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Everything posted by polybear

  1. Dropping a hint on this thread may prove helpful also: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/forum/185-narrow-gauge-modelling-prototype/ HTH Brian
  2. Been there. I was pleased with the result, though I counted up the total number of solder joints (for a B7 turnout IIRC). About 700 (?) ish, if memory serves (I'll check that - sounds a lot...), with cutting and forming of individual chair parts on top of that. I'd happily use the system for a small end to end, branch etc. but nothing larger, unless you have help/plenty of time/patience/into whips etc..... HTH Brian p.s. There was a feature on them in MRJ some years ago, including details of a home made bending jig for forming the chairs easily. I also had a couple of threads on their use: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=32709 http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/28696-copper-clad-turnout-construction/
  3. Agreed - postage being the killer in most instances, unless you have a particularly rare and/or desirable copy. Even the EMGS ExpoEM s/h stand won't accept books for sale, and it seems that Scaleforum won't be having a s/h stand at all this year - apparently the quality and quantity of items offered for sale has declined to the point where the committee feel that the space would be better used for other more productive purposes. HTH Brian
  4. Seems like a good plan. Mind you, have you seen the price of a designer handbag? (not that I ever buy them, you understand ) Cheers, Brian
  5. It seems that the supplier of magnets to Mr. Mashima is ceasing to do so
  6. Dangerous ground, that one - you never know who may be reading..... The retaliation may go something along the lines of "Well just how many un-built kits do YOU have sitting in the cupboard that never see the light of day? And how much did they cost? Brian
  7. Personally I feel (rightly or wrongly) that the word "expensive" can easily be mis-used. To me an item such as Bill's kit could be arguably said to "cost a lot"; it all depends on the customer though. If you earn a hundred quid a week then yes it does cost a lot. If you're working in the city then you may consider the asking price to be cheap, bearing in mind the quality, accuracy, short production run(s) and hours of development invested. If most shops sell a box of matches for 10p (how much do matches cost now - I haven't a clue) but one down the road sells exactly the same matches for a quid, then yes - that's expensive....
  8. Far too small I suspect, unless they have larger ones than I have seen on eBay...
  9. ....and how realistic they are prepared to be about the price. Let's face it, there's f.all "Goodwill" left in the company....
  10. Never tried this myself, but this link may help: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi35M3hzNrMAhVLIsAKHUKkAPYQFgg7MAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cometmodels.co.uk%2Fdata%2FPDF%2FNoisy%2520Portescaps.PDF&usg=AFQjCNGNirWc0IazBo6L9ZJDo4Dp5Rowkw HTH Brian
  11. I have a Street Sign which says "Station Road", purchased from the Bluebell Railway Staff at one of their Fairs for about twenty quid. Apparently they wanted to use it for the road outside one of their stations, but the council wouldn't let them cos' the official name was "Station Approach". Judging by the comments and envious looks I got whilst struggling back to the car with it I reckon I got a pretty good deal
  12. If that's the same person I'm thinking of then I was a bit miffed a couple of years back at Expo EM to see him coming down the stairs from the s/h stand (before the show had opened) with a large box of goodies - which promptly ended up on his own stand at suitably inflated prices. It may have been completely innocent, but comments from others "in the know" suggest otherwise....
  13. Created by an Artist?? Must be a p1ss artist..... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/REF-336-UK-ONLY-4-Static-Scrap-Yard-Type-5-Deltics-Renumbering-kit-/282023776043?hash=item41a9ed4f2b:g:iIEAAOSwvUlWqLnE
  14. I purchased some of these recently: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171585662986?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I've not tried them in a loco as yet, but Mitsumi motors seem to get mentioned quite a lot lately. Certainly the ones I received all run very smoothly, and self-start (off load) from around 1.8v.
  15. I'd be interested in LNER Wagons - I've already purchased four of Jim's recent Loco re-runs in 4mm
  16. I believe David Brown was the first Editor of BRM.
  17. This may have been mentioned before, but good luck to the seller (I've a feeling he'll need it): http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Finescale-kitbuilt-GWR-47xx-2-8-0-P4-/272229688204?hash=item3f6227638c:g:a6MAAOSwFqJWm~bs Not sure about the "weathering" though...
  18. Ahhh - but would you get the mpg.....
  19. "Jammie" doesn't even come close. Signed, Polybear (who has to make do with a 3-axle jobbie, no rolling road attachments, and no 1mm axle spigots)
  20. In my book some people are suited to certain types of jobs, whilst others aren't. Stick me on the Tills in Tescos and I'd be lucky to last 15 seconds before I caved the skull in of some obnoxious Tw*t with a can of KittiKat....
  21. Camera down the gob job tomorrow. Not my idea of fun :(

    1. DonB


      They go through the nasal passage so no discomfort or retching involved.

      Get the doc.to let you see the camera pictures on screen and explain what he sees.

    2. polybear


      Watch it on telly? I plan to be zonked out with knock-out juice thru' the i.v....

  22. A Borchester "Kit in a Box" may prove popular.....
  23. Is currently watching Thunderbirds (the real one, not the modern chinese cr*p copy). Thunderbird One changing to horizontal flight :) Virgil is still the Main Man though; Scott is a bit of a T*sser.....

    1. Tim Hall
    2. rembrow


      Go back a couple of Anderson productions to see Mike Mercury in 'Supercar'which also had a character Dr Beaker -not kidding

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