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Wickham Green too

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Everything posted by Wickham Green too

  1. Hmmmm ................ looks like proper gates so most of the usual reasons can be discounted.
  2. Well, one was at Craven Arms - with other interesting stuff - for a number of years ............. last seen at Shildon !
  3. I guess you're referring to what is generally called a "Barnum" .......... such as http://www.cs.rhrp.org.uk/se/CarriageInfo.asp?Ref=820
  4. Where did you find them ??!? ...................... can't remember when I last saw them.
  5. As Hobby said - you limit the speed at which the thing can move with the tipper tipped ........... somehow restricting the thing to first gear may be adequate ??!?
  6. Try looking up the Loch Tay branch ! 🙂 .......... ........ er - as Ben Alder says !
  7. There's a lamp on the T26 at Bressingham ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GER_Class_T26 ) ..... no idea whether it's the right type tho'.
  8. Obviously not somewhere Messrs Jenkinson & Essery could track it down !
  9. To be honest, I'm not totally sure a cut-out double arrow really belongs on an English Electric Type 3 either !
  10. The cut-out double arrow doesn't sit too well on Inter City stripes !
  11. Last time I was on a train was Thursday ............ Guard on outward train ✔️ Guard checked tickets ❌ - Guard on return train ✔️ Guard checked tickets ❌ ........... revenue protection NIL.
  12. I'm including something like a crate that would fit through the 5'0'' doorway of a basic LMS dia.1892 - for instance - but not through the 4'9'' doorway of a basic dia.1666* ..................... not just special wagon fodder. * examples chosen 'cos they're both on p.34 of The LMS Wagon.
  13. ........ not unconnected with the annual death toll on our roads - yet people conceive trains to be unsafe. ☹️
  14. Which brings me back to a question I've asked before, without resolution : If the LMS, in particular, seem not to have had comprehensive lists of wagon number by Diagram - how on earth did they find a suitable vehicle ( in, say Toton Yard ) once they'd identified a suitable Diagram for an awkward load on offer ?
  15. I wonder if there's any update on "production due to complete in April. If there are no further delays this would mean we expect delivery to be June." ? ................... we're getting pretty close to June, now. 🙂 ( Yes, I've got June holidays booked, too ! )
  16. ..... then lock him up for flashing and banging in a public place ! 🙃
  17. Wasn't the word 'spare' removed from the railway vocabulary by Dr.Beeching ......... the Great British Railways Transition Team (GBRTT) wouldn't have a clue what it meant.
  18. Now, if that had been a rail vehicle there would have been an interlock to prevent it moving 'til it was safe to do so ...........................................
  19. Research carried out by the Great British Railways Transition Team (GBRTT) seems to have been carefully done in a month when there were no rail strikes at the weekend.
  20. Nah - they were on the train to Twickers on Saturday ........................... Navy beat Army I believe !
  21. Trouble is a Cudworth 118 - or anything else of that era - would have absolutely nothing to run with and the market for any particular passenger or goods vehicle ( long before Common User, of course ) would be miniscule ........... unless you're happy with generic stuff.
  22. Quite possibly dual purpose - looks long enough to accommodate a loco ( but not much else ) switching from one siding to another.
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