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Everything posted by Denbridge

  1. the wonderful Leighton buzzards by the late Peter Denny.
  2. ah, but RGW was building models models for Pendon long before he had a lathe. Like many, he acquired tools over the years.
  3. much better to thoroughly investigate and rectify track irregularities.
  4. I ordered a 4mm scale version early on. Unfortunately 18 months down the line it was clear it wouldnt be arriving anytime soon, so i reluctantly cancelled.Another year on they are only just starting to deliver the 4mm ones, so im glad i didnt wait. Additionally there are weight issues with the larger versions. Probably ok for rtr plastic stock, but most of my models are kit and handbuilt metal, a quick calculation showed the weight would be beyond the capabilities of this otherwise fine concept.
  5. i merely stated that I, personally was suprised at how modest his workshop was. I never said anything about you being stupid or anything of the kind. I very much admire your modelling and wish i could work with plastic the way you do.
  6. i also have the 3 books by Guy and they are certainly NOT written as you describe. Quite the opposite in fact. Guy was a school teacher, latterly a headmaster and his books were written in an easy to read, informative style. I learnt more from them than any other source on loco building.
  7. the techniques are as relevant today as when they were written.
  8. Having had the privilege to have known Guy in the 90's and visited his home, what struck me was how basic his workshop was. Sure, he had a unimat for tirning fittings etc, but in the main his wonderful models were created using the kind of tools any modeller would have.
  9. bent rather than crushed. York shed, now the NRM. A plaque marks the spot.
  10. the weather sheets were often removed from Locos during summer months, if you decide not to add it, there's your excuse
  11. i recall there is a class C1 atlantic built by Guy Williams for just such a train
  12. it is authentic. Following the Wembley exhibition, the exchange trials between the GWR and LNER took place. Before the trials, 4474, then un-named worked an ordinary passenger train to Swindon. The train consisted of 4 gwr carriages and 2 syphons.
  13. I've heard it suggested that DC controllers that have feedback can fry chips in DCC locos running analogue. Im told this is due to the controller sensing back EMF and when a short occurs the immediate surge is enough to fry a chip. I cant collaborate this but hope the suggestion may prompt a response from the DCC users.
  14. totally agree. Everytime i visit i find new things to admire. Whether it is rolling stock, new developments in the vale or noticing views or details i hadnt seen before. There is always something to inspire.
  15. i have to disagree with your suggestion that all the trains are almost identical. The variety of stock, all making up prototypically accurate formations makes each train unique. No out of the box uniform rakes to be seen.
  16. defeats the whole object of Pendon and im certain its not what Guy nor the otjer loco builders would want. Same would then have to apply to the stock and indeed the track. What is needed are people to do that kind of maintenance. The Pendon models are extremely well built and with repair and maintainance can last indefinitely. Certainly longer than modern rtr ever will.
  17. Guy always said his locos would require rebuilding during their lifetime which by replacing things like motors, wheels motors etc can indeed last forever. The issue it seems is that Pendon no longer attracts the skilled modellers to undertake such tasks. Guys locos were indeed built to last. I recall him stating that when the barnum 3222 had a rebuild and motor replacement, his records showed it to have travelled further than the distance between Paddington and Bristol. That is real miles. Not scale.
  18. there really is no need nor justification to use childish insults to put down one of the finest modellers ever. Especially since he is no longer able to respond. Though i suspect, having known Guy he would simply shrug and treat it with the contempt it deserves.
  19. Grantham and Shap are wonderful models, but better than the superb craftmanship of Pendon? You must be on some serious medication pal
  20. i totally agree. I was lucky enough to have met Roye several times on visits and also got to know Guy. I visited The master (Guy) on a number of occasions at his home in Keysham,in the 90s and was made very welcome by him and his wife Barbara. Contary to Clives earlier post, i was rather suprised by how basic his workshop was. Aside from the unimat, most of his tools would be found in any modellers armoury. He did add a few 'luxuries' later, but over a hundred exquisite scratchbuilt locos were created in a spare bedroom on a converted dressing table using the most basic of tools. A lovely, talented man.
  21. it worked well enough for Pendon for over 50 years. It IS sad that now it seems people with the necessary skills cant or won't make the commitment.
  22. "someone rich enough to build a museum"? Don't know which history books you read. Pendon exists because many many people have given their time, skills and money to create it.
  23. a lack of skilled modellers is just that. Of course those people exist, but apparently not at Pendon, which is sad.
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