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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. You have existing layout topics, please just use one.
  2. Correct, I can't recall that 'B4' was ever said, just 'Normandy' and, yes, C14. Obviously there's a size difference (along with everything else) between such, just as there was with the model compared to the real thing and it's little cousin, the Jinty. I have had a few conversations this week about the sale of different sizes and shapes of dummies.
  3. Not just a way of life; a whole existential purpose to parade their superiority at every given chance in the absence of having real-life friends. Sad.
  4. Those are terms across the business which may apply in instances where another user quotes the original material but I have already told you how this site operates. Did you not read that or have you chosen to ignore it to continue an argument with another member? Furthermore I will ask you for any evidence that my position is not as stated and confirmation that you have read what I said and that you will cease this argument.
  5. Reading some of the 'why isn't my loco working?' topics I'm not surprised.
  6. I'd say the 'post' (a finishing post) is actually 326 MPs (at current number of members) and is at a national level where a government can be formed rather than a 'post' at constituency level.
  7. Right; reset time. Please pull back from the party political aspects. I know it's all entwined but we'll make more of an effort than them - and we'll probably be around longer.
  8. But you are both DC and DCC John - box ticked!
  9. It's not a 'fact' as it wasn't Hornby mag, it has been used by Model Rail since long before Hornby mag was born. Yes, I do keep looking at your posts because there are so many errors and opinions portrayed as facts - a serious bugbear of mine.
  10. Very much so, there's a lot anti-HS2 villages around here with votes to be bought from the right sorts. I saw it very clearly 12 or so years ago when every election candidate aligned themselves with not supporting extension of the M6 toll up the M6 northbound despite many constituents vocally pleading for relief from hobbled roads.
  11. All in the eye of the beholder of course but I'd have to scoop mine out and leave them on the mantelpiece.
  12. These were the 'others' - make sense of this lot. Dual wired. Mostly Dc but some DCC l… Ac/DC Live steam Clockwork Live steam, preferably manual Battery + RC Live steam home made Bluetooth DC/HM6000 Have 2 loops (of 4) that can be DCC o… Yet to transition to DCC fully Custom linear motor track & controls In the process of moving from DC to D… DCC Locos Analog controlled points a… Radio Control Deltang Wireless Std=contact AC! One layout is switchable between DC… DC and Radio Control don't know DC, AC, Clockwork, Steam I want to run some things that I can't c… Slowly converting locos to DCC DC and DCC on different projects, pla… DC and DCC on separate tracks of do… Layouts wired for both DC for indoor layouts and currently bu… Would like to.try DCC but even simple… Radio control No idea what this is DC currently. DCC in future My layouts are wired for dual control and can run either type on different lines simultaneously DC but DCC curious Which is why I took 'other' off some categories. Plainly some of the specified choices could have been used but the rest is too fragmented to have any relevance whatsoever through to the 'shouldn't be left alone with a keyboard' sorts.
  13. There's an awful, awful lot that several people in businesses could learn about many aspects from the interview; it's very unlikely that they will be savvy enough to do so though.
  14. Well here we go - there's some interesting stuff here with just the results charts - not had chance to tabulate anything yet. It's obviously a self-selecting RMweb-centric view. The above won't add up to 1,000 as 2 respondents populated the 'other' box before I removed it* I'm going to digest some of mag related questions a little more (plus comments) before publication. Some 'other' answers have been left out from the above.
  15. We always travel from Bridgnorth so we can come back. ;)
  16. Most people start their journey at Kidderminster and go somewhere nicer. ;)
  17. Look at me, look at me,LOOK, I demand you LOOK AT ME! Mind you, the SVR social media bod is dishing out some burns. 😎 Good on 'em!
  18. It just annoys me that some of the commentators on there are unlikely to be or ever have been customers or visitors and think they're being clever making childish snipes. As you say, some may need to know over what section of the line the services will operate and when and to make group or family bookings in plenty of time. Just because valued customers are given as much forward information as possible it shouldn't be a reason to pollute the work of staff and volunteers just so they can make cheap jokes. They're only contribution is just to make society a bit more rubbish than it should be. And that's me being polite about the skidmarks of society.
  19. That's the retail concession at Wigan Wonderworld. Next to Pies'r'us.
  20. Major investment will be made in a tarmacced footpath as a green solution from Birmingham Interchange onwards for the north with a Whippet Rack at Crewe.
  21. I've thoroughly enjoyed reviewing this for BRM.
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