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Everything posted by GeoffinOz

  1. Wow. glad to see you are still working on this, hope you finish it. I have suggested to Phil hat the final theme should be UFE (unfinished Entries) That way we should see quite a few finished projects
  2. Is that 5pm in UK or Oz? obviously in the UK so 2am in Oz When do you announce the winner? and is it going to be announced here
  3. Does the smoke generator smoke smell? I have seen engines going round with smoke coming out of their chimneys but have not smelled it.
  4. I had thought of a preserved railway wagon being repaired, but thought the laying of track was more my thing. This could be one to watch.
  5. Good idea, best of luck. It looks as though you will enjoy scratch building the shovel. will it be complete or just the arm reaching in from the side dropping soil into the spoil wagon?
  6. A start has been made. an expansion of the train wash idea. A branch line was closed by you know who. After watching Julie Walters on her coastal railways program,(it takes a long time to get your TV out here, we are watching 2014 Escape to the Country) one line was being rebuilt as a preserved railway. I decided to rebuild the track in O Gauge. I usually model in N Gauge, so everything will be scratch built. After doing some research on sizes and spacing, I started with foam board base and card sleepers, there is the usual embankment retaining wall and the drainage at the bottom of the wall. Start by cutting track bed, sleepers and retaining wall Space sleepers. Then mockup model So. that is as far as I have got for now. will have to source under layer and ballast, brick paper(? or modeling clay) and track crew.
  7. Well, here we go again. What to build this time? A scrap yard? (new beginning for the old wagons) Relaying track? (new beginning for the branch line) Preservation line maybe? What scale should I try this time? if I try O Gauge then I could have a go at building track. Watch this space.
  8. This is a really good idea. you could do with more rubbish lying around if it is a closed office. nobody to clean up. also, the black and white picture is great
  9. This is great but how are you going to pick three pictures for your entry? so many little stories, so many interesting views, so much to tell. don't forget to include a link to this thread in your 200(ish) words
  10. Maybe for the final theme in October Phil. You could make it U.F.E's. (unfinished entries) That way all those started but not finished could be encouraged to finish.
  11. The boss has just seen some of the other entries and recons mine is a bit clinical, with all that water around shouldn't there be more grass and weeds growing at the wall base? so I will have to plant weeds around the edge.
  12. Scalescenes had a sheet of graffiti in their scratch builder's yard, I think you could print them on decal paper. also some of the tags are only a sign in black so could be done freehand
  13. Was it trespassers or Graffiti artists (same think I suppose) who broke through. I think you could put a few Tags on the relay boxes and the wall. As for taking off a lid on the trunking, try the end section, it would be easier to hack at them.
  14. I have not got around to going to Bendigo to change my water kit but have been to Bunnings and bought a bottle of Craft Varnish and have made a start on the water in the troughs The sun was steaming in the window and I thought that that would show up the water better, you can see the tape at the end to stop the varnish running out. I like the fence shadow but might make the hole bigger by breaking the other side or removing another picket.
  15. Looking good, the embankment retaining wall looks good, I am having trouble with mine, the water kit arrived set so am using varnish instead for the water troughs. I mixed brown paint with the PVA when I did my embankment so that if the grass did not take then it looked like dirt showing through.
  16. Must get my eyes tested, the middle one looked as though they were wearing a skirt, on closer inspection it is shorts.
  17. Which one of the two boys is the man grown up? Must be the one on the left as he is in a similar(ish) pose. Have you got a lady to stand with the man by the car, then it could be the little girl grown up.
  18. Well, what a disappointment, when I opened the water kit to begin work it was already set, must have been an old product or not sealed properly. so another hour trip to the model shop to change it.
  19. For a serious hobby, you are having way to much fun and your imagination is way ahead of the serious nature of the Disc World, where is the Vampire photographer and CMOT Dibbler selling his "pies"
  20. Try laser engraved. Justin of Model Railway Scenery might be able to help, and it would be the same as the picture, embedded in the wood. and you already have the 200 words.
  21. Looking good Stubby47. The change will be more realistic, with the track below the road level, and I like the idea of the changing timeline. I look forward to reading your 200 words, if they are as funny as some of your comments.
  22. Well, change of plan. The children are not allowed to be behind the fence without a responsible adult. so they are here and so is the water. I think the man with the green tee shirt will do as the Dad and the child with the backpack and the one waving his hands. Has anyone used this water product, will it keep if I don't use it all?
  23. The new site is very modern, not sure if I am missing something but where is the TOP button to return to the top of the posts, it is not convenient to use the scroll bar at the side all the time, especially on long posts.
  24. The B&W picture is great. I found that they show up the detail better and also you can find any mistakes and correct them. Isn't digital photography great.
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