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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. Now i think about it i think he said they would start shipping on the 30th so they may already have them. Basing this on the fact the Scotsman set went Unavailable to order and there was more building and track in stock ( signal box and short straight ). So its poossible they came on the delivery with the small stuff
  2. Simon himself said they are due on 30th Jan on the last TT Talk stream. Not been charged for mine yet tho.
  3. The signal box and quater straight are now in stock. Signal box ordered as its the only one i was missing of the buildings.
  4. Simon did say in the TT talk that the Easterner will be arriving in the warehouse on 30th Jan
  5. Green A3 looks nice to go with the A4 from the set. Like the name as well, my dads bike when i was growing up was a honda night hawk.
  6. Ive put an ad in wanted if anyone fancies selling thier Scotsman set
  7. Anyone fancy selling theres?
  8. For those that already have them... does the dent station building fit on the Hornby platforms or does it overhang? Also anyone know when more scotsman sets are due? Website just says preorder. Ive already got the easterner on order.
  9. Yet Bachmann have managed it in the n gauge one
  10. Im guessing the ones that come prefitted with either a normal decoder or a sound decoder will have actually been tested at the factory after the installation of the decoder?
  11. Does anyone know what decoders Dapol are using on the sound fitted examples?
  12. Hereford models have a green 47 for £85. Only 1 left tho. EDIT : Sold now
  13. It was an old Tender drive 00 version of simons
  14. TMC are showing Blue LL with sound as in stock https://www.themodelcentre.com/hel47213
  15. The Hornby mag video that was posted a few pages back was quite informative. One thing i did pick up on tho was when he was talking about the sound files. He said they would be free - small pause - at launch. I wonder iof they may become chargable
  16. I'll probably try the Railroad 73 with sound and most likley the green 08. £260 tho for the 08 - oof!
  17. So from that then it looks like i can get a decoder and use my existing controller to power the track so that the decoder can be programmed with the sound file. Then the loco can be controlled as normal from any dcc system.
  18. On the Bachmann its in the nose right in front the socket. On the Hornby its on top of the motor as its only got a short wire, but theres plenty of room in the front if you have a decoder with a longer wire. TTS also fits well in the Hornby with the speaker going in the nose and decoder over the motor
  19. So either way it isnt just the decoder that i need to buy. I'll probably need the dongle also which is another £30 odd quid. So for the prefitted 08, 56 and 73 - can i buy it in the shop and run it on a non Hornby system like my prodigy without the need to buy extra equipment. If the dongles needed as well as the decoder it pushes the price up much closer the the zimo / eus sound. Although this would only be for the first decoder Looking at it another way - i guess this could be a way of making my prodigy wireless. I dont know. Certainly i think it would void my guagemaster warranty as they probably say the use of 3rd party equipment voids it.
  20. Yes £65 at the retailler, but its not clear if i will need to use the legacy dongle to write the files to the decoder which adds extra costs. Im a big fan of the TTS decoders, especially the class 20 and 08 which i think are some of the best theyve done. Hopefully when there available some youtube videos will show up telling us exactly what the process is.
  21. Just noticed sound fitted versions of the Scotsman an Easterner sets have appeared on hornbys website
  22. The class 20 is an obvious omission from previous files, especially as its in a set this year. Are the sound files the same aa were used on TTS decoders or are they new. They didnt really say in the video. I might not be understanding correctly, but if i buy the 73 or the 08 with the new sound prefitted - will it run out of the box on my Prodigy system? Or will i need the legacy dongle? I cant see guagemaster honouring any warranty on my controller ( if i needed to use it in the future ) if its had a 3rd party device plugged into it. Seems like a good idea for folks going DCC for first time but for existing dcc users it seems a faff if youve got to use an app to do everything. In my head in thinking ok so ive got a blank decoder and installed it in a loco. Wheres the loco getting power from to download the files to the decoder? At £70 RRP for the decoder its not much more for a loksound or zimo decoder. The beauty of TTS when it first came out was the cost - it was a lot cheaper than the relevant zimo or loksound chip.
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