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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. The name 'Elizabeth II' has been chosen.
  2. Why is it when I've been in this topic I've always got these two in my head?
  3. Believe me, sometimes I am so close to asking if they kept the box it came in. I knew it wasn't a Picnic issue this time!
  4. Obviously premature. Dunno, your transaction isn't with me. You can look up the law and regs but you will, likely, be unable to get a refund on carriage in either direction.
  5. It's Revolution, not Rapido. You'll find the information in the correct place.
  6. It wouldn't be the first time. Our neighbour regularly has such problems, sometimes they fix it but mostly they can't resolve it.
  7. They don't have any such duty at all. If you don't want the model just return it under your statutory rights under the Consumer Contract Regulations of 2014. No further banging of the drum required.
  8. Sometimes an ISP can inadvertently block such notifications as spam. Nothing should have changed and I'm getting notifications through to it's definitely not server-wide. It may just resolve itself.
  9. Most people have found today's quite easy.
  10. The fact that you are royally ****ing me off does not mean I am depressed you patronising *****. There.
  11. That is his well-practiced regal wave so well suited to passing through busy stations in an observation vehicle.
  12. In uni days we just used window ledges for milk and cheese in winter.
  13. Which cannot be taken seriously. Intervene less, turn a blind eye and let bloodbaths flow? Not on my watch. How many other forums have imploded or withered and disappeared? RMweb has grown for many years. You'll just have to put up with me when I've had enough and tell people when to STFU.
  14. Try a few years of sitting in this chair witnessing the undue haste to air negative opinions from a minority and then see how you feel about it. Whether that be being first to spot a problem in an EP, too few S Scale D&E layouts at an exhibition or an out of period chuffer in a TV show it's just mind-numbingly depressing; especially when there are more important things in life. A few people have just got no sense of perspective.
  15. I wouldn't go so far as 'full' but... I'm trying to rationalise the concept of complaints being a form of support; but I can't.
  16. I would have thought you'd understand how people who've put a lot of work in would feel if that was the first review of their efforts they would see on here at the end of a long day. No?
  17. I wouldn't say it is. With a lesser model I'd just accept 'it is what it is' but the frustration with this is 'it isn't what it could have been'. A good shape and decoration isn't enough these days, it could have been a flagship hero product; but it isn't.
  18. Instead, be grateful for those who did put on a show. They were never booked to be there. They haven't given any dates when they will return to shows. Please try and be more responsible with your comments.
  19. Well done Tim and thank you for what you did and what you said today; a nice tribute to a lovely bloke.
  20. A lively start to proceedings with the music choice! Thinking of you Grahame.
  21. I must admit I let out a little "Ooh!" when I got to see the sample a couple of weeks ago; it's very fine indeed and, at last, a ferry van to modern standards. Very, very good indeed.
  22. We recently had chance to look over the 3D print which was run as a testbed to check the wheel and motion clearances and undoubtedly this will be a very attractive model for many, irrespective of where they model. Ignore the cracks in the drivers!
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