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Status Replies posted by Liam

  1. Last regular HST should leave Paddington on Friday 15th February 2019....

  2. The Girlfriend has got a special treat for me tomorrow, she's taking me to Pendon. I'm such a lucky boy!

  3. Campbeltown and Macrahanish..... there's a line to explore. TODAY!

  4. Another call from Eon "to arrange to install a Smart meter. Don't want one, not having one and they aren't compulsory.

  5. Yer dinners in'thoven!

  6. 89 deg C outside thank goodness for air conditioning in hotel rooms !

  7. And Charlie had a think, and he thought we ought to take off all the handles, and the things wot held the candles. But it did no good, well I never thought it would

  8. And Charlie had a think, and he thought we ought to take off all the handles, and the things wot held the candles. But it did no good, well I never thought it would

  9. Today I cabbed a P Class on the Blubell!! Then rode in the train pulled by it. Today was a good day!!!

  10. Mum has got terminal liver cancer. She has not long left. I feel dreadful right now.

  11. Northern Rail: Having a strike one day and having engineering work the next, it would be far too easy to put them on the same day...

  12. is tooling round Sainsbury's in search of bonus Nectar points.

  13. is tooling round Sainsbury's in search of bonus Nectar points.

  14. Finally making progress with the Baseboards.

  15. By avertising it as "bigger" are BMW missing the point of the Mini

  16. It won't be too long now before heading out to sunnier climes, now do I pack my mankini or speedos ? Decisions decisions!

  17. If I were a rich man.....

  18. My Wife has politely asked me to "sort out that train sh#t" .... She doesn't normally swear !! I think her patience must be being tested a little :-0

  19. Chester has changed loads in the last 30yrs since I lived there perhaps a change of scenery beckons

  20. I would just like to make it clear, in unequivocal and unambiguous terms, that I am not in the business of re-felting other people's shed roofs, nor am I particularly keen to even consider installing a bath on the roof of any shed whatsoever, at any time or in any place.

  21. Can I ask exactly what sort of cookies are being offered when I accept RMWeb terms when I sign in ? Oh! And would they be suitable for dunking in my tea ?

  22. Well that was "interesting". Just been evacuated from my sisters house due to a chlorine gas "incident"!!

  23. I have discovered that during times of intense emotional stress I become a Midland region modeller rather than my usual Eastern or Great Western preferences. Is this common?

  24. Just had a visit from Harry the hedgehog. First one since I moved here. Our gardens arn't Hedgehog friendly so me and my 9yr old moved him to the fields at the end of the street.

  25. Finished 100km walk in 23hrs 15min. Just a little bit sore nowl

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