post it on here. Steve.
  18. sb67

    Recomended Reading?

    Found a couple of Bradford Barton books today; LMS Locoman, LMS Locos from the footplate. Both by George Bushell. Looking forward to reading them.
  19. sb67

    Recomended Reading?

    I recently bought this from a second hand shop and really enjoyed it. It's the story of one mans life on the Great Eastern Railway. The first time I've actually read a railway book as opposed to look at pictures! I was wondering if anyone can recommend any similar type of book. Regards Steve.
  20. I've only just caught this thread and have to say what a fantastic layout this is. Apologies If I've missed this in the thread but how did you do the inlaid track? That is amazing! Also is the digger by the coal drops a kit? Regards Steve
  21. Love the picture of the 08 going to the wagon works, really modelable, does anyone know if there's any photo's of he wagon works anywhere? just done a google search and couldn't find anything. Steve.
  22. Great looking layout. Looking forward to seeing more pics
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