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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. QED. 10 minutes tops; they're like seagulls round chips*. * The polite version.
  2. Aldi and Lidl have made a fortune selling hot tubs and onesies to someone who went in for 🥕 s. Some will buy any old 💩 if they think it's cheap.
  3. But you've managed to get it to stick to ceiling, how the hell have you managed that she once said.
  4. Think of the mess you could make with a kitchen knife with it making scenery.
  5. It's very much my feeling too; looking closely at this it's pretty much evident that everything is fair game once more, especially in the steam field.
  6. I've made it a little easier by removing your access to the topic so I don't have to read any of your passive aggressive stirrings.
  7. A bizarre post. You make a reasonable assessment in the second paragraph where the root of the problem lay, but, somehow, in the first paragraph blame others, and me, for it. 😠
  8. I was asked to complete a feedback form after investigations to see what was causing discomfort - little did I know they had a doctor just for that.
  9. Because links may change at the other end at some point in the future. A dead link reflects badly on the site with the link, not the one where it's changed. Precisely.
  10. Please see previous topics.
  11. 1. It'd be good but would take quite a lot of time formatting it each issue (as all the links need to be done for each upload). 2. Happy to hear thoughts and requests - they need to be things that are achievable and of wide-ish use. We can't get @Phil Parker to build a 2mm finescale broad gauge loco no matter how many people ask!
  12. Sorry you ended up being the guinea pig Jo but that's helped immensely. I'd quarantined a function last night and all seemed quiet. To try and ensure it wasn't incidental I opened the function up again hence you seeing what you did. I'd now disabled it again so hopefully it shouldn't appear again (given a short while). I can now feed the vulnerability back to the developer. You have done your bit for 'the greater good' today! 😁
  13. You don't know that; you can't tell that - no-one outside the business can. You said "Hornby simply keep what actually makes money" so I'll switch the question round and ask you which bits "actually make money"?
  14. No; that doesn't answer my question. You said: I am asking you which names and your evidence to back that statement up. We know they lose money; but which brands are "bleeding"?
  15. Which are they and what evidence do you have?
  16. Has anyone had any instances in new sessions in the last 30 minutes? Just so I can rule something in or out.
  17. If you read the appropriate subforum and topic before posting in the wrong place in shouty block caps you would know ACTION is already being taken. 😠😠
  18. Gold and Premium users haven't reported issues so it's going to be something in the ad coding. I have escalated it to our IT dept as that's out of my direct control.
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