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Everything posted by jonnyuk

  1. your lucky, i ordered mine in the rails advent, still not arrived (i spoke to them on Tuesday and by the tracking number they gave me RM had not received it then. RM got it on Wednesday so should be here today. not the best service from Rails which is unusual for them. Wanting this little terrier to trundle up and down my Christmas themed line of track sitting on the lounge window ledge, pulling this years Hornby Christmas wagons. i bought a blocksignal ss1 shuttle unit, works nicely, might do a little video and post it. Got Cowes as well and i agree, stunning little loco's, got both in sales, so less than £70 each, bargain if you ask me
  2. thanks Nigel, i did suspect that was the answer, was not sure if the shuttle module has some black magic under the bonnet, might see if fleebay has anything dcc wise that can be here in a few days, i've seen a layouts4u module for £15, which is about what all i want to pay
  3. hi all, i'm setting up a small end to end layout for Christmas and i'm wanting the train to go back and forth. I recently bought the zen shuttle pack module, i'm wondering if i can use this on DC. i've tried to follow the destructions but i'm not seeing anywhere it states i can use on dc to go back and forth. I think i've read it right that it can stop the loco. if the answer is no, any recommendations on a really cheap module for DC operation any help much appreciated.
  4. or is this the left overs from Rails...i imagine they had allocations up to the 100's, that's all gone back into the pot now
  5. jonnyuk

    2021 hopes

    i can't see the 37, they are not going to compete with Accurascales version, i just don't think Hornby have it in them to better it, and unless your going to make it better why bother. They may do the 47, beat Heljan to it, i also think Hornby could do a better job of it.
  6. yep, i broke my sand pipes clean off, when trying to get the body back on, stupid design. having other running issues but hopefully covered in previous posts so need to work my through them. i think it's a bit tight at a certain point in the rotation, makes a right thud noise as well at the same rotation point. i think it's one of the flanges on the last wheel set catching the track, don't think the wheels are square on, it's this i think is causing it to stutter on a couple of points as it passes through the check rail bit
  7. have i missed the boat ordering these for 00 gauge? can't find an order section on their site
  8. i generally like watching Sam's video's. it's entertainment, he does get into the detail of the loco, running, performance etc. he does it all on a level playing field for all loco's so don't go blaming his track or carpet, it's the same for all loco's and most run ok. picking up on one point about the BWT, the seem across the top of the boiler. I raised this before its release as an issue and was told their was not one. Having got the loco in my hand it's a horrible seem, so Sam has a valid point. If i had not already bought said loco, would watching his video have swayed me not to purchase, i suspect so. Having already got the loco though i can say i'm genuinely really pleased with it, lovely runner, looks great, from 4 ft back you can't tell it's cheap plastic tat is it actually worth the money when compared to other sized loco's, no but if you want it, that's the price, so i paid up.
  9. now the price has come down, the difference of about £30 to a Hornby 66 sounds very good and a more than reasonable difference for such a detailed model (especially given the fixes for the hattons 66 are explain on here). do i need another 66.................
  10. southdevonrailways on ebay have just popped the Hornby large prairie, use the ebay 20% code and its yours for less than £100, just bought one.
  11. do it.....i bought the green one on Saturday, all detailed up and it's stunning. Of course went to get the SR black as that is my era but then saw the green one and could not resist.....rule one and all that. not noticed any leaning, i will have to check tonight.
  12. watched the review last night, pleasantly surprised, looks stunning and abit of a bargain, I'm concerned with running though. to be fair to sam he does perform the same tests for every loco, i think it is structured 1: examines the box to ensure good packaging 2: exams the product to ensure nothing has fallen off 3: reviews the instructions 4: gives some history 5: on the white background a: checks livery b: build quality c: detail 6: then slow running with no run in 7: runs it in 8: back to slow running 9: then a proper run with a train 10: watches performance on the same section of track and compares to others he always uses the same bit of track, same controller
  13. i took a trip to Tony's trains in saturday having said i'd be picking up the SR black, i made the mistake of asking to look a the preserved green, i think took about 20 minutes trying to decide to before invoking rule one and walked away with preserved green. its a stunning little loco, as Tony said, its eye candy! it does have the seem line across the top of boiler but i can live with that (did it have this in real life)? i'm just adding the detail back, fitted some nice 3 link couplings to the front i got from accurascale. took some pics, i'll post them up in due course
  14. did this loco ever pull the gatestock coaches? i can't find anything to say it did so i assume not.
  15. i had a duh moment. my Bachmann chip is a loksound standard chip so is only 4 function! Put in my lais 21 pin 6 function and remapped f2 to f3 and worked a charm. lovely loco, shame about the interior though. I've read some create blogs on decorating the interior, not sure i'm upto that in case i ruin it.
  16. i think Gaugemaster also have it for this, thats where i got it from for the same price. cracking loco
  17. wish i had read this yesterday before i added matt varnish to my autocoach last night, my windows are now looking rather wintery (frosty), is there a way to undo this (you live and learn as they say)?
  18. sorry to drag this thread up (and if my question has been answered already). recently picked up No8 from rails and fitted an ESU LokPilot Standard (Bachmann 21 pin). I can't get the internal lighting to work, cab and direction lighting is fine. i assumed F2 would turn the interior lighting on but nothing. I don't have a dc power supply to check they work. I'm using a gaugemaster prodogy express any help much appreciated thanks
  19. someone trying to steal march on the competition with pre-orders maybe, promising something sooner than the rest? or just jumping to conclusions. i have to say i very nearly ordered from Rails 2 weeks ago when they announced getting them in last week but closed the browser as the pay now button, i'll wait to see what they look like first
  20. thank you for the info, not saying the motor was bad, just wanted to know which one it was. In regards the seem only going on what i've seen in pictures etc as i've never seen one in person. hugely tempted by the SR sunshine livery, i need to read abit more about what i pulled etc, i have a first release of the gatestock, wondering if they ever pulled those (i'm aware the 02 was the main engine for these)
  21. not sure it's been answered (read through this thread and can't see it). The BWT does it have the coreless motor still? does it still have the really visible seem down the boiler and does it have the plastic rodding still? It's lovely looking engine but those 3 things let is down, especially at the price point.
  22. i don't think anything remotely related to money is safe, all bets are off now i would say. i can only speak for my self but buying loco's really is a hard decision now, so many nice ones arriving or released recently. when your limited to 2 or 3 a year it really does force you to justify each purchase (by this i mean, era, location, exception etc). I can see why Bachman do these 3 month announcements but if like me you have to careful with your purchases it could leave you wanting something but can't afford it as you spent up already, and with limited production runs meaning you will never acquire it, particularly the end of year announcements.
  23. that's a bit unfair....i had briefly got muddled on the announcements and what they meant. i have clearly been looking at the announcements otherwise i would not even know about it, let alone have it on my short list of GWR loco's. I don't just want a GWR loco, i a have a short list of 3, all from the same time period, i can only afford one so wanted to see what they were all like, in fact your uncalled for dig has royally p*ssed me off!!!!
  24. ah ok, that's good news then, where they in the previous announcement, need to back and check. The 94xx was my preferred loco
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