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Everything posted by KeithMacdonald

  1. There ought to be a film of this : "Who Framed Ducking Giraffe?" Have you started negociating the film rights? Wanted: Actors with experience of working with trains. Here's a few we could put in the frame: Jim Broadbent (The Great Train Robbery) Amy Schumer (Trainwreck) Euan McGregor (Trainspotting) Burt Lancaster (The Train) John Wayne (The Train Robbers) Danny DeVito (Throw Momma From The Train) Emily Blunt (The Girl on the Train) Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean's Holiday) perhaps? And Bob Hoskins of course. Any more?
  2. Yes, lots of "Top Secret" places that all the locals knew were there. Like the Royal Ordnance Factory in Bridgwater. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROF_Bridgwater Incidently, there was a great civilian benefit from the ROF factory being there: i.e. the artificial rivers and drains were well maintained and regularly dredged to ensure the water kept flowing off the Somerset Levels. Sadly, after the factory closed and the responsibility for the waterways transferred to the Environment Agency, the latter organisation insisted on treating the waterways as "natural". They stopped dredging "to protect the wildlife habitat". Which did not help when the Somerset Levels flooded in November 2012 and again in Jan-Feb 2014. I'll play safe and not mention some other "Top Secret" places that are still active (but easily visible on Google Maps satellite view).
  3. Now showing as £1,100 with 39 minutes to go https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bachmann-35-990-London-Underground-4-Car-S-Stock-Ex-Condition-lighting-kit-inc/254444295093?hash=item3b3e0fd3b5:g:yasAAOSwJFVd6Vgt
  4. Thanks, it's a bit of a clue, even if nothing is named. We can see the same detail here: https://maps.nls.uk/view/189241965 Or here: https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=15&lat=51.0845&lon=-2.5504&layers=193&b=1 It looks like a storage site of some kind?
  5. I just spotted these sidings on Rail Map Online, close to the village of Alford in Somerset, west of Castle Cary. I tried RMWeb search, but the only Alford I can find mentioned is much further north. At first I wondered if they were for a quarry, like Cranmore. But Wikipaedia suggests something else. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alford,_Somerset Anyone got any ideas what it was for?
  6. Could there be some freight services that don't appear on the working timetable? Appearing at random times, as if by magic.
  7. Here's an even crazier airport/railway modelling idea : Stonehenge Railway Station and Stonehenge Airport. Stonehenge Light Railway http://www.sarsen.org/2013/03/the-stonehenge-railway.html Combined with Stonehenge "airport" https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/stonehenge/history-and-stories/first-world-war-aerodrome/
  8. Was that the one at Double Hedges in Bulford village? Was for the Amesbury & Bulford Camp Light Rly (LSWR). Still visible on Google Street View: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.1885451,-1.759487,3a,75y,43.93h,98.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soagZUTJogXG0LzvRSLTDlQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Not to be confused with the Stonehenge Railway http://www.sarsen.org/2013/03/the-stonehenge-railway.html
  9. I guess that must of been at the east end of the runway where it converges on the rail track? The two taxiways at Brize Norton get a mention in the "Level Crossing Stupidity" thread:
  10. I've just thought of an almost-aircraft option : Pegwell Bay Hoverport, with a branch of the line to Ramsgate. http://www.jameshovercraft.co.uk/hover/hoverports/pegwell_bay_hoverport.php http://www.jameshovercraft.co.uk/hover/srn4/srn4_pegwell_bay.php But the only model of the SR.N4 hovercraft I can find is 1:144 scale.
  11. What happened to the container shipping? Was it a lack of demand for express freight?
  12. Would these help? Narrowboats and Lock https://scalescenes.com/product/t018-narrowboats-and-lock/ Bachmann Scenecraft Derelict Cornish Engine House http://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/p/38803/44-058Z-Bachmann-Scenecraft-Derelict-Cornish-Engine-House?fbclid=IwAR0A9qYB_pDC4FESoUnUCLIMiM1V6iG_AHI00iNL2OXhvo5bpfftpv1vhog
  13. Yes, it's Tolverne. 95 years later, ships are still being layed-up there. Last time we sailed up the Fal (15 years ago), we stopped for a while at the tea shop landing stage. The tea shop (still open then) was full of pictures of the D-Day preparations (US landing craft etc). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tolverne Five or so years ago, we also saw some oil or gas rigs layed-up in the Carrick Roads. But "Anyone interested in oil rigs" should perhaps be a seperate topic? You can see some layed-up ships at Tolverne from Google Street View: https://www.google.com/maps/@50.2223821,-5.0224894,3a,75y,351.99h,85.56t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sJGobz3I4dWQfcCh0XvN5PA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DJGobz3I4dWQfcCh0XvN5PA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D352.89697%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656
  14. Err, do you know how that works? The same bidder now appears to be bidding £320 several times. confused.com
  15. Yes, perhaps eBay has got a bidding-bot detector? But the remaining bits still looks strange - it looks like the same account has bidded the same amount eight times?
  16. CPC Farnell https://cpc.farnell.com/camdenboss/ctbs431-12m-f/12-way-block-plug-in/dp/CN00143?st=Terminal Strip 12 Way Pluggable c.£3 each instead of Amazon £13 Does that help?
  17. According to Fife Today https://www.fifetoday.co.uk/news/traffic-and-travel/work-progressing-on-levenmouth-rail-link-reopening-1-5061168 Good news perhaps for the Fife Heritage Railway in Leven, if it is besides the new line? https://www.fifeheritagerailway.co.uk/
  18. Yes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAF_Pengam_Moors
  19. Here's a link to the large one (with pics): https://www.lidl.co.uk/en/p/great-gifts/livarno-living-collector-s-display-cabinet/p28106 With safety glass doors and scratch-resistant melamine resin coating 10 height-adjustable glass shelves Size (without feet): H110 x W68 x D20cm 3-year warranty
  20. Ah, could this be the reason for the madness? These were sold exclusive at the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden. https://www.ltmuseumshop.co.uk/models/Bachmann#show=5
  21. Pengam Moors Airport https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAF_Pengam_Moors Terry Wogan (Lord of Splott) would have been proud. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/city-honour-sir-terry-wogan-2064786
  22. Alternatively, as an excuse for an even smaller mining scene, you could try any of the very many iron and non-ferrous mines. Lots to choose from in the Peak District or Devon & Cornwall? https://www.nmrs.org.uk/mines-map/iron-mining-in-the-british-isles/iron-mines-of-the-british-isles/ https://www.nmrs.org.uk/mines-map/metal/non-ferrous-mines-of-the-british-isles/non-ferrous-mines-england-2d-mapping/
  23. if you want to find a smaller or unusual coal mine, you could try the interactive map here: https://www.nmrs.org.uk/mines-map/coal-mining-in-the-british-isles/ Even more on this version, but harder to use? https://www.nmrs.org.uk/mines-map/coal-mining-in-the-british-isles/collieries-of-the-british-isles/coal-mines-england/ That's how I found the coal mine in Bideford, Devon. Before that, I never even knew there were coal mines in Devon.
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