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Everything posted by dogbox321

  1. The Class 66 was known about months before, so why in Nov 2018 should it become a problem? Here's hoping they announce a Class 47 next..... and Accurascale a Class 37 At worst they may drop the SRP from £169.95 to just under £145, as per the Class 66! Who ever said competition was a bad thing! Regards, C.
  2. Hope they have sorted the roof grille mesh and made that finer! Looks a little coarse on the 66848 they have shown on here! Regards, C.
  3. If I recall correctly, Bridestowe a few months back had an e-bay model shop, with really keen prices where people had lots of problems getting their stock (e-bay feedback), and it were discussed on this forum. I did (before reading about it) get a Hornby wagon from there, but I know someone who won a loco and had to go through paypal buyer protection..... May be just a strange coincidence.......
  4. You should have asked them to promise...... Looks like the PRA has been dispatched from China, as the price has gone up. Regards, C.
  5. Three liveries in the first run - how many more liveries are there on these wagons? What will a second run look like? Just thinking different no's on the Castle Cements? The wagons do look really really nice. and the factory looks pretty clean too.... Regards, C.
  6. Personally I cannot understand why Hornby insist on releasing their version, as opposed to the much finer detailed and better haulage capacity of the Lima one that they inherrited! Perhaps its politics - but Lima's is a much better offering. If only they'd use that tooling and not theirs - it would be a "reasonable" Class 92! Regards, C.
  7. So your going to "tag" them with your name......
  8. Hi, not wishing to sound impatient (I know they have said they won't release any more Class 66's until the original 32 are released), but it would be nice if Hattons would advise us whether they have any intention of producing 66413 in F/L Orange Livery, so modellers can make an informed choice as to which 66413 model they wish to purchase, whether Hornby, Bachmann, or Hattons (if they choose to do it). Regards, C.
  9. Well at least Hornby's has a delivery date..... Don't forget Hornby's has a wagon too!
  10. Its the getting them back that you may find difficult...... LOL!
  11. TBH, after seeing them a few times - in my opinion, the coaches are not really a very nice livery! Although I suppose now the "saloons" could also be produced too.....Any chance of some in the Scotrail Swoosh and First Liveries to compliment the previous sleep coach runs.....
  12. Does this mean that the Cemflo will be made and arrive before the 4mm PCA? Regards, C.
  13. Hi, yes its never good to get a model you have been looking forward to, to find that bits are missing. Likewise most companies don;t try and pee off their customers. Sometimes there is just "sods law to contend with", and chaos theory that suggests that things will just cluster together. I recently had some wagons (from a different manufacturer), and 5 had parts missing! Luckily I contacted the producer and have been supplied the parts and its all sorted. Regarding the missing parts - I've noticed recently that many trains now do not tend to have glue used to secure components, or if they are, it must be more like the consistency of spit, because loads of parts have fallen off trains, and its not been Hornby products either! Personally, I'd give the model a bit of a shake to ensure no small parts have got into the inside of the body/chassis. Failing that, it sounds like someone was having a bad day in the factory........ I'd certainly try the customer service contact, to see what is possible regarding spares, or whether due to you being unable to handle such fine parts, whether they may be able to provide a replacement body. I'm sure most model shops, if you asked, would be happy to check a model over for you, before sending it to you. Prevention is better than cure, and with you being in New Zealand - its surly much easier to check it in the UK, than to have to deal with faulty returns from New Zealand. Regards, C.
  14. Sorry No. 1 - My mistake - 2019! Sure there must be some around. Try some of the smaller shops - not sure if last time I went in, that the Signal Box at Anstey still has some. Sorry No.2 - I have had two rakes, so its probably down to me that there is a shortage (needed a rake for the 1st IC HST they did too!). On another note, is it possible that Hornby have the L in the wrong place - There are 4 TSL's, but a rake only needs 1, whilst on TS there are only 2 listed, but each rake would need 2, meaning for the 2 rake numbering, there should be 4 listed..... Regards, C.
  15. yes, but in all fairness to Hornby - There were 2 Class 50's last year which are still available (plus D400 the year before), so its probably sensible to give them a break this year. Plus quite a few 56303's. GBRf Class 60 - would imagine that would be next year - the real one has not been out that long, and 2019's programe would probably have been started a year or so ago. Regarding Class 08's - they don't seem to sell that well - 08623 in DB and 08644 Laira are still available. Hornby have stated that they don't want to be in the game of discounting stock, so will want older Class 08's, Class 56 & Class 50's to sell out first. Wonder if there is the likelihood that Locomotion may do a 43002/43185 Pack......there are certainly some MTU's to come out! Regards, C.
  16. IC Swallow was released this year, cannot see another new tool for the Mk3.
  17. These do look really, really good. And now for the big question - anyone know what the proper train formations for the GWR, Cross Country and Scotrail rakes, so that people can order the correct number, of the correct vehicles to make their rakes up. Many Thanks, C
  18. The "Malcolm" liveried one would be nice. Would test how good they can paint a model. Hornby have managed to do a Settle & Carlisle 156, Class 91 in Battle of Britain and Harry Patch.
  19. Maybe a Class 86, to go with that lovely Class 87. It makes sense.........
  20. Yes, and after recently having some GBRf MJA's for £42.50 a pair, they are pretty good (I think the buffers are a little skinny). But you can have a pair of those wagons and £7.49 change, instead of 1 JNA-T, or £14.49 if you don't do the pre-order price. It's a no brainer really! Regards, C.
  21. Perhaps? Who knows. It depends on what agreements exist between Oxford & Hattons. Maybe Hattons can produce another run, or like with the Hattons Heljan exclusives - Class 28 & Garratt, then after a while Heljan have offered them as standard releases (As a side note, they could also do with offering a chassis exchange for those with "original garretts" - why should modellers suffer by paying £199 for a model, thats prone to breaking down? If its a manufacturing fault/defect, they have the chance to rectify it). Other issue is of course price - will there be another run of PHV at £24/£25? Regards, C.
  22. Yes, but manufacturers and traders, many of which advertise in your magazine, try and sell their models based on this. Look at the second batch of Blue Pullman's - branded Collectors Edition (as a side note:RRP 599.00, I picked a new one up for £420 about 8 month ago, and yesterday I saw a new one at £400), offering models as limited editions with certificates etc., additional boxes, sleeves etc., its all to try to make models appear more collectable and sought after...... Regards, C.
  23. ......Hattons are to become Bachmann Retailer of the year?
  24. Hi, I think one of the main issues now is, that model railways have become a bit like a car - as soon as you buy it , it depreciates in value. People have previously been able to buy models, with an expectation that over time, their models would increase in value, and indeed one companies slogan was "Tomorrows collectables, today!" That were fine when a loco was c£50-£60. At c£130 for a new loco, then many people are put off in any case, so actually a second hand model (unless its something mega-rare and desirable), is virtually always going to realise a lower value, and be sold at a price, that realises the true value of the model in the market. I'd suggest that in reality nowadays, sensible second hand prices for good quality models, reflect better, what people are prepared to pay. Just because a catalogue says a model is £159.95, does not necessarily mean potential purchasers consider this to be the case! That covers the sale price, likewise as others have said - most model shops also offer a warranty, have overheads etc., so they need a fair margin on top to cover these, before they make a profit. Regards, C.
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