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Everything posted by KeithMacdonald

  1. Would I be right in thinking the Army Khaki coloured one is delivering essential supplies to the Officers Mess? The Army Green one must be for the Other Ranks?
  2. Lovely! The jolly jacks were from HMS Carisbrooke Castle (K379), a Royal Navy Castle-class corvette. I'm looking forward to HMS Troutbridge's crew doing a run ashore.
  3. Poor old Pacer. The wheels have fallen off and nobody wanted it. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-R867-Class-142-pacer-Provincial-Services-Single-car-body-seating-only-/113942810962?hash=item1a87855152%3Ag%3A7rEAAOSwGiFcvc7c&autorefresh=true&nma=true&si=B3cnquTW1OJrUsfxDvHdIFVG%2F6M%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  4. It's surprising what did bounce up the valleys, but some didn't bounce down again. No I'm not talking about buxom Welsh lasses. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/elan-valleys-role-famous-dambusters-14886247
  5. Excuse my total ignorance, but what's special about a D2406? https://www.wizardmodels.ltd/shop/carriage/sr-bulleid-d2406-64ft6in-corridor-brake-composite-shallow-window-vents-s7k/
  6. Eeee - you get all the luck, round our way it's just bicycles and supermarket trolleys.
  7. Perhaps you are not taking it literally enough. Do you have an unusual understanding of what "before" means? For example: "The years before 2021 are : 2020, 2019, 2018..."
  8. I'm glad you've said that - it had crossed my mind too, but I wasn't brave enough to mention it. Cheers!
  9. it might just be 50p to you laddie, but for that thrifty and frugal farmer that was ten whole shillings . (even if he was downright dangerous)
  10. Marvellous! https://www.plugsocketmuseum.nl/OldBritish1.html Oooh - "special purposes"!
  11. ^ I've still got some of the round-pin plugs and sockets my Dad salvaged & saved when our house was rewired in the 1950s. Hmmm, should I be selling these on eBay as "collectors items"?
  12. I thought it was common knowledge (but I may be wrong) that the reason the Didcot-Oxford electrification has been "deferred" by Network Rail is because they cocked it up? The planned improvements included altering several listed buildings, and nobody has got permission to alter them. But that might be an urban myth already.
  13. It seems that some crucial TFL projects are being delayed by an unlikely reason - interference from HMRC. They are trying to enforce the IR35 tax rules on contractors who run their own businesses. I'm told it especially applies to IT contractors, and some have quit because of it. But as all the projects involve IT for signalling and communications, it has a knock-on effect. https://www.contractoruk.com/news/0013219tfl_blames_ir35_changes_project_delay.html
  14. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished item at the annual Air Display at South Hams Airport (a.k.a. RAF Bold Head) https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/50.2174/-3.8127 https://wiki2.org/en/RAF_Bolt_Head+Newton
  15. Smoke fluid refills https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SEUTHE-SMOKE-FLUID-SUITABLE-FOR-Hornby-TRIANG-smoke-units-10ml-with-Pipette/262470149422?hash=item3d1c70a52e:g:Ni8AAOSw~y9ZCavx Is this also suitable for refilling the smoke in vintage Lucas car wiring harnesses?
  16. Is it a Supermarine Seafire? As in, the Navy's version of the Spitfire. As flown onto carriers for the first time by the likes of the marvellous Eric "Winkle" Brown (truly a British hero) (And then landing a Mosquito on a carrier)
  17. I count myself lucky, the real thing goes past my office window. Every time it does it brings a tear to my eye. Not for the loco, but for whom it was named. The retail price of the Locomotion ‘Harry Patch’ Train pack was £220. Previous RMWeb topic:
  18. I tried that in Firefox, Opera and Chrome and all three got "Search Error - an error has occured"
  19. Phew! That's a relief. Is there a way to view Old Maps without paying a monthly subscription.
  20. Perhaps the project has put on a bit of weight and it's now on the extra-extra-large size? Ferne Park from just north of Harringey Station to the engine depot. About 70 feet long by 24 feet wide, and a few pallet-loads of track.
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