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Everything posted by Ncarter2

  1. All this talk of EMU’s, as much as I’d like to see the Electrostar, I’d rather see the PEP or Mk3 based units first. Maybe too niche, but given the impending 92’s how about the Eurotunnel tri-bo’s and rolling stock. Could follow up with a worthwhile Eurostar.
  2. I plan to run my GNER 89 at the head on the Intercity ones, when they arrive, pending Hornby ever releasing the original GNER ones.
  3. The Purple Monster was patiently waiting for me to return home from a few days working away. The delivery box was large than expected and the model was well packed, no room to move about. I have to admit, it was an impulse buy, but as I had haulage on one of the few Xcountry turns, I thought why not. So glad I didn’t cancel, what a model. I was impressed with Hattons 66’s, bar the silly niggles, but this is the best ready to run model IMHO on the UK market. It certainly looks the part and I cannot wait to give it a run, what I’ve heard so far of the sound has me excited. I’d become used to the level of detail you’d get with Scaletrains Rivet Counter series. This model is easily on par, though it’s box is over double the size, and I thought they were big. Massive well done done to the Accurascale team, be proud of what you have given us. I cannot wait for the 92’s to arrive.
  4. I was undecided on which of the new Nuclear to go for, in the end I went with the Dragon and Nupak sets. Still liking the look of the Novapak set.
  5. Being these are a feature of engineering trains, I had to order a set of the yellow ones.
  6. NSE definitely suited these units, even the SWT version was appealing. Much better than the Metro Red. That said Southern wasn’t as bad, but NSE for me everyday.
  7. Most likely inspection line blockages to allow inspection of the junction, slows probably blocked as a position of safety so when the lookouts spot a train, the staff don’t have to clear two open lines and can keep going. Myself and a colleague have done the reverse through Wimbledon and had the fasts blocked with the slows open, got some strange looks from the public as we wondered through the platforms!
  8. Technically it is still an open, active line. It’s still maintained to the relevant standards as well. It does see the Yellow fleet in addition to other ad hoc workings.
  9. 2018 if I recall was the last scheduled train down there, though the Yellow fleet does visit now and then, when reliability isn’t an issue, but that’s another story. Plans are progressing well for a regular flow to start again.
  10. Arrangement or layout of parts doesn’t really constitute a new design not seen else where, however, if you logic is it does, I assume you will exclude all the 66’s imported to the UK, given some have a different cab layout and other nuances? Now, the class 70 is a design that was created for the UK, a collaboration between GE and Freightliner.
  11. If being primarily made out of existing parts disqualifies a class as being a new class, then half the GWR classes go poof! I didn’t say it disqualified it as a new class, I was making the point that it’s a locomotive that wasn’t designed specifically for use in the UK, it being a development of a well established US type that had been in use long before it hit our shores, including in Ireland. As you stated, your criteria was based on it being designed for the UK before any where else, then the 66 is not, it was a development. Very different.
  12. Class 92’s are also in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania. Bit of a stretch classing the 66’s as a loco ‘designed’ for Britain before anywhere else, it’s effectively a SD40 scaled for the Uk loading gauge, nothing about it was was new. The engine had been in use for many years, the control system also used prior, Irish Class 201 springs to mind. Even the 66 body shell is taken from the 59.
  13. Hattons sold out a few weeks back, hence seeing these now command high prices.
  14. You can get some great items if you are willing to look. I’ve recently taken up HO North American, but over the last week I’ve picked up an Arriva Class 67 for £65, a couple of 150 units for less than three figures and a 60 for £58. If you spend a little time, you can definitely get bargains. Gauge wise, see what suits you, there are some great advantages to each, just depends on what you want really.
  15. Not only cheaper, but a far superior quality model!
  16. I guess it comes down to what someone is willing to pay. I had a lot of Lima 59’s which I sold about 3 years ago, interestingly, the Mendip rail one sold for just under £150, vastly greater than the £30 I was expecting. While not limited editions, 59101 and 59203 also fetched not far off three figures. Very pleasing, but I suspect I was lucky with a couple of very determined buyers.
  17. Any one for a rare DVT? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115388015271?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=keTthLigSyW&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Ghyxkm76TAy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  18. Some wishful thinking. Can’t fault the optimism. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115358176523?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Gp3YmJDLRdS&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Ghyxkm76TAy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  19. One of the few colours I’ve not seen her in, so would be a first, but then that works well, my first sound loco, her first purple clothing
  20. The Purple one was the first sound model I purchased, I have my cross country Mk2 waiting patiently for it to arrive. If it was not for this version, I’d not have a Deltic in the fleet. It has a allure. Now, how to explain its arrival to the better half!
  21. Been lucky enough to secure an Intercity one for my dad, he is wanting it as 90012. Does anyone know when it’s name plates changes from black to red?
  22. I have been lucky enough to cab 59’s, 60’s, 66’s and 70’s on Wessex as well as 60’s and 66’s on the WCML. The 60’s were the smoothest in my opinion. 59’s depended on which ones, the 59/0’s seemed to be worse than the 59/1’s & 59/2’s. 66’s varied across operator's, and 70’s were actually not too bad, however, as wheels wore and mileage accumulated, it would have an effect and the condition of the track also played a part. There was one section of the Basingstoke - Eastleigh corridor in the Up direction that rode horrendously, it was subject of several rough ride reports, following refurbishment works to the track, the issue was eliminated and no further reports received. Interestingly, going off on a tangent, the 220 units with their lightweight bogies are less tolerant of poorer track conditions compared with the 221’s.
  23. In a nutshell yes. There are many factors which will play a part, condition of equipment etc but, 70’s are not as track friendly and 66’s. I will need to double check a published report and see if the relevant information was included, but if it is in the public domain, then the modelling data shows just how different the two are. It was a surprise to us when we seen the initial data set, it was expected they would be similar.
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