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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. We hope to be able to give a clearer picture in due course but it's a given that the venue costs, electrics, accommodation, insurance, exhibitor travel etc. will be more costly than previous times whether it was Warley or us.
  2. No you muffins; that's Chesil Beach.
  3. 😁 I should just comment that there ain't no beef between Warners and Warley. 😁
  4. I'm sure you'll have driven past it's old home a thousand times if that counts as an excuse.
  5. The Cream Soda can is top of my list as a local loco that I used to see most days on a rail trip. I can recall the smell of Four Ashes right now just looking at the pic.
  6. It'll be twelve years in a couple of weeks, may get a day off one day. 😁 They shoot horses don't they? However, we do have a whole department very used to holding and administrating large indoor and outdoor events.
  7. Richard Hammond's not ageing so well. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-55948782
  8. We'll need to start the foundations with the big building blocks of layouts and trade then move towards societies and demonstrators in due course.
  9. What? The team? 😁 Probably one or two less than needed. The show? Roughly what folk will be used to seeing. There's a lot to sort but if we'd tried to get most of that done before a full announcement it would have been the worst kept secret in the hobby so, as things were only confirmed 48 hours ago, we've just gone for giving the where and when whilst we get down to it all.
  10. Thank you; the phone's been buzzing all afternoon with 100% positivity from the trade over a national showcase event for the hobby continuing. Lots of work to do now within the team!
  11. Looking at the bus maps it seems to be the 66 which you'd need to get from Frenchagate and get off on the last stop on Town Moor Ave before the bus turns NE into Sandringham Rd. It's then 400m to the racecourse entrance.
  12. Fake news; I can see people in short sleeves - can't be Doncaster in February.
  13. until
    National Exhibition Centre 23/24 November 2024 Details to follow.
  14. The safest bet; sorry, we don't know until the last minute.
  15. All fine yesterday; all fine today. https://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/
  16. A little announcement up at Doncaster this weekend. So that's the end of the end. Further information in due course.
  17. A little reminder to save a date when you walk in tomorrow.
  18. 🤬Facebook🤬 "My mate says it's cancelled due to snow". No it flip'n isn't; there's no snow in Doncaster now and folk are starting to set up.
  19. To the best of my knowledge I've never seen any grumbles about the amount of car park provision over the years.
  20. The image was of one of the livery samples. The issue of the red paint density on the plate had already been identified and the factory notified for the production run.
  21. 75%+ of the car park is hardstanding so it shouldn't be an issue for the majority. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.5213624,-1.1072327,3a,90y,86.36h,68.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sToxW2GYbSq6vajywPD4GYA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  22. It's not choosing to do that; you're using your Apple device the wrong way round. Take pictures with the button to the right.
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