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Everything posted by bridgiesimon

  1. A little update - I have been stuck at home self isolated since Thursday due to my wife having a viral exasperated asthmatic attack, so not much else to do, I got out a couple of Hornby pug 0-4-0 chassis I acquired a while ago and started thinking. A few hours later, this appeared before me - I have added more details since this piccie was taken - handrails, filled caps etc. I will add more piccies tomorrow when I return to the cabin of chaos! Best wishes Simon
  2. The garrett is 16.5mm gauge but scale wise based on 28mm wargaming so around 5.5mm scale - a little smaller than O scale for stuff. My next project is based on Terry Pratchett's Discworld. Thread here - Best wishes Simon
  3. The latest pug bash I am working on - Based on the pivoting installed, it can go round pretty tight curves! Yes it is a Pug bash, this is running on a pair of Hornby Pug chassis under there somewhere! Best wishes Simon
  4. An update, Nick sent me a test fret to try out a fret as he has had a couple of complaints recently that the etches were problematic. I tried making them up and found that they were perfectly good, folded well and make up easily so no idea what the issue was the other customer had. Fingers crossed they will be available again soon. Best wishes Simon
  5. Quick update, I have emailed N Brass, will post when I get an answer. Best wishes Simon
  6. Thank you for your comments, I am using MBD coupings, available from N Brass Locos - https://www.nbrasslocos.co.uk/fitcoach.html Code: 23842 No price listed at the moment so no idea what is going on, maybe an email his way to confirm would be best, I will need more soon any way. They are similar to DG couplings but have an etched loop so easier to make - I made up and fitted 5 pairs of couplings this evening in about an hour for a show this weekend. (More details further back in the thread - page 2 I think) Best wishes Simon
  7. All wheels now cleaned ready for the weekend - locos, coaches and wagons as there is no point cleaning all your loco wheels and track if the first train you run smears dirt back on. I am also well on with a new pair of locos, should be ready for the weekend, couplings, coal, plates and weathering to do, oh yeah and the 56xx needs the front handrail added. At the rear is a 56xx 0-6-2T - Langley kit body on a Grafar 94xx chassis with additional pony wheels. Nearer the camera is a 2251 0-6-0 Collett goods, also a Langley kit running on a Grafar 94xx chassis. They are both running very smoothly and am delighted with them so far. Best wishes Simon
  8. After a very long gap of 3 years, bloomin ell!! Polpendra will be out again next weekend. A few additional details - Best wishes Simon
  9. Ah, so that is what hens teeth look like! Looking good! Best wishes Simon
  10. Number of the Beast - Iron Maiden
  11. Good to see you back, will be watching this with interest. Best wishes Simon
  12. Interesting you should mention that, the third shop in this structure is going to be a musical instruments shop, got a few on order and am going to make a few guitars from scratch, any decent ones for the window, worse ones can go at the back hehe. Am thinking 'Glod Glodson's Shop with Rocks in' (Found on Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/Az29iAEQgIUHLfjbM-F0vos/?lp=true) Best wishes Simon
  13. blooming hell doesn't time fly!! Not a lot happened on the project until this week, new year = renewed enthusiasm!! firstly, the next shop has been detailed and stuff for the 3rd shop in the row has been ordered and received. I have had a week of this week so decided to get the coaches out again to complete the two I started and to shorten the other 3 as well - I am thinking that I should acquire another one of the baggage cars to do in green but not sure, what do you guys think? Anyway, these were shortened by a third, 4 windows from the middle cut out so quite a bit shorter but really works for this layout I think. Yep, lots of updates coming over the next few weeks/months! A little off topic but I found a new supplier of details and am delighted with them - https://badsquiddogames.com/shop Their selection of scenic items, although designed for 28mm wargaming would be really useful in O gauge or similar so heads up guys! I have a set of the food supplies basing kit and the cargo supplies, superb resin casting - will add piccies when painted! Best wishes Simon
  14. Another hint for getting the lid off those pots is to boil a kettle and pour enough hot water into a cup so that the lid is almost covered when put in up side down. The plastic expands more than the cooler glass and loosens the lid, I have found this works in most cases. best wishes Simon
  15. absolutely stunning, welcome back!! Best wishes Simon
  16. Bridgebury Gate all packed and loaded last night. Stick readyvto go inti the cars this morning. Hope to see some of you today and tomorrow. We are looking forward to the show. Era - BR sector so loads of colourful diesels! Best wishes Simon
  17. sorry to be naggy nag nag but was wondering how your projects are progressing, in particular the PXAs. Best wishes Simon
  18. Goods news, we are patient people. Sounds really good, defo a rake coming my way, already preparing the vehicles to load on them! Best wishes Simon
  19. as an addition to the previous discussion about the Warrior vehicle for the warwells, these are now available from Butler Printer Models as a 3D print so very light weight - perfect for a long train. https://www.butlersprintedmodels.co.uk/10/12-mm/post-ww2-c82/british/tracked.html No connection beyond repeat customer with a pile of Scorpions to paint, Warriors to follow next time. Usual issues associated with layering but still lovely models for the size and unbeatable prices! Best wishes Simon
  20. well, that was a bit of a mess of all that I made last night, time to try again - One piccie of the shop interior Still very large though. Best wishes Simon
  21. Oops, posted before I finished it, piccies a lott bigger than I was expecting, only a small file as well, never mind. Simply found piccies of Persian rugs online, chucked them into Word, sized and printed. Just need to choose a suitable figure for the shop and done! Best wishes Simon
  22. Mini update - I detailed one of the shop interiors -
  23. The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson
  24. Love you to death, Type O Negative Simon
  25. Not enough Sapien Pearwood left on the disc for a whole layout, I hope to get enough for one of the cassettes for train storage, it can load and upload the trains for me then! oh yeah, I've been to shows where Foul Ole Ron's odor has attended!! Best wishes Simon
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