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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. No it isn't. I'm being up front about what it is and that it is appealing; and why not? It would have been available for an industrial user to acquire from Bagnall. Anyway; they're already selling.
  2. Are you ready for something different, daring but delightful? Designed and manufactured by W.G.Bagnall of Stafford for the Port of Par railway this diminutive and distinctive design of 0-4-0 saddle tank locomotive will give OO modellers something very different for their scenes with a locomotive type used where restricted headroom is available due to bridges and other structures and suitable for tight curvature. Whilst two locomotives were built for the Port of Par in 1937 and 1953 Bagnalls, as an industrial locomotive builder, manufactured products, both standard and narrow gauge, for an impressive number of private railways as well as the national railways from their Castle Engine Works with a design catalogue that customers could choose to purchase from with the ability to adapt standard designs to specific needs. It is with that premise in mind that other customers could have chosen to have locomotives built to this unique design finding use at sites where height restrictions were a consideration – and it just looks superb! Our exclusive model designed in consultation with Andy Hardy and Corwin Bainbridge of Rapido Trains UK sports a striking Oxford blue National Coal Board livery with white lining and lettering and red connecting rods using the same welded tank style as the 1953 built locomotive. As the NCB lettering has been kept to the cabside bunkers the design is suitable, and ideal, for modellers to customise with space on the saddle tank sides to add nameplates of choice from third party suppliers. The model includes a highly-detailed cab interior, posable rear cab shutters, a diecast metal running plate, sprung buffers and bufferbeam inserts with scale couplings as an optional fit. The model features a coreless motor and flywheel running from plunger pickups, geared for slow running with a factory-fitted speaker for sound. For the DCC sound model, ESU have been working with Rapido and it will be fitted with an ESU Nano chip and a bespoke electronic setup to help with smooth running on DCC. Rapido have already established their credentials with making very small models that perform superbly and powerfully with their Liverpool and Manchester Railway ‘Lion’ so our model of this tiny Bagnall will not be troubled by the trainloads that modellers will run behind it. Of course, this is an ideal partner for our previously announced NCB 7-plank internal user wagons from Rapido. Doesn’t it look gorgeous in these CAD renders? Sure, it's a 'what might have been' but it's definitely got the cute factor! Our model is available in both DCC-ready and DCC-sound forms priced at £139.95 and £249.95 plus postage respectively. Product codes and prices 968005 (DCC Ready) £139.95 plus postage 968505 (DCC SOUND) £249.95 plus postage https://worldofrailways.hooluh.co.uk/locomotives
  3. With Pizza Express headboard? Surely repainted apple green embarking on a tour of the States until it runs out of money?
  4. Duke of York and Duke of Sussex; they just stay in the shed, don't do any work and moan about the cost of repairs.
  5. One of those skips appears to be upside down.
  6. You're giving me the pip now - don't keep going on about it. I've just looked to see if you'd got a layout topic so I could go and be all judgmental for 10 minutes but I can't find one.
  7. Multi-coloured sheds are outside of my interests but because of your choice of charity I decided that the Samaritans are a worthy recipient of our usual Christmas charity gesture in lieu of dodgy Christmas cards and pricey postage this year (I'm immune to Christmas tear-jerkers from other worthy charities especially when they try the emotional arm behind the back approach). Well done chaps.
  8. Further to last night's announcement that I would today be announcing that we are going to make an announcement tomorrow still holds true. I'm also delighted to announce that Gold and Premium members won't have to wait until tomorrow for the announcement and that I am happy to announce that they will be able to access the announcement later today*.


    There was a small clue in yesterday's announcement so another small one would be to say it's 72 on the 30th November.


    *I can neither confirm nor deny that the vagueness of these statements is inspired by one of our members in the South-West.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      @ian - you may. That is the opposite of a wishlist at least.

    3. ian


      Now there's an idea. A negative wishlist - things that you DON'T want to see produced in the new year....

    4. Porcy Mane
  9. I'm just announcing that tomorrow we will be announcing an announcement on Thursday. 


    Da ba dee da ba di.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Whether that's just an abstract observation or an offer, please note that I am currently running screaming from the building...

    3. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane







      You should see my onions.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I still think I'd prefer half a pound of sausages.


  10. Dammit Mike; you've done it again! You know what my question will be. :) Drop me a line when you get chance!
  11. Every single person will have different levels of desire for detail Vs simplicity balance; what is acceptable to one wouldn't be to another and therefore content isn't going to please all or even a majority. Therefore it's the responsibility of the individual to take what they want from the subject matter and disregard what is beyond their interest level rather than having a tailor-made solution for their level of knowledge/interest/expertise. It's like reading a non-fiction book; you wont be interested in it all or remember everything in it.
  12. Let's head down to South Eastern & Chatham territory in S7 now with Geoff Stenner's superb scratch and kitbuilt stock on Oakhurst Town.
  13. An RMweb favourite, Graham Nicholas' magnificent 'Hills of the North will be there entertaining visitors with the windswept fells, banked trains and superb stock. Pre-book your tickets for early entry and savings.
  14. Thanks for that clarification; crystal clear. A wonderful line-up Rob.
  15. Which shows that it is a relevant concern. We haven't enough experience of our own technologies to accurately state what the effects, impacts and reach of any damage could or would likely be. And that one wasn't even really pointing this way.
  16. From what I was previously told about an expected docking date I think they shouldn't be affected.
  17. A good quality wagon in a well-executed tongue-in-cheek livery timed to arrive for a specific date (which I believe sold very well) versus...
  18. Well worth a watch, his Handsworth roots, childhood and support of the Villa https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001bmc0
  19. Wouldn't it be better if more people were educated correctly, encouraged to be honourable and penalised for abuse in this regard? I'm not dropping our standards to the lowest common denominator.
  20. At least I care about the law, the principles and the morals and how they are implemented here which isn't the case, largely, on Facebook Groups. Many just help themselves to anything, often implying it's their material - it's not even an altruistic thing, often the groups are closed. You won't even know your material is being abused if you're not in that Group.
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