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Everything posted by ruggedpeak

  1. That is completely normal for TV production. What you see on screen rarely bears any relation to the reality that was filmed, and if the context or background to something can't be explained in 3 seconds or less then it will be lost. I agree with the continuity issues, this episode and some of the more recent ones have become more disjointed and randomised. It is also clear actual trains are becoming less and less important to the format. That may be deliberate as in my household the non-train people like all the non-railway modelling things (volcanos etc) and would have no interest if it focused on actual trains.
  2. I was a little surprised that the standard warnings were not issued at the start: "Mild peril, injury detail". Which included a drilled finger and the blood covered drill bit
  3. No, I'd travelled some distance to a store specifically for this and other "bargains" and it wasn't worth the time and cost to take it back. Just dismantled it to recover parts and wiring for re-use. Once in bits you can see if it is desgined for occasional use.
  4. Sounds like a focus on steam, but I have all my Hornby and Airfix diesel locos from 30+ years ago and they are mechanically simple and I enjoy maintaining them. Modern loco's are lovely but far too fiddly and too much electronics for me to maintain or tinker with - have loads but you need fine motors skills to work on them which I don't have! I often buy 30 year old Hornby and similar locos at shows, some tested some not. As long as you realise some will be basket cases and pay accordingly it provides a lot of enjoyment in itself. I've bought a few that the sellers thought were a lemon but I knew enough to do a simple repair and get it running well Embrace older models and you will soon develop some expertise and knowledge at a much lower cost and more enjoyment potentially than buying brand new.
  5. I'd just say I bought the Parkside soldering iron a few years ago and it is ok for general soldering but I didn't use it that much and it died within a year.
  6. That's a good sized model, looks fab :) Need a micro layout for it!
  7. It was a great result, couldn't believe it. They go for silly money on auction sites. One of the reasons I go to shows, always some good bargains if you dig around, even at smaller shows
  8. Still waiting for delivery Was told July, now October and no update. Starting to worry about whether they are turning up at all unfortunately. On the plus side picked 2 of the original batch at a show recently for £22 each
  9. I believe they won because they offered completely brand new trains across the whole franchise and the financials were based on constant growth in passengers and revenue for the entire franchise period that would lead to big payouts for the DfT. It as awarded just as passenger numbers and revenues started to plateau.......They set out what was described as an "ambitious" bid, based on growth in the region as described here, but perhaps failed to recognise changing work patterns leading to less commuting ( https://www.railmagazine.com/news/rail-features/from-the-archives-eastern-promise "Abellio says that in Greater Anglia’s case, the funding formula has fallen out of sync with commuting patterns causing the financial hole to open up." https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/dutch-taxpayers-subsidise-greater-anglia-1-5740230
  10. Because Amanda Souter is a voter. She may have far more say in the project than the "professionals". HS2 is very political and no amount of professional fortune telling about costs etc changes the fact that HS2 is highly political and its future may depend more on politics than cost estimates/guesses that keep having to be "adjusted" upwards Sneer as much as you like about those who are not "experts", but remember it is taxpayers' money and (assuming Amanda pays tax) she is as entitled to her view as the rest of us. Remember Gillian Duffy, someone who was not a professional or expert politician yet handed super-clever arch-politician and PM Gordon Brown his backside on a plate Amanda or her ilk could be HS2's Gillian Duffy. And frankly HS2 has been rubbish at politics and PR, despite those being as important to its future any consultants/fortune tellers cost predictions. Remember it was professionals and experts who said Greece was ready to join the Euro......
  11. Aside from muddling a number of different issues, that is quite a good job of demonstrating what "post-truth" commentary actually looks like. As an example cults don't try to alter reality, they alter adherents perception of reality, like turning them against loving family members etc. Professionals are not derided as far as I can see, but given the very public failures of major projects in terms of predicted budget and timing (currently Crossrail and HS2, but also NR electrification etc) it is quite rational to query whether new future predictions will be any more accurate than the previous ones. And the leader with a fag and a pint has been rather more successful in his predictions and his outcomes than his opponents, Crossrail, HS2 or their associated "professional expertise" so far.
  12. What time, was still in bed when I heard a diesel blasting further up the line without the usual container train racket behind it. Got to the window to see a Flirt marked 'Stansted Express' flying past, presumably with a 66 on the front. It was the 503A 0343 from Ripple Lane to Crown Point with another delivery. https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/H12009/2019/09/05/advanced
  13. About as relevant to HS2 as your quoting some German politician doing down the UK - why do so many people feel the need to talk down their own country? There are serious question marks over the need, cost and management of HS2 but this nation has and continues to be excellent and world class at many things, even if building new rail lines isn't currently one of them.
  14. Just the sort of half witted fear mongering nonsense that typifies delusional European discussions around brexit. I think a seat on the UN security Council, a nuclear Arsenal, a proper military (at least compared to Germany's joke of a military), our own currency (one not entirely propped up by qe and technically insolvent) means we will have influence for some time. He should be more worried about Germany's banking system being destroyed by EcB policies and the fact it is sitting on the lion's share of 1 trillion euros of sub-junk euro debt. Little wonder some of the world's most at risk banks are German. That's before their slide into recession....
  15. Bit like Brexit then. If we'd kept politicians out of it we'd have done it by now.
  16. "HS2 is the new railway that will be the backbone of Britain’s transport network." https://www.hs2.org.uk/why/about-us/ "High Speed Two (HS2) is the new high speed railway we are building that will be the backbone of the national rail network." https://www.hs2.org.uk/timeline-1/ HS2 thinks it's a railway project.
  17. It's a massively overbudget and delayed public railway project. Nothing remotely new fangled in that.
  18. They even do a TT Coca Cola livery model too.... https://www.Hornby.com/uk-en/arnold-tt-1-120-4-unit-double-decker-coaches-with-drivers-cabin-dr-livery-coca-cola.html
  19. Excellent. There is a wooden platform overlooking the far side of the tunnel entrance with benches where we sat and had our sandwiches as we were cycling too, using hired 'e-bikes' - battery powered mountain bikes that allowed us to power up very steep alpine roads without stopping! Very good bits of kit but £4000 for a bicycle is a bit much Just a great part of the world for walking, cycling, railways and scenery. And meat based cuisine.
  20. TBH it is very confusing and I've tried to use it 3 times previously to buy trains and a PC, each failed and I cancelled it. It is quite a bizarre and confusing set up so not recommended! You have to arrange to make the payments from a non-credit card yourself and if you miss the dates you get hit with full interest etc. Basically I will have to pay it over 4 equal instalments by the correct dates or I get clobbered. Paypal can do payments but have yet to grasp loans.
  21. Thanks Philip, taken advantage of PayPal 0% credit offer to buy a Chad Varah
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