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Everything posted by dogbox321

  1. More worryingly than that - the photos on Hattons website for those they are making look.....errr.....well.......errr.........."Disgusting!" Mr Mylett......, Sir......, please tell us the weathered versions will look like those you had on this forum, where you wanted us to choose between Version 1, 2 & 3. {Version 4 (Hattons Website)in the photos....No thanks}. P.S. Is it true, that the 06CW & 06DW are not not to be produced? I had got an order for these, but will have to alter it accordingly. Dare I ask what ICI 006BW is going to look like? Regards, C.
  2. E Exactly. There was nothing on the web-site, then "Bang" - they were expected in 2-3weeks. Perhaps they find out, when Oxford tell them that they are ready and are asking for their payment. Regards, C.
  3. Hi, I did actually notice "this" prior to release, and Mr. Isles kindly showed me the photo that they had worked from. I did advise him to keep it handy... Regards, C.
  4. I think there is always a market for a "better product", but that also has to come at a reasonable price, when rakes are required. Plus in the case of Mk3's - they really need to "match" associated products. Also - with an HST "Wizzing" around a layout - can you actually see the fine details when its being run. A 6 or 7 coach, plus 2 HST powercars looks pretty impressive. If someone did one at a silly price (so most people only have one or two coaches), and with colours that did not match the powercars from another manufacturer - would it really look very good? The more interesting point, would be instead of doing a "traditional" Mk3 - how about starting the ball rolling with tooling for Sliding doors a-la GWR and soon to be Cross Country MK3's... Then perhaps a slide or something to allow traditional vehicles to be made, if viable... Regards, C.
  5. Looks nice, and much more aesthetic than a certain recent red loco...... Sure it will get named... Regards, C.
  6. Well, based on the horror stories I've herd - I'm scared to run my "OO" Gauge Bayer Garrett for fear of it distroying itself - is that close? If there is a new improved version -how about the manufacturer providing new motors to those with the "original" locos? Surely its poor design if the two motors work against each other..... Regards, C.
  7. Always knew the corrugated sides on a Shed would some day have a use! Will have to have a look at an EWS one now..... P.S. Are Hattons aware...... Regards, C.
  8. Its a bit like marriage....... "Speak now, or forever hold your piece.......!" But the good thing is, the trains don't have arguments with you, or moan when your modelling......unless we get biffo to do a DCC chip with a "nagging wife" so the railway room dosen't even offer a refuge...... Regards, C.
  9. Drivers have Ipads and tablets these days..... Lack of hot plate in the cab is more noticable Regards, C.
  10. Hi, regarding YesTor's latest post. Is it just me, or the photos - but everything on the new model's front appears to me to be 1-2mm too low between the Horn Grille and the Buffers. Secondly, agree with YesTor that Shawplans etch's do seem extremely subtle, allowing detail behind to show through. Stainless steel is much harder than brass, possibly enabling finer detail to be produced, but still retain its structural strength. Only other point would be, with the grilles in the clean air compartment being so see-through - will the radiator be represented behind it? Regards, C.
  11. Not wishing to spoil the fun, but lets get the APT making its way through production first shall we, before working on the "nice to have's"... Another little thought - if they are all handed out based on what Dave were saying about needing 300 14-cars to make the project viable, then thats potentially £300k of models. May be best to check insurance policies first... Regards, C.
  12. Hi Dave, it would be a very nice idea. It would also be nice, if a booklet could be produced to give a brief overview of APT's history, and possibly even an annex charting the models development (so you can take some of the "Glory"). Best Regards, C.
  13. Personally, I think the market is ripe for a much finer model of both Class 37 and Class 47. Whilst its an individual choice - I don't quite agree with off-loading all old models. Some can be quite useful and although the more modern version may have many refinements, when a train is running around how much of it can really be appreciated. Morewenstow Riverside and Tonbridge Yard even use some Lima models! Regarding a later post - why would Hattons want to supply as a trader, when they can supply modellers direct? Offers no real benefit to them. Best Wishes, C.
  14. Thats good. Plus 3 Class 37's in 3 different sector liveries - Metals, Petrol and Coal... Regards, C.
  15. I know a Peugeot 206 that needs a new exhaust - do you think one would fit....
  16. Hi Dave, As per earlier message - have you got the LLoyds Clicksafe working yet? You said that would be a couple of weeks - perhaps some are waiting for that? Thanks, C.
  17. Yes, especially with such a lump of heavy steel on the slightest camber (combined with the fact Class 66's are not the easiest loco to access and egress). A heavy bag when changing ends helped keep the door open, if used as a door wedge!
  18. Thought it were APT of the future = Privatised Livery, no full yellow front end and a doors a different colour to meet the disability regs.... Windscreen may be a wee bit too tinted to see out of.... But can we have a Driver in the cab wearing a BR Blue Uniform and Hat? On a serious note - is click safe up and running yet? Regards, C.
  19. ....all good things come to an end! 37116 would have been nice in its Tinsley guise, to "double head" with 37057 Viking in Blue Large Logo....
  20. Hi - could be the light conditions with the loco - its a pretty grey day in that shot. If you note - the dark square/rectangle lines are not present on the bodyside of the model....hope they are added on the production locos. Regards, C.
  21. Regarding others comments - about moaning - then I think the Hattons team are doing an excellent job, at producing what is sure to be a fine model. Whether you love em or loath em, the Class 66 is an essential part of the scene for many modellers, and to Hattons credit - I think they want to get it as right as they can, within what is possible in current manufacturing techniques. Likewise to do the ultimate Class 66, makes commercial sense, as the product will have a much longer life-span, without any competitor attempting to go "one better". I'd also highlight, the assistance RMwebbers gave to another company, when they released the Class 52, to high acclaim! No-one is saying anything is radically wrong, and likewise we don't have the benefit of what details Hattons and their supplier have already looked at improving - we can only mention just what we see could possibly make a fine model, even better. Last comment on the Class 66 tooling - Just looked at Page 1, following my earlier comment (above) and in the cad-cam - the doors are just a molded block. Surely, with all the rest of the fine detail incorporated, these would look much better either more refined, or ideally as separately fitted parts. 2019 could be very expensive for a good many modellers... Regards, C.
  22. Think the pipes are going to be a bit "Marmite", personally I raised the issue with Hattons, but they said they cannot get it any better, and have looked at various options. Only other thing I have noticed - is the lack of "text" on the cast bogies (but are on the 3D prints). Also, bogies look a little too crisp and sharp, for a cast item. But then again, maybe it wouldn't look "right" if they looked rough. Regards, C.
  23. Looks really nice. Only observations I would make at this stage are: Rotating axleboxes are not centrally aligned, does the centre headlight "stick out" a little too much, and from looking at the photos (maybe just the angle) - the door handles look moulded, although expect they are not. A Class 37 and Class 47 would make interesting follow on projects....... Regards, C.
  24. I think it would sell as a "train", if produced to a reasonable price for the high level specification. At the time when Rapido queried its viability, it should have been costed, and modellers given the option of "yay" or "nay". By postponing it - all thats happening is, prices will rise further over time. Regards, C.
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