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Everything posted by TimberValleyRailway

  1. Love the title on this one. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/144022814662
  2. There's always this: https://www.hattons.co.uk/1213109/hornby_r2260_po04_steamlined_west_country_class_4_6_2_34070_manston_in_br_green_pre_owned_front_/stockdetail
  3. Interestingly since posting on here one of the above items has had it's price changed downwards....
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/314505400608? And I thought Hornby's prices were mad! EDIT: Price has since been lowered!
  5. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/134500159089? Ooh! If old tender chassis are worth this much I'll be loaded!
  6. Well this is... Odd. And what's odder? The fact I searched up Bird's custard! (In fact I searched up Bird's custard railwayana) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/114272261154
  7. Well the description is quite something! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/295117163629?
  8. I don't know, don't ask, but I do feel the need to ask whoever runs NR's website!
  9. Hi All, Does anyone know if Oak Road is scheduled to appear anywhere this year? Would love to go and see it again. Best wishes
  10. Hi All, Been a long time! No photos this time, but a bit of an update on whats been going on, in two words, not much. I've mostly been working on a new area of land between the tracks to the depot and the farmyard with the level crossing loosely based on Stokesay farm crossing in Shropshire. Hopefully photos next time. Best wishes
  11. Seems it's not just on eBay....
  12. Love this bit of the description
  13. And I thought Hornby's preorder wait times were crazy....
  14. No idea what model it is from, sorry. I might be able to get a different view but that looks unlikely since I saw it in a shop. Best wishes
  15. Hi all, Just seen this on an apple green LNER tender. It appears to be tender drive and the body was fixed in with a screw at one end. It also seemed to have a motor (not ringfield) at the far end. Looks to be Triang or Hornby (probably Hornby). Sorry I can't be of more help, but it's an apple green LNER tender drive ( or ex tender drive) loco from Hornby!
  16. Hi all, Hopefully this is in the right place. I model modern image Firstgroup GWR and am looking to include telegraph poles and electricity poles on my layout. Could it be possible please to offer me some advice on different BT telegraph pole heights and locations as well as heights of National Grid poles (the ones with three cables, not pylons) and how the arrangement of them? As you can tell I know nothing in this area so any advice is appreciated. Thank you and best wishes
  17. Hoovers are now sheds. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325538158022?hash=item4bcb9615c6:g:rD8AAOSwFCVj7mFY&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoC11SJpuJ2cCjP9f6fdwYMkSuJjLYGsm%2BNJfTTLJt5wZsUC5SUmMca%2FPULrTop%2BxPFaFnT2owOgjcoLWiU8%2BsWDN0BGMQI8xkNuOGUn3SY9j6EqmuGfOlPK6CLPzMW%2BwZG%2FdIxJ84VJiRVBEbGWUsVFJZRepgN6Uts9deDDN9I%2Fv8svGuPoJNXtY3SmDMbytgjrEotTlEnKMQH%2FYSduwgdU%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR76U1_TLYQ
  18. @Ncarter2 @WheatleyThanks for this folks. Appreciated! Best wishes
  19. Hi all, No idea if this is in the right place - if it isn't, mods, please let me know. I'm modelling a modern image TMD (GWR - Firstgroup) and am wondering how it is fenced off from the rest of the network. I've got Wills palisade fencing around the perimeter of the property but am unsure how it is seperated from the rest of the network - see hastily drawn diagram attached! Sorry if it's in the wrong place! Thanks and best wishes
  20. Just completed the survey. Will be interested to see the results. Best wishes all
  21. Not eBay but certainly madness! Never knew they were that old tbh.
  22. Naturally.... https://www.hattons.co.uk/1079994/creative_master_northcord_ltd_uk6016_po06_alexander_dennis_enviro400_hedingham_pre_owned_damaged_mirror_very_good/stockdetail?gclid=CjwKCAiA5Y6eBhAbEiwA_2ZWIRb0GyPRV54r3Ka44-zb9VpS3oA9oOBkp67in0wwBS0BKeyhInXtvRoCVDwQAvD_BwE https://www.hattons.co.uk/1003799/creative_master_northcord_ltd_uk6017_po03_alexanderdennis_enviro400_first_london_pre_owned_good_box/stockdetail?gclid=CjwKCAiA5Y6eBhAbEiwA_2ZWIfwQEvYmaNBwREWQv4c16sc-t6R19aNITeI67FDg2nMjobpYuUEp-xoCpv4QAvD_BwE
  23. And this Shows as £27.99 when you click through..... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325491859133?hash=item4bc8d39ebd:g:qWkAAOSwy-RjocXs&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAkIR7rWo%2B42P%2BDDUT7es%2Bw7424G97Jooh85Vn3RR2cQX93C256EQcXIdezxPhxUe5xLY7dyJdRjuNFLFemwi5yVgnRr5lZwYZwS2VcvMQqvM32uskaFQwWQqfYVQzLvCHROrn66ZUT1DJhRuOi45d3ngQ5hZyUbmHCgi78SECJEY0lIWY82VJJ%2Fx6O%2FcFEqCxWw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6z_h6eyYQ
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