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Wickham Green too

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Everything posted by Wickham Green too

  1. Yeah - can't say I've heard of Stumec cranes before - but the last batch of S.R. bogie bolsters ( built in 1948 ) were equipped to take pairs of Robel cranes.
  2. I remember piles an 'piles of them in Collectors Corner - alongside piles of the steam equivalent ! ( I still have both, of course ! )
  3. .......... and depression : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_the_Paranoid_Android
  4. 80975 is listed as allocated to Bristol in the Departmental Coaching Sock books for 1984, '85 & '87. ........ but it seems to have gained something like Scotrail livery in preservation, judging by the photos on https://www.departmentals.com/departmental/80975.
  5. Looks like you might have an entry for the Level Crossing Stupidity thread, there ! 😮
  6. ..... but there's something very odd about that grey building and its security compound absolutely square on to the camera.
  7. I don't think I'll see Artificial Intelligence digging rare earths out of the Congo ( other impoverished countries are available ) without human assistance in my lifetime.
  8. So long as the human race remembers how to unplug it from the mains, AI can't take over completely !
  9. Maybe got a side swipe that made a mess of the tankside ?
  10. .... but is it ? ........... appears to be a new announcement today and makes no mention of God's Wonderful Railway !
  11. I hope that "modification kits for the model" and "infamous cab conversions" are not mutually exclusive ...... I'm still hoping to raise the roof on my EKR No.4 ! 😉
  12. Research has all been done for you https://rcts.org.uk/product/br-standards-vol-3-the-tank-engine-classes-softback/
  13. .... and what on earth is wrong with sounding like a peasant ? ...... or being one for that matter ?
  14. Sometimes they confused by the address - when I was working in Heathfield Road a parcel eventually got to us via Heathfield in Sussex !
  15. As a hint to any manufacturer who's listening, you need a selection of SER/SECR O & O1 locos to go with those two !
  16. I presume that's just a standard model lettered to suit ........ doesn't look to have the tall cab ! ☹️
  17. Hmmmm ......... EM re-gauged and weathered boxes - now that's a novelty ! 😊
  18. Rail traction was only a small part of all diesel engine manufacturers' business and unless we know how they fared in other sectors it'll be difficult to make sense of the situation in our area of interest. ☹️
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