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Everything posted by jonnyuk

  1. i love the 57, great loco and was hoping for a GWR green, i was prepared to pay £150-£160 as i thought that would be acceptable but if the GWR green is going to come in a £200 which i assume it will (when it's released) then count me out. so i take it by the accountments, the 94xx is not available without sound? I wonder what the logic behind that is? get people to stump up the £200ish who wanted one because if they want it will have no choice? i'll wait for the non sound thanks and go spend my money on a Hornby Large Prairie or Dapol Mogul now.
  2. nice 57 annoncements...but £200........wow that's pushing it. not scene it on here but derails have the beattie well tanks and gatestock on their site, now that is a nice surprise
  3. the 70...........................as for the Bush family....well if his father had some balls and finished the job to begin with, might not have the sh*t storm that is the middle east right now.
  4. and in a nutshell "You could even argue that it would be closer True Railway Modelling if the box contained some brass bits and P4 wheels, but that's not what Hornby does. " Hornby are not your accurascale, not even your Bachmann. They are the face of "toy trains" in the uk. they have to be the jack of all trades, not just really high end, super duper loco's. Their R&D, manufacturing, marketing, consumer facing shops have to account for every level of their product range, it can't simple be devoted to their latest £190 loco, like for example accurascle/cavelex, Bachmann (to a lesser extent). i for one love their train sets in a box, if i had the space and time i'd love to get one (my garage layout uses all my available space/time/money), the excitement of opening up a box with all that stuff in it, like a proper little kid at Christmas, and that in another nutshell is the whole point.
  5. i find that unless you know the product code then the rails site is pants, even then it gives you back unrelated cr*p in the search results, there old site was much better, it was almost like they felt the need to revamp the site for the sake of it, then screwed it up. Having worked with database driven software for 20 years it will be the back office database design that's at fault. For balance i also find the hattons navigation not much better but at least it returns what you asked for when searching, i also find the amazon site rubbish for filtering and sorting. Keeping it product related, i've never really thought about the 89 but now i've done more reading it's a great loco with historical importance, something to consider to go with my 90 and forth coming 91 (still think it's butt ugly though)
  6. nicking someone's IP to get a foot in the door is frequently done (in China especiallylly). in the world of Reef aquariums a company called Jecod (they where called something very similar at the start before re-branding) started life by nicking other companies designs and making identical products, selling them far cheaper. to be fair they were ok products, now they design and make their own stuff, to a good standard.
  7. i respect your knowledge and contribution to the forum but it's these comments that prompt so called negative remarks on this particular thread, it's not a whingefest, it's openly discussing issues with a loco, people feeding in their own view point, others first hand experience, it's not clogging up the internet, it's discussing on a forum, the right place for it. your last paragraph is un called for, you have no idea what members do in the community, what they do for a job etc and you should not assume we don't do something useful in the community. We are discussing a loco and to bring Covid into is rather crass.
  8. i do agree with some of what was said but....and he demonstrated it, all his other loco's navigated that curve fine, the loco in question failed every time. It also made it's way round every other part of his layout which was laid just as "bad". If a manufacturer designs a loco to run only on faultlessly laid track work on a flat base board i have no issue with that, simply state it in the product information and let the customer decide (i don't think that was your point but hopefully you get what i mean).
  9. Hi Jenny, i think the issue is there are real problems with these loco's, some poor folks have had numerous replacements still faulty, that's just not good enough. I understand every manufacture have issues (Hornby have their fare share lets be honest) but it really does seem to be a lottery if you get a good one or a bad one. I also think if Rails had just kept a low profile and not being so childish with their comments then these problems would of been just accepted as product faults. The fact they said the things they said, they have set them selves up for the fall, and they have. There are clearly improvements over the Hornby loco, glazing, firebox glow (nice feature), cab detail (to a lesser extent) but a loco has to work, be put together correctly, fitment good etc, and for those reasons i feel Dapol have let Rails down, but Rails are the face of this product so are getting all the flak. I have thought long and hard over the Rails loco as i would love the GWR one......is it worth the risk, faff if i have to return it etc? I'm still on the fence, swaying towards a no. thanks
  10. both of mine turned up last week to run with Accurascale Navy Nuclear wagons comming out soon (very nice indeed). out of interest what lighting did you use, looks brilliant.
  11. have a look the bay, there is a seller doing light kits, i think they have a web site as well. i've flirted with the idea of doing the light upgrade to my colas 66 but then thought, can't be bothered, looks ok, sounds great (tts with upgraded speaker).
  12. same here, i don't do eastern stuff at all but the 91 was my first train and they look so cool, the w1 looks stunning and was never on my radar until the latest engine shed, along with the ATP, Hornby are costing me a fortune!
  13. that email is not very clear (i did get it this morning). It should be explicit, saying your not going to get the model you pre-ordered, does not say that. So to be 100%, if you got that email you won't get the model? That is a royal pain in the ar*s3, i love Hornby but this really does make not want to spend money on their site, i'd rather give the retailers a little bit of profit as well.
  14. i to got that email this morning, my order is still at pre-order..time will tell
  15. i heard they where sold on to someone allot closer to shore.......
  16. that would be my fault as i bought it last night, posted for £72 however having a look on the web today reveals this one for £75 so may i should of not been so impulsive https://www.collettsmodelshop.co.uk/product/Hornby-r3411-class-s15-4-6-0-827-in-southern-railway-wartime-black/
  17. under the coaches, some nice LMS coaches for £27 ish, fancy some to go with my new dutches of Atholl
  18. good point, sounds very likley, i'll be more than p*ssed off if that's the case because i placed the order almost instantly
  19. sorry PFA's, the re-urn they announced a month or 2 ago
  20. hi, i put a pre-order in for the last re-run, i can see others have had theirs from other suppliers, my is still pending at TMC. anyone ordered from them? thanks
  21. just bought a fgw and it's a stunning model but i was also struggling to work out how to fit the decoder until i read this. i know some models are a pain but i have to say this one takes the p*ss, surely it could of been designed better, does not help that the instructions are sh*t to say the least. if your not confident with taking models apart, and i mean apart you will have no chance with these things.
  22. stunning, not my era or location but rule 1 might have to be invoked as well. the livery sells it's self
  23. well just had an email from Rails..... We regret to inform you that after over 35 years of trading with Hornby, with immediate effect we are unable to fulfil any orders for forthcoming release or out of stock Hornby products. Therefore over the coming days we will be cancelling pre orders and informing customers personally. We apologise unreservedly for the inconvenience this will cause you. We would like to make it clear that this only affects Hornby products that are on pre order or out of stock. All our other extensive range of brands are unaffected. ...what the hell has happened here, fall out from the Dutches of Athol?
  24. i sent my class 90 to Bachmann (actually dropped it off as i live very close) to have the boggie towers repaired, got it back in about 3 weeks, no complaints at all.
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