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Everything posted by GreenGiraffe22

  1. Hopefully one will be released in sunshine livery at a later date but I will take one in olive thank you please
  2. Morris Models in Lancing had several in green and red the other day
  3. Thanks for posting the photos, very much looking forward to these! I was apprehensive about the pricing, but I think these are gonna be something special!
  4. So, I started putting the coaling area back together, including a sprinkling of real coal to add to the realism, still work in progress. The trains are now running in the correct direction. And, for the first time, there was all olive passenger stock in my station. I'd like to make a nice entrance to the station with flower beds and such, probably have some armed guards and an air raid shelter too.
  5. I took some photos of the occurrence, in both photos the carriages is rolling from right to left
  6. Thanks John, very helpful tips, I'll have a look at it tomorrow, there are a couple of other bits in the layout where the bogie is lifting. I suspect it might be something to do with the wheels, when i hold the carriage on it's back, I was able to spin all but one set of the wheels, the problem wheels were a bit stiff, as if they were rubbing up against something, they freed up eventually after wiggling the bogie about a bit, I presume that is where the problem lies.
  7. Carriage no. 2639 seems to have developed a derailing problem with the bogie down the guards end regardless of which direction it is going in, any ideas? Edit: watching the carriage closely it appears that going in to the inside of a curved point, for whatever reason that particular bogie is lifting up on to the inner plastic black rail, it's doing it with the carriage facing forwards and backwards, but only that one particular bogie. Curious...
  8. Love this layout! Very inspirational, I'd love to do something like that when I have the space in the future
  9. Couldn't agree more! I'm waiting patiently for Bachmann to release a sunshine E4, I don't really want to ruin one of the pretty green ones. I am, however, going to get B473 sent off to be renumbered to the later a more era appropriate 2473. Now, here are some photos taken just now of scenery progression, credit to my partner for the greenery, he is quite the artiste. I think the weathered ballast looks much better than the grey stuff, next on my list is the coal loading area next to the Q1 which is sat awaiting repair. If someone could point me in the direction of where I could get a suitable side-rod screw that would be much appreciated! I'd been having problems with the Q1 constantly unscrewing itself and eventually a screw fell out and disappeared into oblivion, it has been on the "to fix" list for a few months now which is a shame because aside from it unscrewing itself and not being very picky with which bends it can and can't negotiate, even with loads of the footplate shaved off that was causing it to ping itself off the track, it IS a really good runner! The only thing I don't like about the layout now is that the station entrance is contained by the goods yard with sidings siding backing on to it, you have to use your imagination and pretend the control hole is actually a huge town between the goods yard and the station and the sidings leading towards the platform are actually nowhere near it it was the only way I could, with the space I have, fit in a platform long enough to contain three coach trains, 4 coaches if I don't mind the engine being a little way out of the platform. Still, it is all just practise for when I have my own place and can do whatever I want with the space I have! I really with the turntable wasn't on there too, it is a terrible Peco one, I don't use it and it is generally just in the way, I might get rid of it if the circle cut out of the base board is lurking in the garage somewhere....
  10. Thank you Me and my partner have finally got around to getting on with sorting out the scenery, I found a Model Train Shop in Lancing "Morris Models" much nearer than trekking out to Gaugemaster in Ford. I shall post some photos later, I'm using weathered ballast instead of the clean grey stuff this time, I think it looks waaaay better!
  11. I'd certainly welcome an increased variety of Southern wagons I must have about 30 vent vans in various SR and private Southern based company liveries aha, looking forward to the SR liveried Maunsell cattle wangon
  12. I'm fairly sure I read somewhere that malachite livery started being introduced to carriages in 1941/42 but I could be wrong.
  13. Been playing around with a longer ensemble with them today, I think they looked really good on their own behind the 700 as well
  14. Took a couple more photos today, just because Been busy the past week or so and haven't really had time to play trains ;] Still really enjoying the carriages I uploaded a video to Twitter too, also had the 700 running on goods, giving my South Eastern layout a rather South Westerly feel As usual Twitter has destroyed the video quality... https://twitter.com/GreenGiraffe22/status/765501284904497152 I did try and embed the video into this post but this forum doesn't like Twitter's html coding
  15. The Bachmann carriages are perfect for my layout and I can not wait! =D I am even prepared to part with ,what, £150 for the trio? eeek.
  16. As posted in the thread about the carriages, my Hornby 58' rebuilt Maunsells arrived yesterday and I love them! Haven't really done much to the scenery on the layout so it still looks messy. Edit: and a link to a short video on Twitter https://twitter.com/GreenGiraffe22/status/759414358086676482
  17. Here are the photos I took yesterday Again excuse the mess around the layout, redevelopment is underway. I am so pleased with them
  18. Mine arrived today, I've got some photos but they're too big to upload straight from my phone, in the mean time, here's a short video I uploaded to my Twitter I love them! https://twitter.com/GreenGiraffe22/status/759414358086676482?s=09 Edit: excuse the mess, the layout has been undergoing a complete rebuild
  19. Email from Hattons suggests the carriages will be delivered to my door tomorrow =D
  20. I think I'm going to sell my T9 on, it's pretty much unusable, either the bogie wheels bounce off, or the driving wheels constantly slip off the tracks. It is a shame because I quite like the loco but what is the point in having it if I can't use it?
  21. Yep, now my card has been charged I want them to hurry up and get here! My M7 is ready and waiting.
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