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Everything posted by 5BarVT

  1. John, Were it the LMS shed I would suggest East Neck and West Neck, but yours is clearly a GWR shed and GW didn’t use ‘Neck’ as a line name. However, inside yards etc, the names for sidings quite often evolved from what the local shunters etc called them, so how about East Loco and West Loco? Paul.
  2. Evening Tony, The Winterbourne diagram on the SRS website shows all the running line points plus three catch points controlled from the box. The (two) points creating the goods shed loop are hand points. Paul.
  3. Thanks for that input Nik, you’re right about watching the trains go by and that’s why I wanted a continuous run. Just going round and round I find boring so shunting is needed, but end to end doesn’t work when you just want to sit back and listen to trains moving. With the curve radius I want I couldn’t get a long enough platform for loco plus 4 clear of points. There was another design which had the long platform and a run round loop on the outside of an island with the loop extended into the continuous run. It worked for that aspect but the rest of the station and parcels area didn’t.The through line isn’t intended for parcels (although on one version of minories that’s what it was drawn as). Think of it more as a junction just before a terminal station. Examples it’s based on are Weymouth (the quay line), Buxton (connection to Great Rocks and Hindlow) or Swansea High St (former connection down to the docks). The parcels platform is right at the top of the layout with the siding but can also use the adjacent platform. The intention for this third platform is peak time passenger use, other times parcels. Operating is my interest rather than building so I’m hoping to build once and ‘test’ lots! The plan has been a long time in gestation, it’s drawn in xtrack cad and has been ‘tested’ using their trains operation which I found very helpful in weeding out designs that weren’t going to satisfy. We’ll see if I’ve been successful when it’s built, Paul.
  4. Overall about 10’4”x7’6”. Scenic is 21” wide. The longer alternating lines below the scenic boards are 1’ and the shorter are 3”. The lump out of the top left is to fit round an old chimney breast and the gap bottom right is to allow the door to open just enough to squeeze past.The longest platform will take 4x64’ Mk1 or Mk2 plus loco top and tail, the run round is good for 3x64’ clear of the Point work. In the hidden sidings, the bottom one (longest) will get loco plus 4 on the straight with just enough for the second loco’s bogie to straighten up for coupling. Parcels next up as GUV and BG are just that little bit shorter. Loco plus 3 on the next up, 3car DMU fits on the curved centre siding. Two short roads bottom left are for DPU and Bubble car. Paul.
  5. I know . . . the 84A in my location is Stafford Road! Paul.
  6. Best of luck from me too. I know how hard it is to wrench away from one employer to another and the difficulty of making such decisions. In my case, the decision was made for me, but it was the best thing that happened in my career. This industry does generally recognise good people, even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. All the best, Paul.
  7. Heath Town is more or less the C J Freezer Minories layout with the added parcels depot but bent round a curve. The top two boards are the scenic section, the lower three are the hidden sidings. Paul.
  8. Evening All, I have been pontificating on others' threads for some time now, so I thought I ought to put my head above the parapet with what I have been doing. Heath Town was the name of a terminal station layout that my father started with me almost 50 years ago. We started a second layout after moving house four years later (which I replaced with a roundy roundy) and since then I have had two other attempts in different houses modifying and cutting down the original boards. None of these got much further than the track laying stage. All the boards had been cut down so much that a new start was required so lots of new ideas (to me) are being tried out: plywood baseboards, Tortoise point motors, computer controlled signalling and DCC for starters. Please join me for the ride bringing Heath Town back to life . . .
  9. The next thing you know, people will be bemoaning the demise of pendolinos! And HST will still be here in 2+4 and 2+5 in the parts of the UK federation that gets the hand downs (Cornwall and Scotland for the uninitiated). Paul.
  10. That looks excellent. The full relief round the corner makes it look complete throughout. Brilliant. Paul.
  11. You don’t get out enough Simon! ;-oThere’s also another ground mounted main aspect at the far end of the through loop with no friend on the platform line. The platform line signal is round the corner right at the end of the platform. (Bottom of ramp from memory and (I think) also applies to the through line.) Paul. (Senior trainee!)
  12. May not be exciting, but it’s very interesting and informative. Paul.
  13. A friend of mine had a blue 0-4-0 fifty years ago. It was called Nellie!T.Riang
  14. I’ve discovered that too! For most of my points, the operating wire from the tortoise achieves the same thing. For one it’s a bit loose as per your photo so I’m hoping that a bit of judicious bending of the op wire can get the spring action towards the heel rather than towards the toe. Thanks for the ‘plan B’ option if wire bending doesn’t work. Paul.
  15. ENJOY is the word. (Selfishly, I want to see you enjoying it too.)Really pleased with your decision, I don’t think you’ll regret it. Best wishes, Paul.
  16. Good!Here’s to your continuing recovery. Just enjoy what you have (a lot more that I have so far). Paul.
  17. 5BarVT

    Little Muddle

    Really glad you remembered. For me, that’s the best one. I’m not usually grabbed by monochrome, but that one ‘spoke’ to me.(I don’t usually ‘do’ soft focus edges either . . . !) Paul.
  18. Many thanks for your sep by step guide. Next on my list is exactly that: platforms for gauging and mock up station buildings and canopies. Paul.
  19. Must be a GF as rodding is visible in the last photo: I think the GF is half hidden by the hut.Paul.
  20. That’s the right balance between running and construction. Even if you do get as far as the last line I’ve enjoyed the journey.Many thanks, Paul.
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