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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. From a conversation earlier this week it appears there was an error in the email software to subscribers. I understand they're trying to resolve the issue and get the links out.
  2. Which neatly completes the circle to an earlier SWAG weekend - https://www.telegraphpoleappreciationsociety.org/west-somerset-poles/
  3. Eventually. Wider adoption and increased traffic will bring ad revenue. In the meantime it would be ripe for takeover.
  4. When he's finished he's going to sort out the missing images on here. Yes it's all randomised creations to give a unique reference.
  5. I can see the benefit of the shrinky wrap around the HAAs too to reduce small bits disappearing.
  6. I reckon I first used it 8/9 years ago to look at waypoints on the map before walking a fairly indiscernible part of a railway route.
  7. Over 20 years ago before satnavs were commonplace I had to direct an ambulance from Shropshire to the other side of Birmingham because they didn't have an A to Z. I was in the back of the ambulance.
  8. Look for the tall tower at the big brewery; it's across the road. Anything else would be too complicated for the caller.
  9. And there was Theresa May wiping herself down after an early morning frolic through a farmer's field. There, that vision should be put you off the rest of your meals for the day.
  10. This is exactly why I told Phil I'd be at a different location. It's unlikely he'd have wasted cake launching it at me.
  11. It can have its uses but it depends upon the savvy of the user especially if they rely on where t'internet thinks you are from a signal rather than an accurate map location. Appropriately this morning I went to fluid.cornfield.towels
  12. The weather's a bit manky out there; passed Colwich Junction on time. Phil's hopefully getting some smearyvision on-board footage.
  13. Pic posted instead. He's onto more important matters... He can't get the model in focus too.
  14. Rob can just give exhibitors their 3 words for set up and not have to mark out.
  15. Easy, let herself sign for it and then ask her if it's light enough to be a new loco or that pack of wallfiler you ordered. Hidden in full view.
  16. Several users have reported that they get similar with Layouts plus other random subforums. I've not been able to replicate it across different devices, OS and browsers but I'm not doubting it occurs. Some say that they can see them whilst not logged in but cannot access them when logged in - this points to a cookie/history issue in the browsers but they say they've tried clearing those and it's not resolved it. Others say that it did later resolve after clearing and leaving and coming back later. Others have felt it an ISP issue but that doesn't make sense. It's a difficult one to diagnose remotely when I can't replicate it even logging in as that users - therefore it's not a server-side issue and must be browser related. It may be worth trying a different browser and see what happens with that and subsequently.
  17. Other than being 'told' by someone who, in all probability, knows absolutely nothing beyond their fantasy world, where is your evidence?
  18. I left a card tucked into the top of the wheelie bin to say I'd tried to call. Sorry!
  19. No, it's a warehouse belonging to Global Freight Management about 10 miles from their offices - https://maps.app.goo.gl/377qtR7qN6VyVPpJ9 and https://maps.app.goo.gl/z99MAn5FuFmavqfr7
  20. Bachmann have responded to this point: "I am pleased to confirm that the model will correctly have the white band as per this photo. The photographs published as part of yesterday’s British Railway Announcements were of a pre-production model that had been produced without the white band in error; this has been addressed and the production models are correctly finished as you can see." I've replaced the image in the first post with this corrected image.
  21. That was my first thought too. Maybe because some of our well-battered home stationery hardware as a kid was stamped with HMSO.
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