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Status Replies posted by Liam

  1. First time out in the caravan for a long while and wouldn't you know it, Thornaby yard is across the road!

  2. School holidays have started. Train to Manchester like a creche.

  3. Has anyone been to Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg? Supposedly the largest 'model rail exhibition' in the world.

  4. Has anyone been to Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg? Supposedly the largest 'model rail exhibition' in the world.

  5. Has anyone been to Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg? Supposedly the largest 'model rail exhibition' in the world.

  6. "Brunel was not unknown in Bristol."

  7. A Farish Castle has arrived! slippery slope!

  8. so, if you are modelling and you need to pee but are thinking "I'll just do this bit first then go", well if the the bit you are doing is changing a scalpel blade, then always, always go for a pee first, because you will hurry and stick the blasted scalpel blade into your finger and bang goes any modelling for the evening...

  9. Decided it was time to retire the pair of running shoes I bought in May 2000 with a final valedictory run last night. And they sat we modellers never throw anything away.

  10. I'm so glad that we did the fencing work in the garden yesterday, and not today. It's now tipping it down in South Devon.

  11. Doesn't feel like going to work today, want to play toy trains instead

  12. Sad news, Coventry Electric Museum to close

  13. Congratulations! You have been selected Click Immediately

  14. What goes on in Pontefract.....

  15. Going to a party tonight, can't really be axxed, can anyone suggest a good excuse not to go?

  16. Does anyone know if Heljan do tours or allow visitors to their Danish base?

  17. Very very bored at work, roll on East Lancs tomorrow and Yorkshire Show next week.. zzzz

  18. You buy a ticket for a concert and pay for the ticket plus a facility charge,service charge and standard mail charge.Nearly an extra 20%.

  19. Does anyone know if Heljan do tours or allow visitors to their Danish base?

  20. You buy a ticket for a concert and pay for the ticket plus a facility charge,service charge and standard mail charge.Nearly an extra 20%.

  21. lightning has buggered the signals twixt Ely and Attleborough - hopeits not the loc I reported which is still wide open to the torrential rain we've just had ...

  22. According to my insurance company, I was involved in an 'incident' and a claim has been made. Amazing considering I never drove it the week the claim was made.

  23. Is it going to rain or not, make up your bl**dy mind!!

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