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Everything posted by cal.n

  1. After a few years of numerous layout sketches on the back of envelopes, exhibition programs and pieces of French homework, I decided to get on with it and start building a layout. I’ve always been interested in Nuclear Flask operations, and a power station flask terminal seemed a nice choice, unlike any other type of modern freight terminal, a Nuclear railhead wouldn’t take up huge amounts of space and reasonably short trains would only require a smallish fiddle yard. After a few happy hours on Flickr and YouTube, a settled on a similar trackplan to the Railhead serving Dungeness B station in Kent with a loop and fenced compound containing the crane for transferring the flask from train to lorry (or the other way round). Plain track will be Bullhead and (as prototype) points are flatbottom. I think I am going with 3 x 2’ by 4’ boards. One mostly containing the fiddle yard. Edit: Forgot to mention, all will be fully DCC controlled Inspired by these images https://flic.kr/p/MqKjay https://flic.kr/p/Wz3mSF Comments/advice/criticism please
  2. A shiny new ScotRail 2+4 HST on test at Montrose. 43143 and 43134 Wildcard next
  3. In my opinion, Best working: https://www.dccconcepts.com/product/end-of-train-lamp-with-all-electronics-3-pack/ I make a non-working tail lamp on my Shapeways shop here: https://www.shapeways.com/product/KR2GMVYAW/00-em-p4-10x-british-rail-mk3-tail-lamp?optionId=62230429 But here are some alternatives for a non-working example https://www.modelu3d.co.uk/product/2080/ https://www.shapeways.com/product/36C23XWQA/12-x-4mm-tail-lampsnw?optionId=58719929&li=marketplace https://www.shapeways.com/product/GL5RBKLLC/t-01-cosmetic-modern-flashing-tail-lamps-pack-of?optionId=56561781&li=marketplace
  4. Look forward to seeing the book. Sounds great so far. An old theatre indicator at Preston used to read ‘FU’ for the Up Fast line when all others were ‘Direction - Speed’ (e.g. UF). Apparently was switched by an S+T crew who had a spare hour during a track possession.
  5. 66714 arriving with the first GBRf operated working from Avonmouth to Clitheroe Castle Cement (empties), arriving several minutes after the DBC powered Mossend working departed behind 66002. The contract has passed to GBRf and will be all GBRf traction by the end of the month. Someone seems to have left their mark on the JPA at the back of the DB hauled Mossend train.
  6. It’s a proud moment when your obscure hobby is alongside Barometer collecting and Duck keeping. The BLS magazine is the guest publication on HIGNFY

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hroth


      Mertons was a "sub-Portillo" travalogue, whilst Hislop did a "reasonable" history of the Beeching era.


    3. Metr0Land


      I was impressed by Merton's coverage of the disposal facilties at Drigg. Not seen anything that thorough from other journos.

  7. Looks great, depot stickers are a nice touch. Enjoy Derby. I’m now looking at how possible a DEMU trip is.
  8. A Southern Kettle up north. (It heats water to make it move) 35018 southbound through Lancaster on the GBXI Something else hot.
  9. I imagine there is little incentive for Hattons to do this. Why should they provide detailing components for a directly competing product, especially as Hattons’ loco is being marketed as the more detailed model.
  10. Wow. For only £10 more than the Bachmann RRP. Good move Hattons, good move. Put me down for at least 2. Edit: ROTATING AXLEBOXES!!?!?!
  11. New timetable out. As suspected, loco hauled sets (marked with an L) will no longer go further south than Barrow https://be803fe5c416e39d38ae-aa21086260d3bd4e072d597fe09c2e80.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/images/timetables/2018-05/summer-2018-timetables/Northern-6-0418-28pp.pdf
  12. It’s a mark 2 DBSO (Driving Brake Second Open), similar function to a a DVT. It was used when it was one 37 on the coast, but they aren’t compatible with the class 68 so two 68s are needed and the DBSO contains a few seats so is kept for capacity.
  13. In Lidl UK stores. Looks good value, flexible shaft, routing base, clamp and variable speed. https://www.lidl.co.uk/en/Non-Food-Offers.htm?articleId=12819
  14. It’s definitely some form of Peckett. So the DLR drawing was a complete red herring (well done Hornby, it worked). Or was it? There is an 0-6-0 Peckett tank in Stratford. https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CXNEXB/stratford-railway-station-with-robert-steam-shunter-engine-CXNEXB.jpg Stratford is a huge station with platforms for National Rail, overground, underground and soon Crossrail (HS1 also passes through) But have a guess which driverless London light Railway has its platforms a few meters away from the 0-6-0?? Coincidence? Probably.
  15. That does it down from serveral prototypes of a new product . It does mean the DLR unit drawing was probably to throw us off the scent. Maybe more TTS chips?
  16. Love the headline. No idea where Bullet train comes from
  17. Given the real thing shares the body and many other components with the mark 5 coach (except the driving trailer/end unit), so it would be a smart move. The only My money is still on the 185 (and if its around or under the £250 mark, my real money will be on the 185). Edit - just had a proper look at the drawing. maybe it is the DLR unit, oh well.
  18. Wildcard time? DRS 66424 leading GBRf empties from the Drigg Low Level waste disposal site. More unusual workings.
  19. I'm genuinely worried about this. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DbZrAlKU8AAEzF8.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jjb1970


      It's the new rule book, they've streamlined it and reduced it to the essentials.

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      So they can pay drivers less, eh?

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Going by the signal it's GW. About normal... ;-)

  20. A very snowy Corrour station on the West Highland line from the distance. Taken from a public foot crossing
  21. I reckon it’s a 158. When was it taken? 156s haven’t run the forth circle or Dundee/Aberdeen trains in a long while (since British Rail?). Traction is now 170s, 158s, 220/1s or HSTs. If it’s 2 car, it’ll be a 158. There is also seems to be a larger gap between the inside doors and the inside unit ends, which is non existent on a 156, but visible on a 158.
  22. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1719948604764621&id=171809916245172&refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2Fk3dUWp0H6O&_rdr Testing happening with 68021 in Velim. TPE have said LHCS services will start in the Autumn
  23. The way 90mph running was always pitched by DBC was that it would to avoid delays. If you look at the RTT, it was actually pathed at 75mph, but authorised for 90. My understanding was always that, in the future, the ability to run at 90 was mainly to be used to recover time if delayed, because even if other trains around it are just traveling 75, any small delay, combined with the lack of acceleration compared to today’s units, would mean a 75mph running train could easy fall behind, especially on paths in and out of London. Similarly, Transpennine Express class 350/4s are pathed for 100mph, but are authorised for 110mph if it is more that 10mins late.
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