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Everything posted by Lacathedrale

  1. It really is quite lovely, flipped left to right it puts the conveyor on the correct side of the shed and facing the correct direction (for my layout, obviously) and the trees in the background are what I will be using as a front scenic break. In Wootton Bassett you can see that the trees peter down into nothing just ahead of the end in a siding - a great way for me to fill some of the front of the layout without it all being wasteland.
  2. So thanks to some wonderful help in the prototype thread, arrangements for the stone terminal are coming together nicely. Here's a mirrored version of Ardingly. From the perspective of my layout, you'd be looking from the middle of the backscene towards the front corner, which will be somewhere where the tall trees are. To the right of the photo you can see the conveyor, shown in more detail below, this view would be from where the back where aggregates office would be, looking again towards the front/middle of the layout. If my fiddle yard was scenic'ed, this is what it would look like from the 'other' side of the unloading shed: All of these have trees in fairly high proportion, so I don't feel bad about using them for a scenic break on the left of the layout. Wootton Bassett (not pictured but very similar to the above shots) has the same trees which get smaller and smaller and peter out into scrub just ahead of a siding - that would be a perfect space filler for the front of the layout, which as discussed has got proportionally bigger after the geometry change. Lastly, Lincoln Coal Depot remained mostly unchanged until the late 80's so I will use that as inspiration for the Charrington's siding, albeit with a mobile conveyor instead of a chute:
  3. Wow, that Ardingly terminal might just be the right thing - the shed still provides the scenic break, there's the sleeper walling, various huts and assorted bits, and certainly looks alot more 'aged' than the one in Purley. That Wooton Bassett link also shows a few trees between the terminal and the running lines, exactly how I want/need a scenic break on my layout too. Lovely stuff. Thank you all very much, again.
  4. I stopped by the Croydon Military and Aviation Toy and Collectors fair and picked up a Stug IV - no direct relation to this project other than I intend to try out weathering on it using the railmatch paints, and a set of oils, brushes, odourless thinner I picked up from hobbycraft after the show. I also grabbed some boxes, clips, cutters, plastic cement and so on. I still don't have a 'workbench' as such, all of my modelling kit is in the garden office but the only furniture in there is a chair! The only major change to the layout is that I've gone from B6 to B7 turnouts after digesting the 'Track' book by the 2mmFS just because i've got the space and no real issues around capacity for runarounds/etc. as a B7 is a 'natural' turnout where the radius of the curved switchblades and the diverging route all match nicely. The book really is quite fabulous and I would heartily recommend it to anyone - of course I've yet to implement any of it since the Shop1 chap from 2mmFS association appears to be on holiday; but it all makes alot of sense. I did make another short vlog video, and it will be my last a) using my cameraphone and b) without a tripod - so please just bear with it for now if you fancy watching, it'll be better soon - I promise! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1H8Qrx26hw
  5. Also, this picture is clearly showing a dumper unloading into the bays, so there must be something else going on there: http://www.daygroup.co.uk/images/services/rh4.jpg
  6. Ah, so flat corrugation is fine with me; I'm just severely lacking in any kind of prototype photographs. Here's what the current building looks like, is it a plausible 1970 one? https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3518/12989779903_74b9b8f225_b.jpg https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3587/12989777923_3902f73833_b.jpg
  7. Hi guys, - I'm not a Yahoo Groups user so don't have access to VAG, but I can't seem to find the password to the members section of the 2mm Association website in my newsletter, yearbook or magazine - am I missing something obvious? (or; is it even worth getting my garters in a bunch over?) - Is all OK with Shop1? I'm not particularly concerned but emailed an order over a few days before Xmas and another email a few days ago and haven't heard a peep. I'm not rushing and definitely not wanting to cast anyone in a bad light at all - it is the festive season after all - but I would like to have a broad idea when I could expect to hear back? All the best,
  8. Keep hearing diesels on the line by my house, but never see them

  9. Keep hearing diesels on the line by my house, but never see them. Ghost trains...

  10. Keep hearing diesels on the line by my house, but never see them. Ghost trains?

  11. Perfect. It's interesting that I'm finally getting a feel for these TOPS codes. Next up - fishtypes? Anyway, I know we're veering into freelance territory but I can't help but feel that the unloading shed as a wholly corrugated structure will be fairly out of place in the layout where most of the rest of it will be legacy kit (i.e. pre-rebuild, pre-London Concrete and as such mostly ~1960's era infrastructure.) Ironically, the few pictures which describe hopper unloading infrastructure seem to link back to this thread! Other than the Purley unloading facility, are there any pictures out there of equivalent rail-through unloading buildings that might be of a slightly older vintage? EDIT: I have picked up the Railfreight book by Paul Shannon and the Foster Yeoman "75 Years of Freight" books
  12. So far nothing joins up - I've got locos but no track, wheels but no wagonsm etc. but I have a feeling these will need to be done in a dinner tray. I've already lost the three link from my Class 37 (somewhere in the front bogie mechanism)...
  13. Many thanks, I've sent him a note just on the off-chance he's got any kicking around. I picked up some Ratio ladder etch so if nothing else I can replace the ladders, but a proper detailing kit would be fab.
  14. I'm working under the assumption that in the earlier eras, PGA for aggregate, MDV for limestone, MCV/MSV for coal. I appreciate that PGA/MDV may never have been used at Purley however. More modern equivalents would be JHA/PHA for aggregate, JYA for limestone and HEA for coal.
  15. I'll have a butchers for the etched ladder strip. Hi Justin, I'm not sure if this was addressed to me, but I already have the wagons (or rather, they are being posted to me) - I just need something for the rails/ladders
  16. Hi Martin, with a proper exit road length the turnout snaps properly, but unfortunately the timbers are still overlapping - the next track template is a turnout, so ctrl+F4 doesn't work.If I increase the distance and split the approach then I can use Ctrl+F4 but the geometry just doesn't work. It feels like the whole control template shown here needs to be on long timbers, as opposed to separate - but I can't seem to find a way to have Templot build that for me? https://i.imgur.com/hflkUBd.png I'm happy to take the discussion to the templot club if there's no quick answer to the question
  17. Ah! I've found an example. Using shift-and-join the right hand turnout is misaligned, so I'm just using 'shift' to get it in place - and this has resulted in some rather odd timber placement. https://i.imgur.com/mPWIVqh.png
  18. OK, if there's no "default" changes then I will leave things well alone - I meant in terms of the kinds of things that one does with a photograph in Photoshop - adjusting the white balance, contrast/brightness, etc. - regardless of the photo itself these things need to be tweaked anyway. If Templot is a happy camper and I can build straight off of it, no such concern.
  19. My lord some of these pieces are very, very small. I know that goes without saying, but gosh.
  20. Well, my first 2mmFS shipment - replacement wheels for Farish wagons, new wheels + bearings for scratchbuilt/kitbuilt wagons, brass turned vacuum cylinders, a back-to-back gauge and two sets of DG couplers/height setting gauges: The latter was a mistake on my part, but in reality I think sixteen pairs is more like what I need so I'm not too worried.
  21. I've got replacement wheels for some Farish wagons that I've bought, but one of the most egregious faults are the ladders and handrails on the kit: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Graham-Farish-373-037A-Bulk-Aggregate-Hopper-PGA-ARC-Procor-N-gauge/362168025892?hash=item5452e58324:g:QJwAAOSwke9aGJjB compared to real life: http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/arcpga Are there any strips of this kind of thing I can buy in bulk like one can with open web truss (i.e. http://modelshop.co.uk/Shop/Strip-Shape/Open-Web-Truss/ ) ? Or is this a case of doing it with brass wire, very, very carefully?
  22. Sorry, it sounds silly but I'm not entirely sure WHAT I'm shoving or why! My question is really 'what needs manual attention after templot has set up with the <most> defaults" ?
  23. Hi guys, I've got a 2mmFS layout planned out and sized in Templot and it seems to work - I just wanted to check the general steps between snapping and designing the templates, and actually using them to build my track. In the dim past I can seem to remember shoving timbers around, adjusting spacing/etc. but can't seem to find it with the rather generic question above! Cheers,
  24. Thank you both. 37244 and 37254 are close enough for me! Maybe a chance for a renumber, but I'll certainly manage either way. I am going to have to freelance the use of those PGAs too, until such a time as I can scratchbuild the PHA/JHA's - thank you.
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