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Everything posted by Grovenor

  1. Well, that is but one definition, embankment has several meanings and in Railway terminology which is the relevant usage it refers to ground built up to carry the railway above natural ground level. Whilst a cutting side may be an embankment by one definition its not the normal railway usage hence that report reading a bit off.
  2. Except in the sidings where the 345 sets are standing, maybe you should look more closely at the photos.
  3. I see no ground for complaint, when the date was agreed then it should be announced. Any benefit a politician might get for opening it is balanced by the blame for it being so late. Shapps would have announced it himself if he thought there was any benefit to be had. Its a non issue.
  4. And it really would have taken very little effort to adapt said low profile roller for channel rodding, so not much of a reason.
  5. Its not a thread about track at all, the subject is in the title, no mention of track. And I think a concensus was reached on the answer many pages ago. The answer being NO, we don't need one.
  6. Only by having a whole set of standards so users can choose which ever one suits their purpose, and even then there are others who want something different. Just accept that we are mostly non-conformists.
  7. Smokebox gave you the answer here, Fitting metal fishplates avoids the problem by joining the two power supplies together. But leaves you open to other and potentially worse problems. As others have said it will be much better in the long run to replace the insulated fishplates and use cab control. There is plenty of guidance on the web as already mentioned.
  8. https://eandt.theiet.org/content/articles/2022/03/amazon-introduces-fully-electric-hgvs-into-its-uk-fleet-for-the-first-time/
  9. The section covering renewal for those over 70 does not require a passport unless you want to update your photo. You need to use the correct section of renewals pages! It does say they require a passport if under 70, which, I would suspect, can be challenged as it is imposing a substantial extra cost on anyone who does not have or want a passport.
  10. Shows up in my internet searches.
  11. What junction signal? Being NSW that signal is most likely just a standard block signal on plain line. See https://www.nswrail.net/library/signalling.php and there would not be catch points in the main running line! PS. The latest photo does suggest that the loco was approaching a trailing junction which the signal would be protecting. The term junction signal usually implies a signal leading to a facing junction.
  12. Yes, flange lubricator, usually located on the outside rail at the start of a curve.
  13. Unfortunately that doesn't work, the timbering is all wrong, at least for the 3ft 6in gauge ones I have drawings of.
  14. But not running over the interface between the CBTC in the tunnel and the GWML signalling, so there may well still be some interface/changeover issues to resolve. Similar issue at Stratford which is apparently now understood and fix in progress. Hence the initial service being in 3 bits, one on each type of signalling. Two of them having been running for some time of course.
  15. But note that is code 100, not the new code 75. As stated right at the bottom of the description
  16. Since the timbering is set by the kit, really the timbering on the Templot print is irrelevant, so no need to do anything to them, just build to the rail alignment to get the curves, as you are doing.
  17. There are only walkways in the tunnel. See the ladder in one of the evac pics near Custom House above, or maybe it was linked.
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