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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. You're thinking too tame! A Facebook brain donor posted this yesterday in response to one of Hornby's posts: From https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=552390533575163&set=a.493244886156395
  2. Possibly the most disappointing content following the most exciting topic title ever. 😁
  3. I've not noticed anything different from a skim through, certainly nothing that I thought may have been an issue, even The Most Crestfallen Modeller Ever was still there.
  4. As the series is now available on their streaming platform https://uktvplay.co.uk/shows/hornby-a-model-world/series-2/episode-1/ I'll open this up again. It will be on Yesterday TV at 8pm on Monday 16th Jan.
  5. Or my university wuz worse than yours?
  6. The only valid indicator of the first is if there were major trades in shares one way or the other; my understanding (from conversations at a senior level) is that the major shareholders are in it for the long haul and the fact that they've stuck with it through testing times underlines that. SK indicated in the YouTube briefing that it's a catch-up year and that there's more in development. I've no reason to doubt that but to what extent it is true may only become evident in a year or so. In conversations, again at senior level and with those who have had similar conversations, there's evidence that the business is moving towards being marketing-led rather than product-led. Of course both are needed but there is a detectable change in the balance over the last few years and recent executive and non-executive appointments bear that out with stated strategic input on digital transformation and Lyndon Davies said of incoming CEO Oliver Raeburn "Hornby will continue to build direct relationships with our customers, and Olly is ideally qualified to steer the group through this process". As I was taught; products are for the customers, marketing is for the business.
  7. All I can say at the moment is "Sorry". What I would like to say is a lot longer and would break the forum profanisaurus.
  8. You mean these telly critics don't sit there watching it real time and bashing at the keyboards online as they soak it in? They're not proper armchair critics! 😎
  9. It's a good question; they have a sandpit to play with. OK, some things can only be done 'live' but some of it could have been tested out of full glare.
  10. Ignore these sirens! Their 'fun' does not involve getting covered in Crimson Lake and anything to do with Ribblehead.
  11. Sorry all; calls have already been made to try and move it along. Especially with it being one of our busiest days of the year yesterday. It's not acceptable (but we accept that) and we're trying to get resolution.
  12. I did jump in too quickly earlier, I couldn't see the extent of the issue being caused. I'm still wondering how long 'an hour' is.
  13. No, it was an active decision not to broadcast it. No reasons have been publicly stated.
  14. Slides in the OP for some products say 'available' but I believe the app is at beta testing stage. Could be a while yet.
  15. It was done by my colleague, you didn't say who had to have made it. 😎
  16. You can't assume anything of the sort. I've said before, please stop making things up.
  17. The issues are being worked on. It has been indicated it may be fixed in an hour or so.
  18. I would imagine not. A message has been relayed that they hope to fix everything within the hour.
  19. It's all connected with the post I made a few minutes back.
  20. Techies are working on trying to fix ad placement issues which is having a knock-on effect. I hope it will be resolved soon.
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