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Everything posted by dogbox321

  1. There is one thing that they are sure to do in 2019, and on time............. Raise prices!
  2. Anyone else find Nessie in the picture?
  3. No, it just needs to be so loud that it drowns out the "nagging wife", so we don't have to miss the noise by going into "selective hearing mode". Simples! P.S. Its only going to get worse!!!! A deltic is a good toe dipping exercise, wait till they announce a 37! In the good old days on holiday, were still able to hear a St.Blazey 37 throbbing away in the distance on a clear night and wind in the right direction a few mins after leaving Exeter St.Davids, when the St. Blazey man opened em up wanting to get home! Progress.....
  4. B Most likely that very few people are buying locos at £169.95, or even at 15% discount, so they are trying to reduce supply to push up prices. RIko/Lima did it after the £19.99 extravaganza! May be helping some shops because of the "regional" basis, but ultimately sensible pricing for Class 37's and 47's would be an optimal solution.
  5. 2019 Speculation....... Is this right? Shouldn't it be at least 2023.Speculation.....
  6. Prob Probably knock a buffer off, and list them as pre-owned at £50 more.......
  7. Don't worry - not really missed much, neither Rails or Hattons have really done that greater deals with the Advent Calendar/12 Deals of Christmas. Only good thing - I've not spent anything!
  8. To be honest, I can see the frustrations of some on this site, and also the perspective of those who back DJM. Ultimately - the only thing that matters is the models he delivers. Likewise I am sure, that if he can get his models moving then actually, it would be the most positive and productive thing for him and his business. As they say "talk is cheap", and I have said on many an occasion, including on DJM threads to Dave, that "Actions speak louder than words". The fact Dave is spending less time on RMweb, is a double edged sword - perhaps as I have said - concentrate on the models, and be busy getting these to fruition, not replying on RMweb, alternatively , he may be just fed up of the back stabbing. Hopefully, its a middle ground, and for the sake of DJM and the hobby, I hope we will start to see new models soon. The future is in your hands DJM - either you can prove your doubters right, or your supporters. Hopefully, the latter group will be victorious, but the ball is firmly in your court, and hopefully you will repay their loyalty and faith demonstrated by investing their hard earned cash into your ventures, by delivering your promises..... Regardless of which side of the fence you sit on, I think everyone would actually like the crowdfunded projects to materialise. Regards, C.
  9. Bi-lingual - "English" spelling on one and the "Yorkshire" spelling on tother.
  10. Yesterday on e-bay with 10% off 37688 was £109.xx. Bachmann website shows out of stock. Regards, C.
  11. Hi, pretty much agree.only thing would add is: Para 1: All new models tend to sell reasonably well on a first run, its pretty much standard product lifecycle, however with the likes of the Blue Pullman (second run), the Collectors Edition was available for as little as £420. Duchess again new model, although Hornby only made a very small quantity. Regarding best sellers - when you look at the amount of Atlas lorries etc., they were selling (I had 12 of one Stobart lorry for the containers, for a rake of IDA's!) - they must have had a good few Benbows et al to become a best seller (but if my memory is correct - weren't they part of the big red box clearance they had the other year?). Para 2: Demand has certainly gone down - many moons ago if a new loco was produced it flew off the shelves within a few weeks. Even many limited editions of circa 500 sit around now. Likewise, if I weren't already into model railways - I'd never start now, as although we have great leaps in technology - like controlling trains with mobile phones, but price is a significant barrier to entry. Its a personal choice, as to what the individual considers value. On a good day - 6 coaches at £35 each = £210, plus a loco at £130-£140, and thats only one train. On the flip side of this though - new start ups have entered the market, because of the high prices. Para 3: I would say that a good few main stream items would fall in this category, but ultimately its each product on its own merit. Niche items produced in sensible quantities, at a reasonable price however, will always sell. The problem being, usually when the second hand market price reaches a "peak", then someone decides to do another, and does a second one, which unless it has some exceptional features new features, never tend to sell as well.....Always remember the first Caledonian Sleeper pack with a First Class 90 - sold like mad, second release stuck! Regards, C.
  12. .....Any company with a "marketing department" should understand the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). Its not complaining about the price - its appreciating that pricing in this market, I would suggest has a large amount of elasticity, therefore as prices keep rising, people buy much less. Plus of course there is a huge amount of competition from other manufacturers products, combined with rising costs of living, and this model market, which can at best be described as a non-essential outlay. Regards, C.
  13. To be honest, I think the retailler should be given a little "slack" over this. If its because a manufacturer is "upset" because of sale of the century/discounting limits, then surely this is in the modellers favour. I'd actually argue, that the retailier has been very fair to the manufacturers and other traders, regarding maximum discounts in the "honeymoon period", as they have maintained the same discount price afterwards. If they had not, then it would have fell flat on its face because most people would have waited the X weeks. Sale of the century, though is a very public discounting exercise, which basically implies that many products are not moving in sufficient quantities, at the prices manufacturers are expecting retailers to charge...it should be a wake up call to those in power to realise they can, no longer just keep increasing prices, without it having consequences on demand. Regards, C.
  14. Whilst I am no expert in DJM's operating or Financial Affairs, and nor do I wish to speculate on either....... What I would say is - in looking at recent developments - how long have the MK2 F's and DBSO's taken to come to market, from a company with more than 1 member of staff? And, how long has a new 158 been promised, along with a Class 117? Whilst delays are regrettable, then for a pretty much one man band, are they reasonable? Likewise, "Cashflow" is the life blood of any business, and as I have said on a number of occasions - to a "relatively" small supplier such as DJM, then I view "delays" as potentially one of the biggest risks, as inflation/exchange rates adds to unit costs/eats into margins, continuous delays leads to diminishing investor confidence, and through reduced finance - less business activity.. Ultimately, I hope DJM produces a fantastic Class 92 and APT..... Regards, C.
  15. Slightly intrigued by the suggested legal proceedings.......what are they regarding - Sale of the century, or something else..
  16. What follows "Sale of the Century"???? 2019 January Sale perhaps? Just asking.....
  17. Now he's practiced, you could offer his services free to anyone buying rake bundles! It would keep him out of mischief......
  18. Yes, but looking at it Rapido wanted to do the HST prototype, as part of a package. They also planned the Mk3, but when Oxford announced a new Mk3...that scuppered it. Regards, C.
  19. Well actually, when crowdfunding started "Dave" suggested paying via credit card, for the extra protection it offered...... Regards, C.
  20. Yes, good for the wallet, based on the KMRC price - just need Revolution to do the HOA in Mendip Rail themselves...... Otherwise could they also go behind the Dapol Yeoman wagons? Regards, C.
  21. Thanks. I make that approx 18cm then (or 183.8mm to a rivet counter), although obviously got couplings etc too, to consider. But that helps alot. Think I'm looking at about 12 DB's then for a decent rake. Regards, C.
  22. Hi, anyone know roughly how long these wagons are? Just thinking it will help people determine the length of train they can run Thanks, C.
  23. ......And website crashes at 10.01! Great start to the New Year......
  24. Congratulations on the new layout plan. Will be really nice. With those dimensions - its a good job its N Gauge! Have you told the Mrs yet? She's either going to rejoice at being the sole occupier of the TV remote, or ringing the solicitors! Regards, C.
  25. The problem with HST's is - how does a manufacturer "guess" how many coaches people will want. Some run 4 coaches, some may run upto 7-8, and others may just want the powercars in a cabinet. How can Hornby produce the correct amount, with those variables? Its not really viable to do production runs, to cater for a few folks who miss out, at the possible cost of having a few hundred coaches left over. Only thing to do with HST's is to get your powercar and coach requirements when they come out! He who hesitates........ On the subject of HST's - I am sure a 43002/43185 pack would sell well, and how about a FGW/GWR Hybrid pack with 43093, and say 43027 in FGW (Queens 90th) livery..... Sure with the recent runs of FGW and GWR Coaches, many people could use them! Likewise - with the £10 difference in retail price for standard/TTS. They may as well be done with TTS, to add value! (People could either use the TTS, or sell it off!) Regards, C.
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