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Status Replies posted by Liam

  1. Is it me or is anyone else sick and tired of stupid status updates that have nothing to do with railway modeling

  2. Here's a Nugget of a headline. Many chickens clucked a sigh of relief today and yesterday and the day before that. Their impending executions was put off due to the inability of DHL lorries to cross the road.

  3. You're never coming back Past the square, past the bridge Past the mills, past the stacks On a gathering storm comes A tall handsome man In a dusty black coat with A red right hand

  4. Have found a way to stop our lass going on about the wedding. When she asks my opinion on what clour blue, i say BR blue. Why she say NO!!!

  5. has just had a missed call from overseas. The caller appears to be in the Vatican. Why would Pope Francis want to call me? #ecumenicalmatter

  6. I wish I'd had more time today, I might have spent the afternoon in the bath again.

  7. Note to self; Next time remember to apply wasp-stripes BEFORE fitting buffers

  8. Would like to confirm that the earth tremor had nothing to do with me having 37175 on the heart of wales line last night

  9. First Class 800 trip for me. Can I have the Mk.3 seats back please?

  10. "The bottle is half full" said the optimist, "The bottle is half empty" said the pessimist, "The bottle has gone!" Said the opportunist!

  11. is away to the middle of nowhere.

  12. Just back from walking to our local shop. The chap there said they'd been busy with men buying flowers, cards and chocolates.

  13. Good result at Murrayfield...

  14. Am on 1S25 followed by 1Y11 tonight. This should be fun.

  15. Does spending 20 minutes putting together a kinder toy for my granddaughter constitute real modeling?


  17. A cup of Earl Grey.

  18. is looking for a decent plastic-to-wood/chipboard glue....

  19. Genuinely knowledgeable person posts a link to a definitive answer to a question, but people still go on arguing... RMWEB at it’s finest! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/130714-what-purpose-does-this-gwr-structure-serve/

  20. Busy week this week, what with mock GCSEs starting!

  21. What is the consensus on tinned mangoes?

  22. has been listening to "Vierzig Jahre Klaus Renft Combo". Quite, um, yeah... #ddr #rocknroll

  23. Had a PPI payment today, now do I get a 2nd hand VW phaeton or convert the garage to a layout room?

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