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Everything posted by GreenGiraffe22

  1. Had a fair bit of rouge tonight and in a state of "sod it" can someone just confirm for me, on rails of Sheffield, if you preorder do you have to pay upfront or like Hattons do you pay when the item is ready to ship? I can't see it in the small print anywhere...
  2. I just laughed at a comment on Facebook saying "lower your prices and you might actually sell things" I brought Hornby's recent sell-outs to the ignorant poster's attention... Edit: surely the sell-outs are a good indication to Hornby produce more to make more £££££?
  3. Really useful blog post! All the answers I was looking for in an earlier question Hmmm don't know whether to get Royal Mail and weather it up to just-before-black 1943 condition or wait for an inevitable wartime black release... Of course I could just have both, but at the moment my layout isn't really big enough for one, let alone two, but then that's only for now. I think I'm just trying to talk myself out of buying one maybe I can persuade someone to preorder me one for Christmas
  4. a brief update today, not an awful lot has changed, I had to take out the curve in the island platform after getting new curved points because there wasn't enough clearance. but there was room to extend it the other way with a straight so it can comfortably hold 3 carriage trains now Here's a pic I took of the other side of the layout just for fun! The tank on the corner will be loaded onto a Hattons Warwel next year! I have comittied most of my trains to the Brighton - Eastbourne route, managed to break the M7 in the process removing the discs but it's not noticeable from a distance or the untrained eye really... Also my 2Bil has been numbered with the route 18 Ore-Brighton via Eastbourne, I don't know whether to number the other end 16 for the return route or to leave it blank? Next task will be to creat some sort of gravel road between the level crossing and the station and reworking the yard.
  5. Good things come to those who wait, at least you know they're on their way, I'm sure they'll be worth the wait good for me, I was worried I was gonna be spending £300 between the H2 & Birdcages in May
  6. I am very grateful for the arrival of several South Eastern steam engines for my Brighton - Eastbourne (ish) layout next year. when I started the layout, I had much less knowledge than I have now and made the assumption that after grouping all Southern Locos were used wherever, fortunately I soon learnt that wasn't the case before I went and pre ordered the Wartime black Adams Radial. (I literally had no idea there were only 3 left confined to one line, I was wondering why on earth Oxford & Hornby were releasing the same models in the same numbers, now I know, haha). I have read that M7s, 700s & T9s with the smaller tender did venture over (certainly during wartime) so it hasn't been a total waste of money on them. Although the Ex LSWR carriage set I bought may get re-homed, I'm fairly sure they never ventured on to ex LBSCR / SECR metals...? I just wanted a change up from all the corridor Maunsells. Still, very much looking forward to adding an H, H2 & 2nd E4 to my tiny existing collection of ex LBSC / SECR Locos and will welcome any more that may get announced (wartime black H & E4 in 2018 would be great)
  7. Still debating one of these, I don't realllly have much use for one, I noticed Hattons upped their price to £160 (although still £134 of Rails last time checked) and I'm already spending a fortune on appropriate models for my layout next year, however, they're so damn attractive!
  8. Blimey, I just wondered if it was a generic fictional design, or if it was supposed to represent a specific diagram. Edit: just realised looking at that site it was the SR sheep wagon I was on about
  9. My bank account is greatful the Maunsell ones haven't been released in SR livery (yet.) I can wait They do look great though! On a side note, how realistic is the old Hornby SR cattle wagon?
  10. Whilst on the subject, without wanting to move too far away from the H, is Bachmann's E4 B473, as preserved or as it was? (or are they one and the same?) it's still on my to do list to be brought forward 15 years or so...
  11. I too prefer to see historically accurate models instead of 'as preserved' condition, however, most of the time I'm not knowledgeable enough to know whether it's got the right shaped bunker or whatever for the livery it carries... I also enjoy seeing preserved locos modelled in other liveries they wore, for example, I'd enjoy having 263 in Southern livery numbered 1263
  12. Sod it, stuck them on preorder
  13. For goodness sake, I went to correct the autocorrect and it autocorrected again! Damn it SwiftKey!
  14. I keep thinking about preordained the Southern Rake, along with the H2, but it looks like it's all scheduled for May, that's a hefty £300 in one go! Then again, I can easily save that up and put it to one side by then, so maybe it's not as bad as it seems.
  15. If they release 263 at later date in original condition it'll be great for SECR modellers, 2 Hs to run
  16. Yes between the new E4, H, H2 & Birdcages, my bank account is whimpering. I hope they at least stagger the releases throughout the year
  17. Yes! I miss 473 being in umber, I had a ride in its cab when it was in umber, I was a volunteer
  18. I hope the Bluebell 's won't be in ugly BR black... I know the bits and pieces they've got at the moment are, but I think it'll look much nicer in olive.
  19. Ooo yes please to grouping liveries, they look useful for transporting military goods
  20. Really pleased they chose a 1xxx number and not an earlier Axxx number (assuming it carried one like the C?) I shall be preordering =D
  21. Have they canceled their RAF Vangaurd or did it sell out via pre-orders? I noticed on my Hattons wish list It's gone from 'on order' to 'discontinued'
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