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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. I think you may not have read enough of the topic.
  2. Plum was favourite at one point. Until I considered that sending messages around the business about 'my plums', 'problems with plums' etc may, possibly, be misconstrued.
  3. I still call it Silver (when I'm hassling my boss) but we've decided on a different name, more in due course.
  4. I'd be less annoyed if I had the ad-free subs option available for you to use. I'm awaiting the conclusion of a protracted process. It'll only be £12 a year and it can't come a moment too soon.
  5. Someone has been tinkering testing again and it's a mess. Really don't need this today so I'll be having some 'conversations'. If there's an X visible at the top of the ad closing it will help, a little.
  6. The highlights and layouts are available until the end of today - https://www.world-of-railways.co.uk/virtual-exhibitions/world-of-railways-virtual-exhibition-part-iiii
  7. I've had that in mind Tony whilst thinking that most of the multi-discipline UK shows appear to be in the bottom-right hand corner of Britain. There was also a short-lived (2 years?) event at the NEC about 15 years ago.
  8. Here you go... https://dmgelectech.co.uk/product/dual-function-controller-dc-and-dcc-ld101-by-ane-model-5-decoder-pack/
  9. It's fair to say we've had technical frustrations which we, as the editorial team collating and creating the content, have felt more than anyone. The positive and supportive comments you've given back to us through RMweb are really appreciated and one of the highpoints of, not just the weekend of the show, but the month or more of pulling it together. You have our thanks.
  10. OMG, those are serious issues; even worse-sounding than Fatal Execution Errors.
  11. You've been part of the team too Jamie, you made some great videos with a chance to see some scenic Dorzet. Charming pieces!
  12. Any modelling site will show hints of crossovers where some will have an interest in several disciplines. It's only when you get to the About Hornby Hobbies pages on any of the brand websites that there's the vagest whiff of other worlds which, IMO, is missing opportunities. Just a couple of weeks ago we were talking to some folk about multi-discipline show potential; it works in Europe but is largely bypassed here.
  13. Still waiting for yesterday's jigsaw to do itself?
  14. That was certainly the case yesterday afternoon when I was on duty, it was a bit frustrating as the back-end was working fine so I was posting content knowing I was probably the only person who could see it whilst the front-end had stalled. Still, it had to be done so it was all there when readers could get access again. We had additional resources made available for the weekend but we'll need to review if it was enough.
  15. I don't. But that demonstrates that many aren't looking what's happening on the horizon and whether it's sensible to do certain things. Look at the rate of increase in reported cases in SA and ask what the implications of that may be on top of our high spread rate. Map SA on top of what we currently see here and then picture what it may be like when all those people have to isolate for 7-10 days and the consequent impact on the economy, infrastructure and health services overall. But that's a faff to think about and not important enough to take some no-cost and low-impact precautions . Party like it's 2019.
  16. Have you tried hanging some seaweed up in the porch? It'll do as much good as many other things I've tried to look at. I know who I'd like to blame so I'm off in search of a smoking gun.
  17. I fully realise that we can't wholly give you the full exhibition experience through this medium but I feel a little more effort could be made by the online visitor to help with the authenticity. Leave home whilst it's still dark and drive over to your modelling friend's house to pick him up, drive round the block for about 45 minutes, park round the corner at the end of the road. Walk through the rain back to your front door and stand there for 30 minutes grumbling about the weather. When the door is opened hand the nice lady a crisp tenner and ask where the nearest toilet is. Fire up the PC and look at the layouts. Complain to the nice lady about the price of the sausage rolls, put some of your locos in a carrier bag and walk back to the car when you've remembered where you parked it. Take your mate back home, drive back after a bit and sneak the carrier bag past the nice lady. I hope this improves your further visits.
  18. Sounds like a threat. I like to pretend it's abroad as it's the furthest I've been for 2 years and I've still not seen the balmy blue waters of Cardigan Bay.
  19. The live feed has closed for the day but will be running again in the morning. You can still access all the features for a while. It's been a frustrating day with loading performance but that's down to a lot of people accessing the pages for which we apologise; it happens!
  20. I've got some lovely Welsh layouts coming up in the mag next year.
  21. That all seems to have settled down again but there is a 'Maintenance in Progress' banner at the top which we can't shake off at the moment.
  22. We have got some page loading issues at the moment. We are aware and working on it.
  23. It's obvious that he did, all the statements can be verified. So if you're not questioning them what was the point of your dig?
  24. Yeah, Phil has gone all European and niche on us this weekend. We'd love to feature more but much of the content is why fits with the BRM name and/or what is su.bmittd for inclusion. Given a higher company credit card limit Phil would have been off to New York or the weekend to host the show from Botanical Gardens - https://www.nybg.org/event/holiday-train-show-2021/
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