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Everything posted by Wagonmaster

  1. I tend to use Southern Pride P146 nylon bogie shells. They have a coupling fixing moulding which I use to fit a Kadee gearbox. I like to use Kadee's for the inner car to car couplings, but with the 'tails' cut off. In addition, I use half insulated wheels, normally DCC Concepts, with the pick up springs soldered to a strip of PCB, which is glued to the underside of the bogie, to provide power for head/tail lights and interior lights via a dcc decoder. With more modern bogies, which are a 'H' frame type, the end transoms have to be cut off as they would be visible. The sideframes are just glued on. The whole bogie is attached the the chassis with nut and bolt. Sounds more complicated than it is. Below are two pictures to show what I mean. The first is the underside of a Class 310 bogie. The second is a close up of a Class 313 bogie.
  2. That's looking really good! I'm impressed, well done! Especially as you've tried printing it on a new printer you're not fully familiar with yet. Much easier to see it with a bit of primer on. There are bound to be some little tweaks to do as printing the model shows up some issues. Sounds as if they are easily sorted though.
  3. Hi JDW, Glad no offence was taken. I'm guessing the bogies are the usual 8ft 6in wheelbase. I have now had a look at my bodies and you are right. The driving cars are different to the trailer and will need a bit of trimming to allow the bogies to rotate. I did take note of your observation about the brittleness of the plastic, but still managed to crack one! Hardly noticeable, but I will have to be more careful. I'm sure the supplier will produce the bogie sideframes and etched window frames in due course. It took a little while with the Class 313 kit. I used Southern Pride nylon bogie frames for the 313 and glued the sideframes on. The end transoms have to be cut off and sides trimmed a little, but works very well. These frames allow you to use either their tension lock couplers, or in my case, somewhere to attach the Kadee gearbox to. The 323's might need an extension piece added as they have quite an overhang. Not checked the door heights and livery yet, but guessing you're right about that too.
  4. Hi JDW, Thanks for your reply and observations. I have been following your thread with interest, but was hoping someone may have some drawings to compare with. I've only just stuck the body halves together, but will try your method of 'doodling' the Centro livery and see what ends up where! Trying to finish off other stuff, you know how it is. As regards the bogies and door strengthening, could it be because you're not using the 'correct' bogies? I just thought I'd throw that in there as a thought, no criticism intended. At the end of the day, if any of the bogies used won't turn, it will have to be trimmed! I'll have a closer look over the next few days and see what's what. As you say, the prints may have altered since your version.
  5. Is that an Armstrong Whitworth in there somewhere? Lol! Seriously though, well done. Does look the right shape, but a clean up and perhaps a waft of grey primer might reveal all.
  6. That is all brilliant news JCL. Your solution to the motor and chassis issue seems a good one. Personally, I prefer to have a separate motor/chassis assembly that screws in under the body. Looking forward to seeing your first print of the Universal.
  7. Hi Ian, many thanks for that. Useful pictures re livery etc. Pity there's no drawings though. I just wanted to check door heights and underframe strengthening as some seem to think they're slightly out. Thanks again Steve
  8. Thanks for that ISW, I am aware of that thread. Unfortunately I can't see any reference to any drawings, which is what I'm really after.
  9. Looking for some help on the Class 323's. I have just bought one of those 3D printed versions as advertised on eBay. The print looks quite good, but as always, I like to have a drawing of what I'm building. So, does anyone have a drawing of a 323 unit I could have a copy of please? Any information on the corridor end details would also be appreciated, such as what written info is there, restriction codes, TOPS info etc. Many thanks
  10. They look great NorthernElectric 91! I too welcome the interest in ac electrics, but my period is a little older. Perhaps Heljan might consider Classes 82, 83 and 84? The 82 would probably be the most commercially viable with the number of liveries they carried, but I would quite like an 84. Proper OHLE is a minefield. Round by me (WCML Coventry and Trent Valley), every post seems different.
  11. Yes, I would agree. Two completely different cars running on one obscure line, not a great recipe for a mass produced RTR model. There might be some limited mileage in the one that became Test Car Iris. This is where niche kit makers, such as DC Kits and their version are so valuable to us. Pity they seem to out of stock.
  12. How about the Derby Lightweights that were used on the Banbury Merton Street to Buckingham line? DC Kits did do a kit a while back, but that's not really RTR.
  13. Thanks for that Michael. I'm getting mixed up with the Class 12, 15211 etc. They are similar, but have BFB wheels. I always thought the larger wheels were for improved clearance from the 3rd rail!
  14. Thats good news about the SR shunters, look forward to one of those in due course. Are these similar to the LNER 15000 shunters, apart from the wheels?
  15. The Heljan 47 bogie is driven by the centrally mounted can motor, whereas the the Hornby Railroad 31 has the motor built in. Going to a compromise either way, but I think I'd use the 31.
  16. Thanks for that. It does look like the newer bogie of a Railroad Class 31. I wonder how easy they are to re-wheel?
  17. All sounds good! Just a query over the bogie hou are using. I think you mentioned it was a Hornby Class 31 bogie? Is this of the later type from the Railroad range?
  18. Great news Michael, something to look forward to!
  19. So that's seven for a LMS 7050 kit so far, more than halfway! Hope we get a few more.
  20. Yes, I would too please. My Irish layout is CIÉ based, so not quite the right motive power. Maybe later.
  21. Yes it is Charlie and good option for those that feel prices are a little high. But put it this way. I have a 25kV ohle section and obviously want suitable locos. So the AL6 is perfect. However, my time period ends by 1970. I do have the Hornby Class 87 and 90, but they are out of my time period. I would have liked to update them to the latest versions and would have bought them if they were more reasonably priced. A casual purchase if you like as they would have been rarely run. So instead, I'm sticking with my 'Railroad' versions. How many more people feel as I do and how many 'casual' purchases are the manufacturers losing as a result? Yes, we all want better models and they will cost more, but there comes a point where it's difficult to justify.
  22. I think there has been a disproportionate rise in the cost of our models over recent years. I realise that the Chinese have increased their manufacturing costs a lot since the Hornby MN, one of the first of the 'new generation' models, but the quality has not matched the price rises. Just ask yourself why do we keep getting 're-tooled' models? For what we are being charged, I'd expect it to be right first time! It's not as if some of the prototypes aren't still around to be measured properly and photographed! I still think manufacturers are on a slow road to pricing themselves out of the market or are trying to create an elitist hobby where they can charge a premium. At the end of the day, it is still up to the individual to decide if what is being asked is worth it and if they think it is, pay it. If not leave it.
  23. If it's like his 313 kit, it will be a resin floor, bogie sideframes and underframe equipment. You may have to supply your own motor bogie, non driven bogies and wheels.
  24. I appreciate the points you have made and put in that context, it is quite easy to see how such a figure can be arrived at. However, my point is that some RTR models and exclusive editions have become so ridiculously expensive to the point where I, and know many others, cannot justify paying that sort of money for them. So it seems a bit of a self defeating policy to me if manufacturers and retailers keep hiking the prices and end up with an ever reducing sales base!
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