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Everything posted by Denbridge

  1. gloss is better for applying lining and lettering Then seal with your desired varnish.
  2. YOU are the one throwing false accusations about!
  3. All i can really say is that they have reclaimed a complete mess.I dont think they would consider what you suggest until they have sorted everything out. Little point in taking orders or anything until theyve reached the point of knowing things CAN be released. Im currently working on some instructions which will hopefully help with progress
  4. And NOTE, I have posted about cooper craft. I know probably more than moat on hear though confidential information has to remain that way.The fact remains that because of whats happened you will be unlikely to see any of the plastic kirk, mailcoach or kirk kits. At least while he has them.
  5. i take great exception to your accusations of having a motive. Im just one of many that have been ripped off by Dunn. And just because YOU have no interest in Slaters clearly many do. Im as brassed off as everyone about the whole mrss. But constantly bleating about the same thing over and over will change nothing. If you accuse me again you will find yourself reported.
  6. Well since it left topic long ago, that wouldnt be a bad thing
  7. To put another slant on this, ive had a small part time business supplying parts, etchings etc for around 17 years ( not railway) I used to have a website and did a fair amount of advertising. Quite franklt it was a pain in the backside I spent more time dealing with enquiries ( more often than not ridiculous purile ones) than i did actually dealing with business and orders. I shut the lot down. Now i have a client base that keep me busy enough and i dont have to deal with time wasters. So, the internet can be a two edged sword.
  8. attitude problem or what? Who are you to dictate how someone should run their business? Those who choose not to have a website clearly dont feel they need one and are content with the business they have.
  9. S&D models do have a website though
  10. seen this before. Probably had a couple of friends bidding to create an interest. Dont be surprised to see a load of kits hit ebay in the near future because he thinks he'll make a killing. Put the word out that they are being re released.
  11. The Bulleids were regularly used on workings that did not require pacific power. Simply because so many were built with nowhere near enough work to justify motive power of that power.
  12. There probably ARE new models in development. At least Hornby generally make those announcements when development is well underway. Unlike Bachmann where 5 years or more is a regular event before announced models hit the shelves
  13. If nothing else, it allowed the Hornby 'knockers' their seasonal moments of fame lol
  14. me too. Said it would be 29 re-hashes and variations
  15. They'll change the announcement time just to keep people twitching
  16. would be a 're-issue or renamed.
  17. The Didcot table isnt GWR, it came out of Southampton docks.
  18. The rebuilt remembrance locos, N15x, used to work to Reading i seem to recall.
  19. A worrying aspect of the promises being made by cooper craft of resuming production, is that he is still advertising slaters kits. He no longer has the tools, etching artwork nor any rights to that range. I personally think he is making false statements in order to keep people he owes money too at bay.
  20. Damn. Think i may sell some of my stash
  21. Guess so. But there will be a lot of disappointed people if after all this, it is just a livery announcement. Lol
  22. So, unless todays Hornby clue is a red herring, its a peckett which everyone already knows about.
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