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Everything posted by D3489gibson

  1. Fingers crossed Android release is next week!
  2. Absolutely astounded at this! Such a unique engine that other companies have glossed over. Pre-ordered SF LST pilot, and the original GER Blue one too. Can't wait to take a look at the 3D printed sample tomorrow! Nathan...
  3. The decoder should pick up the feed from the built in speakers, so long as they're wired in already, so you shouldn't need to plug in the speaker that comes with the decoder. Nathan...
  4. Neil, do you happen to have a video showing the sound set? I'm on the fence about getting one to play with, but have seen and heard the P2 on show at MR Scotland, and was pleasantly surprised by the sync of the chuff with the smoke from it... Nathan
  5. I had a good look at the demonstration that Carl was showing off on the stand at MR Scotland, and he showed me and some others that you can actually disable specific sound functions on the app, say for instance you don't want the guards whistle on your black 5 because it's working light engine, or something like that, you can literally remove it from the button list. Going back to your initial question though, I believe you can rearrange the buttons, to coincide with what I just mentioned. All in all, if these take off well, which I think they will, we'll be seeing a LOT more sounds added as and when they're recorded, and cleaned up, etc. Nathan...
  6. Took my Hardys Hobbies plain Blue one with my to my local club tonight, very smooth running, and it even managed to make it round our newest large layout multiple times with no issues! The guys were mighty impressed by it, one of them was even considering getting one for his DC Exhibition layout. Definitely a win from me! Nathan...
  7. Some of my SECR ones snuck their way onto Cedar Court Wagons Works last weekend at the Bognor Show. They still look good even parked up in a siding (waiting transfer to a lowloader as far as the imagination goes) Nathan...
  8. Evening all! The whole layout is now completely laid and wired up, however after the last update, Greg had set all of the riser formers in place, and we began to lay the final bits of track last Thursday 5th Jan, and no matter how much alteration we made to the track geometry, the largest loco I own, a Bachmann Double Fairlie, would not make it round the "up round over and down loop" without derailing. We also tried to run a small wheelbase loco to no avail either, so we resorted to ripping up the entirety of that section. What we have now done instead, is a flattish loop, with a few reverse curves to break the monotony of it being a roundy roundy layout. The fiddle yard is the only section of the layout that has Set-track pieces, excluding the pointwork, with the rest of the track being flexi on the scenic section. With all of the track laid out and dropper wires installed, we began to work on the control panel board, which allows two users to sit either side of it, and control half of the layout each effectively. To overcome moving more than one train at once from the fiddle yard or a siding, or station, we have opted to use On-Off-On toggle switches for this. attached are photos of the progress so far. With wiring all completed, the next stage will be the scenery. Till next time, Nathan...
  9. Took mine with me to the local club lastnight and had ir paired up with 10000, and later on, with my pullman set. It certainly ran well, until it entered our layouts fiddle yard paintwork and unalived the entire layout...
  10. Terriers too? I was trying to avoid doing a third scale, but if that's the case, I may have to divulge in a bit of this TT120 shenanigans.. Nathan
  11. This was my thought when I got home this evening. Walked in to see a package on the table, cogs started whirring, then i saw the Rapido label on the front! One thing I have noticed when placing it on powered track, is that the lights illuminate immediately. I can only assume that the reed switch resets to default after each use, resulting in the lights being on when placed on track and, obviously, turn off when removed. The wand still does it's job though. Nathan...
  12. Well, after a few months of not being able to do anything, there's finally an update! Prior to heading up to GETS with Beckwick, the chairman of the BWWMRC, who's assisting with the layout build managed to acquire some Tim Horn baseboards second-hand from a chap in Wales. We've utilised the two long 2ftx5ft boards for the layout, as the other ones would have caused the layout to be unable to fit in his car for transport to shows/ the club, etc. On wednesday 14th Dec, we managed to finally start laying track. This has unfortunately deviated slightly from the initial track plan which would have seen two stations on the layout. As a result, we've decided to depict just the section toward the mouth of the River Rother, and have left the Frenchmans Bay station area for the time being, with a potential to extend the layout in the future should it be popular with club members. (Once my emails sync and they're on my laptop) Attached are some photos of the first day of track laying. The station, Rother Point, will have a setup, loosely inspired by Dungeness, with a middle platform, and an outer one. The Shingle Siding is setup using solely set-track pieces to make maximum use of the flexi track elsewhere. as can be see, it can hold Nine wagons, and an engine. There is a loco release siding further back behind the station entry points to allow the full Shingle train to be reversed out and shunted into the station to pass other trains. The end of the layout that was going to depict Frenchmans Bay station, will now feature an elevated spiral section to give the layout some depth, as opposed to just being flat and rounded. This section will be built up once the Woodland Scenics elevations have been set in place and then covered with papier mache. Till next time, Nathan...
  13. Another vast sum due out of my account this week... Got my email for the SE&CR coaches late last night... Still, they should look nice with my SE&CR tricomp kit..
  14. Had the pleasure of running one of these at the Northfleet show a few weekends back, and also at the Tolworth Showtrain the weekend just gone. Utterly stunning bit of kit and nice and weighty too! Any chances of a blue one being produced in the future?
  15. Northfleet show this weekend, and our clu BWWMRC has two layouts in attendance. Cedar Court wagon works, and Staple and Ash EKR. The SR coaches look at home on SA.
  16. Did a quick comparison of the genesis LBSCR and Hornby LBSCR Coaches before I left for work last night, and if I'm honest, the shades seem to be similar if not the same... I should stress, my Hornby coach has seen a fair bit of sunlight abuse, so may be slightly lighter because of this...
  17. I've got one of the decoders from R&R fitted to my rebuilt one, and it's fantastic. I think it's their own sound file too. Nice and easy to fit into the tender chamber too with the groove for the wires in the weight now.
  18. Took my two packs to the local club today and paired them up with a Hornby W4 Peckett, and they ran like a treat! Quite a few of the other club members were amazed at the detail on them for such small wagons! Some even said they look like they shouldn't be OO models because of their size... Just goes to show what a winner of a product they are!
  19. I've just seen this and checked my pre-orders to find that my initial preorder that covered LNER, SR, GNR, and LBSCR have been split into two seperate orders, the GNR ones have become their own little one, and the other three companies in the other... cost is still eyewatering even after the split...
  20. Received my DVT back from Hersden this afternoon. DPD doing the honours of just leaving it outside the front door (thankfully my mum was in the house), and they've replaced it with a new one under warranty, which they've tested. Now to get the DCC decoder back into it and take the whole set for a spin on Gordons Lane tomorrow!
  21. as you can see from the photos, both on DC and DCC, the tail light on the driver side of the DVT does not illuminate. This has only been a problem since a week after I recieved it.
  22. Must be a trend with the TFW ones, as I did the same last week after receiving the buffet coach. My DVT is getting ready to be sent to Hersden so they can fix the dodgy tail light issue mine has.
  23. Good news on delivery yes, bad news on the wallet 😒 Even moreso for me as I've ordered SR, LNER, GNR, SE&CR, and I think, a few LB&SCR 😬
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