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Everything posted by dogbox321

  1. Think its pretty simple - they have X produced, and when total sales are equal to X (traders + Hornby Websales), then the model is sold out. Its not just Hornby - look at Bachmann 70805, 66779 etc. Fact is as models become more expensive, then often fewer are made, which often means "New" products in particular, sell out. Hornby's Sir William Stanier, being a classic example. Hopefully, it will give Hornby the encouragement to do some more in those, liveries, plus a few one-offs. 87002 in Porterbrook, NSE 2012..... Is 87101 do-able? Regards, C.
  2. Personally think there are a few issues here: Firstly - some are collectors, or those still building a layout, so possibly have not had use out of models. Secondly - there is "normal wear and tear" and quality issues during manufacture. A car rusts due to the conditions it is subject to, i.e. due to wear and tear (unless you take exceptional precautions). Model Railways are designed to give modellers and collectors alike years of pleasure, so if reasonably maintained - Surely, there should be no reason for the product to fail, due to the quality of materials used. We are not talking of a biodegradable bag, which is designed to deteriorate. Third, a fellow member, has recently identified a problem with his Bachmann Class 47's which he believes may be some form of Mazank rot. Forth, I think that any companies affected, need to take responsibility for this issue - after all why should people buy models which whose chassis may deteriorate a few years later, and the bodies crack, due to expansion. Regards, C.
  3. In the first photo - the area in question does not appear to have any black paint applied. Is that from manufacture, or due to the corrosion? Sure Bachmann will be happy to investigate the matter. Regards, C.
  4. Think it going to be impressive. Pardon the pun, but it sounds like the only things that could be added extra is a smoke generator and opening doors with rust around the edges, from how they were painted! I like it how Hattons say "Locomotives" from now on....May I suggest a Class 37 and Class 47 to the standards that will be set by the Class 66. Should wake the neighbours! Regards, C.
  5. I think its a double edged sword..traditional market has lost ground due to high prices, and competition from the "new Boys", brought about by the high prices enabling them to enter the market. But Accurascale, Rapido, Realtrack, Revolution, Hattons, Kernow etc., .... These guys would not be entering the market with new products, if there was not demand. Yes, their business model may be leaner, but modellers/customers are pretty happy, with the added choice and variety, and people must be buying products in sufficient quantities. I do wonder how long its going to be before "someone" announces a new Class 37 and Class 47..... Regards, C.
  6. Hornby has quite a boyant market in "OO" model railways - I think the problem seems to have been the ability to buy other brands as a "Bargain", and possibly to stop them going into other hands, but ultimately, like the Banks found out (for example Lloyds buying HBOS), sometimes what looks like a bargain, isnt. To buy brands like Corgi, you need a very robust turn-around plan, and strategy that will make them add value to the Hornby portfolio. Regards, C.
  7. Whilst not being an expert on the subject of OHLE - I think that Hornby are playing it safe - why produce a feature that many people will not use, have the hassle offering repairs on, adding to the R&D bill, plus add time to the production of the model, to add the feature! It was never specified as having a working pantograph, and I would image many "die-hard" OHLE modellers will have the capability of adding further refinements. As for the Class 87, no doubt if its popular it will serve as a Catalyst to develop more 25KV models and possibly features, which may even get back dated to the Class 87. Although if we look at things the the Class 50. 31 & 56 - the fans don't rotate now - which some modellers favour. Regards, C.
  8. To be entirely honest - in my view after the 3D scan of the Deltic, and the fantastic model - it seems to have become fasionable in model railways. Yes, in some circumstances perhaps it is useful, but as people have highlighted above there are some errrors that can creep in. Plus, with Black Surfaces not showing up well. I think its possibly a useful tool in the correct hands. I think where it can be a problem is, that with a 3D scan - a model could be made "passively" - in that peoples attention is not based on utilising dimensions to ensure all is correct - is where possible Gremlins can creep in, as they are focusing on the scan. In the case of the APT, perhaps it was a nice thing to have a scan party, but it put the model back, and if it hadn't happened, then that time could have been used to get the model moving forward faster. Rather than a "scan party", I would have preferred a "party" for the first engineering sample. Regards, C.
  9. I once politely advised a gentleman on a station with what must have been an 8ft+ length of copper pipe to be very careful at Kidsgrove station because of the 25Kv overheads. He told me not to worry as his shoes had rubber soles so he would be insulated, and it wouldn't touch him! It was nothing personal, but being a mere mortal - I just stood as far away from him as I could! Regards, C.
  10. Would agree - be a very nice model, particularly on Realtracks exceptionally detailed 156. Although "very dated" in comparison - Hornby I believe did provide 2 models in the livery, so they must have the art work......maybe it will appear from them..... Whilst on the subject of 156's - regarding the EMT 156's - they are now going for PRM mods and 1st one is out - Deafening alarms when doors open/close, LED destination screens vice blinds, larger toilet etc.! Regards, C.
  11. Hi Fran, See theres lots of "froth" regarding pictures of the wagons at work - but any news on progress regarding the tooling? Regards, C.
  12. They are looking good. And sure they will be well worth the wait...... Can imagine the Chinese assembly workers will be happy to see the back of them!
  13. If you recall a while ago, DJM, was on about the Class 86, but cancelled it due to someone else working on the Class 86/87...... Perhaps????
  14. Hi Dave, sorry to hear you are having even more problems....one day they will all be behind you. Like you, I am no IT wizz. My advice (as someone who will not even use contactless), is keep things simple. At the moment DJModels is a one person enterprise - why does it need an all singing, all dancing Website? If I go the pub, I want a decent pint of beer - not bar staff answering e-mails and "tweeting". Likewise, from DJM, I want a really good Class 92 and APT! I can appreciate, that many modellers may have valuable input into ensuring that the models are highly accurate, and no-doubt you will find their appraisal of use, but apart from that and, updates on progress and advising me when payments are due, then as a customer, that is all I need from the internet, likewise for DJModels, you need the internet presence to be a marketing tool, not an hinderance. Why carn't you have a simple website to promote your products, and simply when people show interest in crowdfunding items, take their details, generate an invoice including bank payments details, send it to them, let them use the invoice number as the reference, which you can then cross reference when they pay up, to the model(s) ordered, then add them to the mailing list for future payments as, and when they become due/available. For example OO APT: OO370-00001, OO370-00002, etc. NGauge APT: N370-00001, N370-00002, etc. NGauge King: N60XX-00001, N60XX-00002 etc. If I were you, I'd be speaking to my Business Banking Manager, to sort out a really simple system (and possibly, with the crowdfunding, have sub-accounts for each product i.e. 92, APT etc.) and to ensure that payments would be permitted, without alarms over money laundering etc.. Best Wishes, C.
  15. 50033 looks pretty good when compared with some photos, however the BR Logo. Nameplate etc., look a little crushed (the reason I checked - but it did appear like that). Perhaps thats why it lost its BR Logo. Personally, I would have prefered it with no BR Arrows, and possibly with "West of England" Logos, as per rail tour use, but still a nice Class 50. Perusing Hornby's website - Cannot really understand why 50033 is £169.99 whilst 50040 is £179.99... Regards, C.
  16. I think we should say "Thank-you" Dave for being honest, and I think, based on the efforts of the Class 71, we can get a very fine model of the APT. Hopefully Dave has learn't lessons from the last month or so - Like I have said before, "Anyone can make a mistake once - but if you make it twice..." Do we really need to keep going over the past issues, or do we move forward? I can understand Dave's sentiments regarding RMweb not being a happy place, sometimes it can be more like "RMTroll". Lets look at the positives - hopefully the scans are due soon, and following that the design of the cad/cams. Personally, as I have said a number of times, I'd like Dave to focus on producing excellent models. Regards, C.
  17. dogbox321

    DJM Forum

    Hi Dave, I think in view of your recent comments regarding spending too much time on RMweb, then I think you need to make a choice. If you have a Forum, as its your website and forum - will you have to spend even more time replying to people? (Otherwise its a bad reflection on the company). Plus of course becoming administrator, policing the site etc., for a one person business like yourself - is it viable? Or do you keep with an RM presence. I certainly would not do both. Additionally, would perhaps a facebook site may be more appropriate? Your call, but like anything - whilst communication with customers is important, ultimately your business is producing models, and being totally honest, believe you should be focusing your time resources on core areas of the business, aligned with the success of DJModels. As I have said before "Actions speak louder than words". Regards, C.
  18. It would be nice to see some photos of Speedlinks etc., going up the hill to Exeter Central, including if they were banked. From going there on holidays as a young boy, I can only ever recall seeing 37's bringing the Exmouth Jcn., HEA's down the hill and Ballast Trains going up and down it. I'd would really enjoy seeing images of freights, on the line to Exeter Central. Regards, C.
  19. I think there a number of issues here - firstly, it is in Dave's interests to get this model produced as soon as possible (so costs don't rise, maintain crowdfunder confidence etc), secondly, if it were me, as the Chinese mainly deal in Dollars, when money was invested I'd be transferring it into Dollars as soon as the exchange rate was favourable, to give some level of certainty, thirdly, Dave has said that he expects it to be a "one hit train", with no repeat runs envasaged, so DJM need to be making money from it, and forthly, for Dave, I would say the APT is extremely important - Ultimately its the model that will make or break DJ Models. If it fails (and I'm not saying it will, and sincerely hope that it dosen't, especially as I have one on order), then no-one would touch another DJM crowd funding model with a barge pole, but if it is successful, and produced within reasonable timescales, then it will raise DJM's profile and reputation substantially. He's got the crowdfunders there who have put the money forward, so in reality, the progress should be quite speedy - as Dave can sort the design and manufacture out. The only caveat to this is, that if you look at the likes of the APT-E, Stirling Single, TEA tank, etc., they have all had heavy delays, so some may be inevitable, to ensure the model is as good as can be. In my opinion if this fails - Dave has much more to loose than the crowdfunders, but everything to gain, by getting it done. As per your comments about DTOS - then I must admit, I do find their involvement "confusing", as originally when talking to Mike (DTOS), DJModels were going to be subbed the work, not taking over from DTOS. Regards, C.
  20. I can see peoples frustration, in some ways - but ultimately all the money went into the pot. Some is coming out to go back in again and some has been used. In hindsight, but I'm sure Dave has his reasons - it may have been more simple if he could have just had the money from Paypal, put into his account, then have started his new e-commerce site, set all the crowdfunders up an account, shown the models ordered, deposits paid, and took it from there. But I expect, like everything in this world - its probably more complicated than that! But if it makes DJModels systems better in the long term, then hopefully it will be worth the hassle. Ultimately, all those who have put money in the project want an APT, right? Well lets let Dave get on with sorting his business affairs out, and hopefully the model will progress swiftly, there after. Regards, C.
  21. Many thanks Dave - thats fair enough. Glad its been looked into and explored. Best Regards, C.
  22. As per Colin - think its a little late in the day to change things. 5 and 7 Car options have been offered. As per another thread regarding Rapido, the market is heading towards the high end regards Detail and Spec. Hattons Class 66 etc., is continued evidence of this. Without a good specification, I don't honestly believe people would have gone for this model. Likewise premium/custom cars would have added lots of cost regarding the refinishing and changes to do some coaches with and without lights. I think its just time for Dave to get on and design the APT, and just keep us updated with major developments...... Regards, C.
  23. I predict a weathered version will follow! Regards, C.
  24. Dave, as I have stated before - nobody is wonderful at everything, and perfect all the time. Running a business is a huge thing - and perhaps you need assistance to support you in areas where you are not so strong. How many MBA graduates could go and design an APT? What I am saying is, be honest with yourself and get help to assist your weaknesses. Regards your take on RMweb - then I think its a delicate balance. Many of your supporters are on here, so its an excellent way to communicate, and drum up support for your projects. It also gives people up to the minute "News", and can assist you by pulling together a great pool of knowledge to aid you in producing the best models possible. But, on the negative - then I can see that checking the topics could take considerable time, and with the issues you have had recently, some comments can be counter productive. Only you can decide what marketing channels you use, and whether the pros outweigh the cons. Personally, I would say its useful, but like anything - in moderation. Don't beat yourself up, but learn. As I always say - anyone can make a mistake once, but if you make the same one twice.... Likewise - Actions speak louder than words, so please sort all your recent issues out, "once and for all", so you can use your talents to get on with designing and producing an APT that truly is a very special model. Make the APT the "Flagship" of what DJM stands for - and that will be what people will be talking about. Best Regards, C.
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