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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. Yes; there was one up'Anley, as they say, in the arcade off Market Square.
  2. I believe there was a familial connection rather than direct; W.G. Bagnall obviously based at Castle Works but the origins of J.W. Bagnall lay in South Walls with a coachbuilding business owned by his father John Bagnall https://www.search.staffspasttrack.org.uk/Details.aspx?&ResourceID=833&PageIndex=3&SearchType=2&ThemeID=484 which transformed into a modelmaking business for John W. Bagnall in 1936 - https://www.search.staffspasttrack.org.uk/Details.aspx?&ResourceID=2101&PageIndex=2&KeyWord=bagnall's&SortOrder=2 -with the coachbuilding business moving to Pitcher Bank. JW built a small car with his modelmaking abilities which was in regular use https://www.search.staffspasttrack.org.uk/Details.aspx?&ResourceID=774&PageIndex=3&KeyWord=bagnall's&SortOrder=2 There was a further premises in South Walls (which I can't find the pic of at the mo) but the site's long redeveloped now since the move to Salter Street in 1964. https://www.search.staffspasttrack.org.uk/Details.aspx?&ResourceID=3582&SearchType=2&ThemeID=4 Similarly, I was regular visitor upstairs through the 70s and 80s with the display cabinets up the stairs and on the landing. Later in the 80s the railway side started to decline but there was a move downstairs for a while until that became more R/C stuff. I think it closed (after being part of the Toymaster marketing group) late in the 90s and became an estate agents.
  3. Aside from sorting out the catalogue of formatting issues and the ads we need to run a software update. Once that is done let's see if it fixes it or whether further investigation is needed.
  4. Image nerd here! The background in the box art can't be right for a flight downstream. It's a reversed image from if one were to look downstream through the bridge past St. Katherine's Dock. Over.
  5. Long after we've shuffled off this earth I can imagine a rabid collector throwing a wobbly with this. 😁
  6. We do have a seriously good local medicine too.
  7. Around the Midlands Bill's mom is said to be Mary Arden who is also referenced, post belch, with "Pardon me Mrs Arden, the pigs am in your garden".
  8. Always my choice at the end of a day talking at a show.
  9. I have a hunch they know what they're doing.
  10. John, Head here for posts about Goldie's tickets. You'll be able to use that either day.
  11. You feed 'em; I'll knock it in. ;)
  12. Does every flood have an Audi in it? The new bus on a bridge cliche?
  13. Please make sure we are factual. June 2022
  14. Just give it a few seconds and refresh the page if you see that again.
  15. And now? According to the admin panel you hadn't completed the action.
  16. Yes but if you read this topic problems are outlined and a fix given - with a link to that given on every single page of the site.
  17. I thought you called them 'Bagnalls' down on the levels?
  18. To be honest it only took a few minutes but I had to sit on my hands to see what was or wasn't being done by those responsible. If nothing was done in the week it's very unlikely it would be solved over the weekend and I'm out on jobs on Monday hence making a call on it.
  19. Caution - you may still see some of the ads on some pages which are causing the ads to break out of the right-hand column if you use that one. Please use Temporary theme.
  20. As a temporary measure I have created another theme (called Temporary) which Gold and Premium users can select from the Themes button at the bottom of the page. This will give a basic version without RMweb branding and may not include all functionality (not had chance to check it all over) without any ads. This theme will disappear when the issues are fixed and may involve further selection of themes after it's fixed.
  21. Nah, the second one (on the website) is Episode 11. Not much point me doing previews! I've seen 2 and 3 via press access which don't have any non-railway bits in so maybe they've decided to mix it up a bit
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